Nightly images for A64, H3, H5, H6 and R40 boards

  • FYI, thermal driver PR was merged yesterday. Kodi should show now CPU temperature. Also on the SoC which have GPU temperature sensor (A64, H6), gputemp command will show GPU temperature. On H3, gputemp show same temperature as cputemp.

    Just checked temperature on my x2:

    While watching zattoo it raised via 56 to 58°C

    Uptime 1h 38

  • when using plugin.program.iagl (zach-morris/plugin.program.iagl Internet Archive Game Launcher)

    it will crash because missing stuff, it has installed all deps but still not work.

    reason why i upgraded from 18.2beta to latest was non working game controller, now that works however IAGL stopped work. I have opi pc on my van, i wanted games work so when we have party there, we can play games! :)

    It is easy to reproduce the error, install latest and install plugin and start it or configure.

    Device where i tested OPI PC.

    here is logfile when i go configuration wizard:

    And here is log when start addon:

  • jernej This might be the wrong place to ask (if so, sorry), but is there a way to build Kodi (or copy it form one of your LibreELEC images) so it can run on a OpiPC with Armbian running a mainline 5.3? Better yet, would it even run under X?

  • besit changes are already merged and fix will be available in next nightly image.

    Just tried nightly build from 26 of December. Imon works pretty nice.

    But the system again lost an ability to reboot. When you try to restart the board, it shuts down all the lights except those on ethernet port and hangs. It's very annoying issue. If it can be fixed - I will consider it like a New Year present.

    And one more issue - I'm not sure, I have to ask here, but...

    Acestream engine plugin worked perfectly with leia based system, like nightly build from 12.10.

    On matrix based system it shows an warning like unable to set cache disk because default /storage is not on the system. Maybe someone will give an advice how to fix it?

    Edited once, last by besit (December 29, 2019 at 9:29 AM).

  • I didn't test on H603 because I don't have any such board, but my understanding is that it's more or less same as H6, just lower maximum frequency and no Gigabit ethernet support. I highly doubt they change anything in the HDMI controller itself. It's more likely that CEC source clock is not set correctly. You are sure that you have CEC enabled on your TV? On every TV I used I had to enable CEC first...

  • Its true SoC still NA on all opi device?

    Opi plus 2e status SoC NA


    Some one know dvb-t modul/device/something that support on opi and libreelec? Or maybe give me suggestions addon tv to playing local tv in kodi with/without dvb


  • I have this device: KOHOTECH KP100 MB V3.0 -

    Somebody knows if there is a dts for it.

    I have it already a long time. It runs android 4.4 but it is rather a terrible experience, so last yaer I teared it open to see it had a allwinner A20 processor and hoped I could ever run libreelec on it to make it usefull again.

    I found on the sunxi wiki somebody already teared it open, but the page is rather bare. Maybe somebody already made a dts for it.

    There is already a fex on the sunxi github: sunxi-boards/kp100_mb_v3.0.fex at master · linux-sunxi/sunxi-boards · GitHub