YoutubeTV addon

  • it's working now, great!

    hovewer there are some problems,

    some remote control buttons are not working as expected, volume controls are ignored, back button ignored when you're on main screen, also there's no way to close addon... don't know if possible to map RC buttons to add-on, keymap editor addon from kodi doesn't help here

    As you know Libreelec is an Small os for Kodi. Remote configuration only works with kodi. If we close kodi and run any program like Chrome, remote controller may don't work. You can play lirc / irw to reconfigure keyboard for work globally. I have nothing to do with your remote. You can use cheap wireless mouse / keypad like

  • My brothers, could someone please inform where is located browser google chrome? It seems to me that it just disappeared from the official repositories of the Libreelectv. Thank-you:(

    try this way Install from repository / Libreelec Add-ons / Program Add-ons / Chrome

    Make sure you are on latest version. Older versions has no chrome but chromium. My Add-on not for chromium (yet!)

  • chrome is just at the "Generic" images (Intel/AMD)

    it requires X11 that is not present at ARM

    I remember chromium in ARM repo correct me if I'm wrong. I can make another shell script for chromium but I have no ARM device to test it. I don't know how to emulate it maybe with Qemu but I need more info and time.

    Edited once, last by Knoxwille: I guess it was raspbian :( I learned currently no way to run any browser on LE because of no window manager. (September 1, 2020 at 12:45 PM).

  • I remember chromium in ARM repo correct me if I'm wrong. I can make another shell script for chromium but I have no ARM device to test it. I don't know how to emulate it maybe with Qemu but I need more info and time.

    They removed what I had previously posted, but that’s okay, the point is that neither Chrome nor Chromium appear in the official libreelec repositories, thank you.

  • As you know Libreelec is an Small os for Kodi. Remote configuration only works with kodi. If we close kodi and run any program like Chrome, remote controller may don't work. You can play lirc / irw to reconfigure keyboard for work globally. I have nothing to do with your remote. You can use cheap wireless mouse / keypad like

    I have several usb remote controls, and have the same problems with all of them. This is one of RC i'm using 1150107397_w437_h473_pult-mx3-air.jpg

    I'm not fmiliar with linux, lirc is for infrared RC i guess? pls let me know if there's a simple way to configure usb RC

  • I have several usb remote controls, and have the same problems with all of them. This is one of RC i'm using 1150107397_w437_h473_pult-mx3-air.jpg

    I'm not fmiliar with linux, lirc is for infrared RC i guess? pls let me know if there's a simple way to configure usb RC

    Pleas read carefully wiki here Infrared Remotes []

    I think you must build your config file from zero.

    At wiki page step by step guide exist.

    If your device is amlogic based there is a library Here

  • Hi

    Thanks for the update it works know

    The problem i have now is the Arabic words shows as boxs

    Run Chrome with chrome launcher. Visit this page for language settings chrome://settings/languages

    Add your language to the supporting languages list now restart chrome to test. If it looks good launch youtubetv add-on

    It doesn't work. I guess Chrome using system fonts and I have no idea how to install arabic fonts to LE !

    Edited once, last by Knoxwille: Offered solution was wrong. (September 7, 2020 at 10:47 AM).

  • Thanks for the addon. I have LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2.6 installed. Chrome is launched with the YouTubeTV interface. Everything is very beautiful. The only thing is, I can't get the sound. I will follow your project further. I wish you success.

  • First of all, a huge thanks for developing and sharing this, it will be of real use to me in my setup where my tv does not work with youtube tv addon any more.

    I have tested the addon and found the following:

    - fresh install of addon, I ticked Use custom Chrome path and left the path as default, also ticked use own user profile.

    - Youtube TV launches and works great in terms of navigation, was even able to log in to my account.

    - 1 issue is that the sound doesn't seem to work the way it is set in my profile. In your youtube tv addon, chrome is playing sound from my computer speaker, whereas in the Chrome libreelec addon, I have a custom audio device tag "plughw:0,3" which forces sound to my hdmi, and I can confirm that works by playing vids directly in chrome. Could it be that the chrome settings are not being picked up by your addon, even though I have ticked to use my profile?

    - second issue is exiting the addon - pressing escape takes one to the leave youtube dialog, but pressing ok takes you back to youtube home screen instead of back into kodi. The only way I can seem to exit the addon is to use alt+f4. Is that something that can be fixed?

    Once again huge thanks for your work, this is really promising and much appreciated!