yes the srt subtitle is fixed .... and smb does work for me you have to change settings in the service then network ... set min to smb_V1 and max to smb_v3

[] LibreELEC Kodi Krypton - S905 & S912 devices
wrxtasy -
April 24, 2018 at 3:16 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Srts as well as SMB have been working fine for me, without any tweaking. SMB is set to v2 min, v3 max (default)
TEST RELEASE S905 / S905D / S905X / S905W:
The following folder contains a v8.2.4.2-Test2.rar S905 test release.
alternate source...
Kodi-Krypton-AMLogic (Google Drive)
This ODROID C2 version (32 bit) is update compatible with kszaq LE versions:
The ARM 32bit C2 version above is NOT compatible with aarch64 - 64bit official LE C2 versions, but you can change to 32bit by SSH logging in and issuing this command before a .tar update:
touch /storage/.update/.nocompat
Requirements if upgrading from a kszaq version:
If something does not quite work, also copy a relevant .dtb file into the Update Folder when doing a .tar update (no need to rename)
There are extra Kodi options found in: (read the explanations at bottom of Kodi settings screen)
Settings > System > AMLogic
Settings > Player > Videos > Disable Auto Resolution ...
S905W devices are limited to 4K @ Max 30Hz.
S905W devices also require (for OTA TV viewing) - Deinterlaced (picture) Post Processing to be Disabled in Kodi > System > AMLogic settings
Hey Wrxtasy.
Just wanted to ask if the CoreElec builds contain all your fixes for S912 devices, since I own a Minix U9.
The reason Id like to install CoreElec is for auto update to the newest CoreElec version (assuming it is implemented there).
Thanks for your builds anyways.
- Mr.Brown
AFAIK, CE.8.90.3 uses new kernel and has all latest fixes for S912. It does not have the option to overclock GPU from Kodi menu, but you can overclock it with, just as well. It also has functional auto update...
If you plan to install CE.8.90.3 version, I suggest you do a fresh install due to many changes and fixes.
Thanks wrxtasy you fullfill your promise for build s905x thanks once again.
Thanks for your great build, no stuttering in s905x. Minimum subtitles stuttering is dispeared (first line stuttering). Thanks for your great build. All format plays flawlessly (720p, 1080p, 4K etc). One issue I observe that how to disable noise reduction. There is no option available in setting to disable noise reduction because noise reduction set on as default.
TEST RELEASE S905 / S905D / S905X / S905W:
The following folder contains a v8.2.4.2 S905 test release until i can do a "Clean" compile overnight:
A special ODROID C2 version (64bit compatible with Official LE) is found:
Requirements if upgrading from a kszaq version:
a) if something does not quite work, also copy a relevant .dtb file into the Update Folder when doing a .tar update (no need to rename)
b) SSH in and issue:
There are extra Kodi options found in: (read the explanations at bottom of Kodi settings screen)
Settings > System > AMLogic
Settings > Player > Videos > Disable Auto Resolution ...
S905W devices are limited to 4K @ Max 30Hz and can only clock the GPU to 666 MHz
S905W devices also require (for OTA TV viewing) - Deinterlaced (picture) Post Processing to be Disabled in AMLogic settings
HI wrxtasy wetekdvb not work i have wetek play2
i test this but not tuner found in tvh
Display Spoiler
no problem here with Me
just downloaded right now
HI wrxtasy wetekdvb not work i have wetek play2
i test this but not tuner found in tvhThx.
Doh !
Thats what happens when you do a "dirty" build - I forgot the wetekdvb driver.
Fixing now with a clean S905 build.
The kernel that you use is based on the one of coreelec or kzasq?
Is there any SSH command to check temperatures ?
I have been testing the S905/S905x devel build and must say I'm very impressed.
Ever since the early days of 8.x kszaq builds, I always had slight, infrequent, but sometimes noticeable stutter on 720p/25p content only. I always used the settings of turning "adjust refresh rate" off and "sync playback to display" on. I'm in the UK, and all our TV series are 25p. I find with this setting I have very smooth playback of 23.976p, 24p and 25p content. I'm quite happy with stereo sound (don't care about passthru audio) from the TV so this setup works really well. Don't have AVR system etc.
Anyway, so far I have not seen any stutter at all (this is not subtitle stutter, but general video stutter I'm referring to). I've tried a few episodes of 25p UK TV and some 23.976p US TV and movies. So far, the picture is very smooth.
I have noticed that memory consumption is higher compared to kszaq's builds. It appears that video/audio is cached a lot more and I'm guessing this causes the memory usage to increase (so far to a max of 32% - I have 2GB ram box). It's not a problem, just an observation - maybe this helps with playback smoothness??
Once again, congrats on a super smooth build!!
Great great build (S905X) in every aspect, I m very impressed.
Display Spoiler
no problem here with Me
just downloaded right now
I can not open the file exchange
my internet block it if you can transfer it to another storage
Yandex, Google, etc.
Is there any SSH command to check temperatures ?
or if you want to check it every 30 seconds
watch -n 30 cputemp
HI wrxtasy wetekdvb not work i have wetek play2
i test this but not tuner found in tvh
Try the v8.2.4.2-Test2-wetekdvb.rar release found in the Mega Folder or mirrored here:
Kodi-Krypton-AMLogic (Google Drive)Also S905X & S905W can now GPU Overclock to 792MHz (a new device tree may be needed). I have not seen any issues.
Makes for a speedier GUI.
I swear AMLogic are purposely constraining lower spec devices GPU clocks simply for marketing purposes.
For those updating from the previous v8.2.4.2-Test you will have to do this again (for the last time):