[] LibreELEC Kodi Krypton - S905 & S912 devices

  • Question: Does this latest 4:4:4 build *force* 4:4:4? Or will it read the supported modes via the EDID and choose appropriately or something? My set doesn't *really* support 4:4:4, and while I know it will be converted somewhere, I'd rather skip that and just output 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 that I know it can handle natively without any additional processing. I know I can `echo '422,10bit' > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/attr` to force it, but I'm not sure it's necessary?

  • 4K/HDR works fine for me with that image. U9-H. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "passthrough", but 444-1000nits is working as perfectly for me as 8.2.5 422 10-bit was working before it.

    Edit: Typo

    Thanks for the response. Maybe I misused the term, with the update I no longer get any 4k video to my TV. My setup is HDMI out of the box into a Yamaha YSP-2700 soundbar which supports 4k video passthrough to my TV. With 8.2.5 422 10-bit, 4k HDR played just fine, audio decoded as it should and video passed through to my TV in the correct format. After updating to, when I tried to play a 4k file my TV would just tell me there was no source but the audio would still decode and play fine from the soundbar.

    Curious to know if the the update made any difference for you in regards to the brightness of your 4k HDR rips?

  • Thanks for the response. Maybe I misused the term, with the update I no longer get any 4k video to my TV. My setup is HDMI out of the box into a Yamaha YSP-2700 soundbar which supports 4k video passthrough to my TV. With 8.2.5 422 10-bit, 4k HDR played just fine, audio decoded as it should and video passed through to my TV in the correct format. After updating to, when I tried to play a 4k file my TV would just tell me there was no source but the audio would still decode and play fine from the soundbar.

    Curious to know if the the update made any difference for you in regards to the brightness of your 4k HDR rips?

    Try a 1 M to 2 F hdmi splitter.

  • Ok soooo - i have X96 box (s905x).

    Libreelec instaled on sdcard - not on internal memory.

    Now i buy second device (Same model).

    If I pull the card from the first device, if I put it in the second one - I will run it from the memory card (it's exactly the same model) will it all work? My library, settings, etc.?

  • Curious to know if the the update made any difference for you in regards to the brightness of your 4k HDR rips?

    I'm afraid I can't speak to your lack of video, that is an odd one.

    As for the brightness, I expected to see a huge difference, but it actually didn't look very different at all to me. Now, with the upgrade procedure being more than simply flipping a switch, I didn't go back and forth to really check it out or anything - but I do believe I specifically watched one clip before the upgrade, and then the same one again after, and could not see a huge difference.

    I had no complaints before though, so I have none that I can't see a difference.

    Edited once, last by Hyacin (October 24, 2018 at 4:04 AM).

  • Thanks for the response. Maybe I misused the term, with the update I no longer get any 4k video to my TV. My setup is HDMI out of the box into a Yamaha YSP-2700 soundbar which supports 4k video passthrough to my TV. With 8.2.5 422 10-bit, 4k HDR played just fine, audio decoded as it should and video passed through to my TV in the correct format. After updating to, when I tried to play a 4k file my TV would just tell me there was no source but the audio would still decode and play fine from the soundbar.

    Curious to know if the the update made any difference for you in regards to the brightness of your 4k HDR rips?

    I have the same Yamaha Soundbar. It simply does not like 4K with a 4:4:4 Chroma setting.

    Use the 4:2:2 image.

    If specific HDR Rips are too dark, then you will have to wait till I get an Ubuntu 16.x Virtual compiler up and running again.

    I've upgraded to Ubuntu 18.x and it killed a LOT of previous trouble free LibreELEC 8.2.x compiling.

    or disable 444,10bit in Kodi AMLogic settings and Force 4:2:2 by putting this in autostart.sh

    echo '422,10bit' > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/attr

    1000nits will be the default in both cases for previously too dark looking 4K HDR Rips

  • Question on the new device trees that can be found here: where can I find or can someone confirm there is one that works for a Vorke Z6 Plus (S128, 3GB, 1000M)?

    I'm currently using the gxm_q200_3g.dtb found here from October 2017. I tried most of the gxm_q200 and gxm_q201 dtb's but none would boot. I found the post below by ganxiao2008 that may explain why, but couldn't find a response to that. BTW, I agree with putting the q200 dtb's in the gigabit folder. I had no idea those all have gigabit by default and was also looking in the wrong place.

    I'm trying to get the display working for which wrxtasy mentions here that you need to use the latest device trees.

  • Good to know thanks!

    I'm already back on the 8.2.5 422 10-bit image and everything is working as expected again. 4k HDR does look darker than 1080p, I'm not sure I have any non-HDR rips to test the difference. I'll just live with it for now :)

  • Just got a Vorke Z6 Plus in this week and works super! I especially got it in anticipation of the TV dying soon, but until I can play with 4K and HDR I'm focusing on audio.

    Passthrough works for almost everything including TrueHD and sounds great. But I can't get Atmos passed through. My receiver is a Denon x3400h.

    Since TrueHD works I figure Atmos should too.

    Can someone confirm it works for them? I'm running the latest: LibreELEC-S912.arm-

    It works for me now too! Hooked up 2 Atmos speakers so I guess the receiver didn't bother showing Atmos on the input signal when it couldn't use it. /shrug

  • Subtitles Fixing - we hope !

    I've got a S912 (at the moment) Subtitles Fix test folder up and running, it's likely it will fix the SMB External Subtitles crashing issue:


    Please test and report back any differences between the "test" and "test1" versions.

    After some testing all Subtitles are working on both versions.

    One Problem i noticed on a LG55C8 with Minix U9-h. LG Trailers like for example "LG Chess 4K Demo" give me a No Signal.

    Same Configuration on a LG65B6 is playing fine.

    The "LibreELEC-S912.arm-" Version on the C8 is working with the Demo Files.

  • It works for me now too! Hooked up 2 Atmos speakers so I guess the receiver didn't bother showing Atmos on the input signal when it couldn't use it. /shrug

    Yes, to display "Atmos" the receivers need :

    - a dolby Atmos track encoded in TrueHD (with objects)

    - a 5.1.2 speakers configuration

    With a 5.1 configuration the receiver will decode and display TrueHD.

    exemple of track with Dolby Atmos

  • I have a Tanix T92 which I setup about 6 months ago with the most recent build from this thread at the time.I flashed LE to the internal memory. Over time I have updated and was using the build most recently. I had no issues for months, then about a month ago my addons were having issues, basically no addons would work unless I rebooted the box multiple times and then at some point they would start working again. So first thing I tried was resetting all Kodi settings back to default which worked for a while, but then the issue came back. At this point I decided to just clean install to the internal flash but I hit a wall. I can not get the box to boot. I tried multiple USB sticks, multiple USB ports and a MicroSD. Originally when I setup the box I used the MicroSD slot and that worked without issues. What happens is it will get stuck on the S912 logo and not go further.

    I have run out of ideas at this point, so looking for some assistance. Thanks.

  • What happens is it will get stuck on the S912 logo and not go further.

    Did you change the device tree? I got stuck at the Vorke logo when I used a wrong device tree. The latest beta device tree for S912 3gb 1000Mps is wrong (see my post further up from 25 October).

  • edit: I had this one open for a while before posting so missed Whiskeys post above :|, but yeah seems the dtbs may be wrong?

    Hi all,

    Just a quick one, can I confirm that the dtb for a H96+ is gxm_q201_3g_1gbit from here?

    I wasn't able to get LE booting using that one but gxm_kvim2.dtb did (and seem to have GB speeds.)

    I used to use gxm_q201_3g.dtb from here but I'm sure I read somewhere that the dtbs have been changed for some reason but have lost the post?

    Want to make sure im not gonna mess anything up by using a different dtb (hands up i don't know a lot about them)

    Im just testing the H96 for now (Mecool s905 is primary) and have a few issues but want to make sure the basics are correct first before digging.
