Transmission with Docker

  • Hello my transmission with Docker does not work anymore after the update took the last version of LibreELEC.

    This is the error message :
    Unit service.system.docker.service not found

    Sent from my SM-A510F using Tapatalk

    It is a known issue. lrusak has already submitted a patch for the Docker addon. Please, see:

  • Hello my transmission with Docker does not work anymore after the update took the last version of LibreELEC.

    This is the error message :
    Unit service.system.docker.service not found

    Sent from my SM-A510F using Tapatalk

    I'm getting the same error on kszaq's latest 8.0.0c on amlogic s905x!?
    Followed these instructions:
    cd /storage
    systemctl enable /storage/Dockerfiles-master/arm/transmission/transmission.service
    systemctl start transmission.service

    Edited once, last by punter (February 25, 2017 at 5:23 PM).

  • OK this is working now BUT running transmission on a linux desktop I can get over 5mb/s downloads whereas on the S905X box I only get 1/10 of that speed at best! Any ideas?

  • Hi all, I moved my transmission Docker to a new rpi3 with the new version of LibreELEC and now I have a storage issue...

    Since I use the same configuration files that for my legacy rpi2... And same usb storage for all incomplete / complete files.... There's no sense...

    Any idea?

    Sent from my SM-A510F using Tapatalk

  • Well, don't really know what is easy for you guys, but I did not managed to setup Transmission with Docker

    I ve installed Docker add on

    I ve installed repository

    and next??

    any newbie how-to??

    thank you

  • This is an alternative to Docker

  • Something really strange....

    After each reboot, I have to do

    servicectl restart transmission

    If I don't restart the service, the docker just want to use the Sd card as storage...

  • I read through this thread a finally came up with the following setup.

    Note that I am using a generic transmission docker image linuxserver/transmission and not something libreELEC specific.

    The folder /storage/misc/transmission/config should contain settings.json file with transmission configuration.

    In this file I added the port 31777. Note that an rpc password or a non-trivial whitelist must be set. Otherwise we would fail connecting to the server.

    Edited once, last by yurac777 (October 21, 2020 at 2:38 PM).

  • Hello

    I have readed all this topic but nothing helps me... Transmission is working fine by the docker but i cant change dir for downloads and incomplete. I've changed dir by editing settings.json - not working, also i paste this:

    by SHH - not working. Can anyone help me? dir to my HDD:


  • The download directory and the incomplete directory are the same and are in the root directory of your external disk. Do you want this?

    If you want to be able to move the download directories to any site on your device from within the docker application you need to add the following parameters

    -v /storage:/storage \
    -v /media:/media \

    this will create two new directories within the docker app that will link to your LE device

    Edited 2 times, last by elonesna (September 23, 2021 at 9:27 PM).