Transmission with Docker

  • Unfortunately still not working. I've tried everything from this topic. The only thing i get is that transmission download files to my SD card where is libreelec system, not for external HDD. Now SD card is full, i cant even downlad pluggins and cant find the files.

  • Sorry, if you are using an addon to install docker transmission, I don't use this and I can't help you. I have many docker services installed and they have all been installed from the SSH command console, and for this I have needed to study the installation parameters of each one of them, and above all, I always install the docker portainer service to manage the other containers to verify they are running finely, check the storage locations, and do checks within each container.

    The most surprising thing about your case is that it seems that you cannot find the files related to your addon transmission. My recommendation is that you spend a little time studying docker and also install the docker portainer service to see what happens to your docker transmission service.

    Edited once, last by elonesna (September 26, 2021 at 1:43 PM).

  • Unfortunately still not working. I've tried everything from this topic. The only thing i get is that transmission download files to my SD card where is libreelec system, not for external HDD. Now SD card is full, i cant even downlad pluggins and cant find the files.

    Same here, different: I could not found it on my SD. The transmission ( or deluge ) told me that it's on my external HDD but, there is nothing.

    Joe984 hepled me:

    Ok, I got it working. You need to:

    1. change the "-v /storage/.config/dockers/transmission/downloads" line to your external path

    (for example: -v /media/MYDRIVE/MyDownloads:/downloads \)


    2. in the web UI, set the "Download to:" field to /downloads

    Works also for me.

    Edited 2 times, last by patrik: solution (October 3, 2021 at 7:37 PM).