Torrent client for LE 10.0

  • I am using QBittorrent from the Thoradia Add-On Repository for my LE 9.2.

    An update would be nice to have ( 4k on the RPi 4 ) but Thoradia is not developing new add-ons.

    Are there other Repos ?


  • If i install docker i will get Qbittorrent?

    This ssh command will install docker transmission:

    it works very well and the CPU consumption is lower when idle than in the case of docker qbittorrent.

    The configuration web is at http://<device-ip>:9091 (user: transmission, password: libreelec).

  • great news.

    I was trying and install the Docker add on.

    in this addon repo are not all programms from the fleet site.

    When i connect the RBi with the ssh and I copy paste the code I only get the message: -sh: docker: not found

    I was hoping it is so easy,... but...

    Thanks for the help

    edit: I reinstalled it and now I get to the docker.

    whats the code for Qbittorrent?

    Edited once, last by patrik (September 22, 2021 at 8:37 PM).

  • Hi elonesna ,

    Your solution works great, but how do you set Transmission download path to an external drive? (in your command, I tried to change the "-v /storage/.config/dockers/transmission/downloads" to my path, but it doesn't seem to work)



    Edited once, last by Joe984 (September 27, 2021 at 9:06 PM).

  • Hi elonesna ,

    Your solution works great, but how do you set Transmission download path to an external drive? (in your command, I tried to change the "-v /storage/.config/dockers/transmission/downloads" to my path, but it doesn't seem to work)



    Same here. It downloads, but it never goes to the path.

  • Ok, I got it working. You need to:

    1. change the "-v /storage/.config/dockers/transmission/downloads" line to your external path

    (for example: -v /media/MYDRIVE/MyDownloads:/downloads \)


    2. in the web UI, set the "Download to:" field to /downloads

  • Ok, I got it working. You need to:

    1. change the "-v /storage/.config/dockers/transmission/downloads" line to your external path

    (for example: -v /media/MYDRIVE/MyDownloads:/downloads \)


    2. in the web UI, set the "Download to:" field to /downloads

    You are my HERO!

    The only thing I had to do was to change the "download to:"

  • hello, I followed the installation, I am accessing transmission, but when I try to start a download, it cannot find the path I specified in the docker AND in the interface. This tells me: unknown free space ... I checked the access rights they are good.

    you have an idea ?

    docker run -d \

    --name=transmission \

    -e PUID=0 \

    -e PGID=0 \

    -e TZ=Europe/Paris \

    -e USER=***** \

    -e PASS=***** \

    -p 9091:9091 \

    -p 51413:51413 \

    -p 51413:51413/udp \

    -v /var/media/Films/Films/config:/config \

    -v /var/media/Films/Films:/downloads \

    -v /var/media/Films/Films/watch:/watch \

    --restart unless-stopped \

  • This ssh command will install docker transmission:

    it works very well and the CPU consumption is lower when idle than in the case of docker qbittorrent.

    The configuration web is at http://<device-ip>:9091 (user: transmission, password: libreelec).

    Thank you for these instructions. It works perfectly. Just two questions: 1) are the ports assignments necessary when you set the --net argument to "host" (just trying to understand docker :)), 2) will the container be updated with the latest image automatically?

    Kind regards


    Edited once, last by Marcin: EDIT I have a similar problem to @Tristreeple. Once download is started in web ui, it tells me there's no space left on the device, although plenty of space available. (October 17, 2021 at 1:39 AM).

  • Hi guys, I followed this steps and install transmission too.

    But seems to be very high load at CPU, between 4.0~5.0 of load qhen downloading a torrent file, and Kodi goes too slow.

    I´'m using 64Gb pendrive to write the files.

    Rpi4 is connect with wifi.

    I don´'t have heatsink, and CPU is around 65°C, don't know if it´'s because the temperature.

    When I pause the torrent download the load goes down and Kodi work´'s fine.

    Anyone has some ideia about it?


  • Hi guys, I followed this steps and install transmission too.

    But seems to be very high load at CPU, between 4.0~5.0 of load qhen downloading a torrent file, and Kodi goes too slow.

    I'm not surprised by what you say. Torrent downloads require a lot of CPU and storage resources for small ARM devices, and also keep in mind that a small flash memory is always very slow.

    These problems can be solved by running torrent downloads on a higher powered server, for example an x86_64 device with a mechanical hard drive or SSD.

  • I'm not surprised by what you say. Torrent downloads require a lot of CPU and storage resources for small ARM devices, and also keep in mind that a small flash memory is always very slow.

    These problems can be solved by running torrent downloads on a higher powered server, for example an x86_64 device with a mechanical hard drive or SSD.

    Ok, mayber it´'s better to download ao meu desktop and just transfer to the rpi4.

    Any sugestion on how to do the transfer? scp ssh maybe.

  • Ok, mayber it´'s better to download ao meu desktop and just transfer to the rpi4.

    Any sugestion on how to do the transfer? scp ssh maybe.

    There are many ways to transfer files between devices, use the one you see easiest. Examples:

    • Having a network storage device to which the PC and RPi will be connected, a simple way to do this is to connect a disk (or even a high capacity flash memory) to the USB port of our router and enable the FTP protocol. From the PC we upload the files to the router's disk, and from RPi we download the files from the router's disk.
    • Another way to transfer files to RPi is to connect a USB disk or flash memory to RPi, share it using SAMBA and upload the files from the PC.
    • ... others.

    Edited once, last by elonesna (November 17, 2021 at 8:14 PM).

  • Saw this post, sorry I very noob come to linux and stuff.

    Is there any step by step guide how to install the qBittorrent to KODI libreelec ver 10.1?

    I think I messed up on the docker external media part, first was ok and browse the "transmission" GUI webpage.
    Then I removed the container, after that not sure I did it now I see this message above.

    Edited 2 times, last by xarsage (November 23, 2021 at 4:16 PM).