feedback for test build LibreELEC-RK3328

  • Hi

    I got bluetooth to connect now.

    But when connecting to bluetooth to my phone and having audio routing enabled for the LibreELEC BT connection on the phone, when I play any video in LE, it would crash after a few seconds.

    Disabling bluetooth, then videos play fine again.

    Not sure if it's also a problem with bluetooth speakers or other devices.

    I can also provide logs if it's not reproducible.

    Hope it can be solved.

    Was ttyS0 also changed to ttyS2?


    Edited 2 times, last by mo123 (September 19, 2018 at 6:26 AM).

  • New MVR9 image with bluetooth support


    After writing the image

    Check the following file on your micro-sd card


    Just add 'bluetooth' to the end of the following string so it looks like

    APPEND boot=UUID=<uuid> disk=UUID=<uuid> quiet console=tty0 bluetooth

    Also need to turn bluetooth on in the LibreELEC Settings.

    The first time it also froze and I just reconnected the power.

    Please check if bluetooth is turned on, if it also makes videos freeze or if everything works and provide logs.

    Hope it's something small that is easily fixable.

  • mo123 I have now pushed minor updates to my rockchip-part7 branch, mainly contains device tree tuning, fix for wifi on rockbox and initial bluetooth support on box-trn9.

    The use of uart2 for BT on the MVR9 seems to cause a freeze on reboot, enable BT by adding a bluetooth bootarg to extlinux.conf

    I belive I have found the issue with bluetooth on MVR9, the trn9 schematics shows that uart2/ttyS2 is used for bluetooth and the hciattach-realtek.service is tyring to initialize it using uart0/ttyS0.

    You can try to cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/hciattach-realtek.service /storage/.config/system.d/ and change ttyS0 to ttyS2 and restart the box to see if bluetooth starts working.


    The change to ttyS2 is also needed isn't it?

  • The change to ttyS2 is also needed isn't it?

    I updated the device-tree to reroute uart2 to ttyS0 as part of the last code push, so there should not be any need for the custom .service-file any more.

    Would be interesting to test the older BT fw that was used for Tinker Board, I did a very quick test to see that devices was showing up, nothing more.

  • Thanks i think this is the best image that i tried on my rock64.

    Live tv deinterlacing is working great now thanks for that!

    Live tv playback picture quality is really great now.

    I will do some more tests on my rock64 but live tv playback is the most important for meandthis is what i really was waiting for!

    Many thanks!

  • I think so, maybe that is causing the crashes, but I haven't changed anything when I tested, only flashed and then changed extlinux.conf file.

    I will test some more later today.

    You can also test.

    my bt headphones connected and work. no crash in livetv even when zapping. :->

    further testing needed.

    reboot doesn't work any more, power cycle is needed.

    EDIT: after an hour of using bt headphones I'm experiencing some audio dropouts during livetv and video streams. connection to headphones has never been lost. thanks Kwiboo

    Edited 2 times, last by polo_joe (September 19, 2018 at 8:47 PM).

  • Hi,

    i bought few days ago ROC-RK3328-CC, 4GB version, with 16GB eMMC 5.x card from Firefly: Firefly | Make technology more simple , Make life more intellingent.

    I'am able to run only LibreELEC only from t-firefly page.

    I suppose, that version's for my SBC are like: LibreELEC-RK3328.[something].roc-cc.img.gz

    - i'am unable to run any version from Index of / nor from

    - i tried only *roc-cc.img.gz images

    - behaviour is always same: after flash image, after few seconds board switch to mode, when only red LED flashing, and after another few seconds is board rebooted, than again this loop

    - i tried both ways: install it on SD card or eMMC with same results

    I tried many IMG's, and have these results:

    - i'am able to flash and run mo123 builds (after flash MVR9, or Rock64 image, my board just boot and start kodi), but without wifi (i'am using Tenda U3 wi-fi dongle: Tenda U3 300Mbps Mini Wireless 11N USB Adapter-Tenda-All For Better NetWorking)

    - i'am albe to flash and run LibreELEC build from download page Firefly | Make technology more simple , Make life more intellingent.

    - in package from download page is: LibreELEC-RK3328.arm-9.0-devel-20180412193409-r28268-g161230a-roc-cc.img

    - this IMG from Firefly works form me, and also with my wifi dongle (Tenda U3 - mentioned before), but unable to run/install any pvr.addons - it's says some "" problem, it's unable to met dependency v1.0.3, or something like that..... (i think, this is about obsolete Kodi build).

    Can You someone able to help me to run some LibreELEC build for my ROC-RK3328-CC with working pvr.addons?

    Why is behaviour of nigtly/snapshot builds for *roc-cc.img like flashing red LED and nothing happend?

    Why I unable to access/use wifi with mo123 build for other RK3328 SBC's?

    Thank you for any help in any way :)

  • I did some tests with my ROCK64 with the netflix addon and i noticed that 720 streams are heavily stutters barely unwatchable.

    So i think software decoding with rock64 isn't possible (yet)?

    Is it possible to overclok rock64?


  • I did some tests with my ROCK64 with the netflix addon and i noticed that 720 streams are heavily stutters barely unwatchable.

    So i think software decoding with rock64 isn't possible (yet)?

    Is it possible to overclok rock64?

    Netflix/720 runs absolutely fine for me since the Raybuntu builds IIRC, at around 50% CPU usage. Which build do you use? Upload a debug log and maybe someone can help you.

  • How is the quality of deinterlacing of live TV 50Hz video (e.g. compared to Raspberry Pi 2/3)? Are those Rockchip devices capable of advanced deinterlacing like on RPi or is it just a basic BOB deinterlacing?

  • updated builds

    576i + 1080i should work now properly (PVR)

    xbmc/xbmc@2c44473 (latest kodi) + Rockchip: add kodi HDR

    The odd micro stutters that I had on the Rockpro64 on occasional media files seems to be completely fixed.
    Dunno why on my board the network settings are correct via DHCP but network still seems slow and problemtic via Nic.
    Interface again is blindingly fast as is boot.
    The scrobbling and display from IMDB now shows correct even if updates seem slow.

  • I connected my bt controller to mvr9, but can't map buttons.

    All I get is

    in the log.

    Is something still missing? Controller already worked with rpi.