
  • Hi, i have Just install this version of chromium in muta LibreElec bug It don't work. LibreElec is 8.2.3 on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. Why It doesn't work? Thanks

  • Ran across this after the official chromium plugin update to 55 broke Netflix. Installed the 63 build which fixed Netflix but broke my remote. I am using the script from here: showthread.php?tid=77591 so I can close Chromium from my Harmony remote. Any one have ideas where I could start to even look into this?

  • I have a Question.

    So your Chromium runs just Tearingfree (thx for it).

    I have a PVR installed on my libreelec and use it to record some TV Channels for my wife.

    Under Energyoptions in Kodi i said Kodi that it automatic suspend after 15 minutes.

    If i play a playlist of Videos in Kodi ...the PC doesnt sleep after 15 minutes.(thats OK...because its in use)

    If i run Chromium and play videos from youtube ...Kodi gets shut down after 15 minutes ...because of that option i turned on in settings.

    Is it possible to add a function (sleep ON /OFF ) in the chroumium plugin that ignores the sleep funktion from kodi ?

    sorry for my bad schoolenglisch =)

  • Same as above, have upgraded to the 63 build here due to tab crashing on the official 55 build.

    Ran across this after the official chromium plugin update to 55 broke Netflix. Installed the 63 build which fixed Netflix but broke my remote. I am using the script from here: showthread.php?tid=77591 so I can close Chromium from my Harmony remote. Any one have ideas where I could start to even look into this?

    How did you manage to close Chromium from the Harmony. I installed the script there and it made no difference. I even tried adding Alt+F4 to a remote keypress.

    I am limited to using a keyboard and mouse, or restarting my NUC if someone gets stuck in Chromium without those peripherals available.

    Shutdown timer is a concern also.

    But otherwise this is fantastic. I've needed a working browser in KODI for years.

  • Netflix is now dead in both official v55 Chromium and unofficial v. 59 Chrome addon.

    Can anyone confirm that v. 63 chrome addon posted in this thread is working?

    If so, any chance of pushing their fix into official Repo?

    Kids are crawling in the curtains here!


  • As a general announcement: There has been no active maintainer for the Chromium browser add-on for some time and it's a PITA to keep current so unless someone in the community wants to take up the cause we plan to remove it from the repo. While Chromium may work for general things 90%+ users want it for video streaming sites and if those don't work, we'd prefer to avoid the moaning about things not working. If anyone wants to volunteer .. PR changes to GitHub and/or let us know you're working on something.

  • I'm in contact with the package maintainers now and I'm quite sure the changes will be in the official addon soon.

    Any news on this?

    Neither V. 55 nor v. 59 is working with Netflix...........trying ver. 63 now(fingers crossed).

    I can't run LibreELEC without Netflix! - Both kids love Netflix......Then I'm off to Android OS.

    Will happily assist with support maintaining support and testing repo and addon support.


  • Not even ver. 63 Chromium is working with Netflix...................damn this is getting annoying on a stability factor!

    Although Kodi (And libreelec) are promoting DRM content, it is still stugling hard to support just basic platforms like Netflix!

    Happily had Netflix working on x86 platform for more than 2 years, and now it just goes haywire.

    if LibreELEC and KODI should have anything on their roadmap..........Support MAJOR DRM content providers!!!

    Fine to see a Netlfix plugin in a future Kodi 18/LibreELEC 9(waiting for almost 1 year now)..........but what about at least backporting an alpha/beta state option to Kodi 17/Libreelec 8 - Netflix is non-accesible at all just now(Althoug largest streamong provider!?)

    Anyways.........must tell my kids to use the Android TV OS box for now with the Netflix app......Kodi/LibreELEC only supports local content for now.

    Sorry for complaining...........but WAF has the upper hand here:-)


  • toasterboy1: Do you still have a working Chromium and Netflix on ver. 64 - If so, can you please provide a solution?

    If working - What libwidevine version are you using?

    Just get an error, when trying to play a any Netflix video


  • CvH : YEEEEEAH! 8)8)8) - Playback works in Netflix again.

    But no sound:/ at all in browser - something you can fix?

    olehenrikj did some hack on making sound work by default in his ver. 59:



    - hacked away pulseaudio compatibility because chrome does not accept ALSA when pulseaudio for bluetooth is running in background in LibreElec.

    Would also be very interesting to put the source code in a repo incl. README on how to fix/rebuild chrome whenever functionality breaks.


  • Looks like it fails.....Agree?

    Looking at from ver 59, olehenrikj does parse some extra args(alsa_param) to chrome in line 89 + 91

    alsa_param = '--alsa-output-device=' + alsa_device
    chrome_params = window_mode.get(__addon__.getSetting('WINDOW_MODE')) + ' ' + \
    raster_mode.get(__addon__.getSetting('RASTER_MODE')) + ' ' + \
    gpu_accel_mode + ' ' + \
    alsa_param + ' ' + \
    args + ' ' + \
    __addon__.getSetting('HOMEPAGE') + 'chrome ' + chrome_params, shell=True, env=new_env)

    Could this be the fix for getting default sound working?


  • But no sound

    Yea there is atm no sound, I have ZERO knowledge about the chromium addon and I have to discover all this stuff so it may take a while :)

    But I am rather happy that amazon and Netflix is working atm.

    Would also be very interesting to put the source code in a repo incl. README on how to fix/rebuild chrome whenever functionality breaks.

    Plan is to add it to the repo, the current addon gets dropped soon. The "new" addon gets pred then, its rather messy due the amount of needed libs but you can update the whole chrome your self and won't need to wait for "us" to update it. That approach uses the "normal" bin for linux instead of compiling an own version for LE.

    Current state is hacky, but looks like very well working (besides audio atm).

  • Tried to solve the audio issues for a few hours now............can see that chrome args are parsed to \bin\chrome-start as ALSA_DEVICE env.

    So basically same as ver. 59

    if [ ! -z $ALSA_DEVICE ]; then
    chrome_OPTS="$chrome_OPTS --alsa-output-device=$ALSA_DEVICE"

    Have tried to bypass with custom audio device set to





    But nothing happens - I recall my AVR flickering/negotiating when previous Chrome is being opened

    Can we rule out, that this have something to do with Kodi 18? Can we compile/test the addon against ver. 8.2?

    Alternative figure out by commandline which audio output Chrome is actually using?

    Would love to see this working again(The kids are "Netflix-a-holics")


  • Tried to solve the audio issues for a few hours now

    start LE

    via ssh systemctl stop pulseaudio

    start addon -> works for me

    ugly workaround but atm no better idea :) at least this works and I have an idea what is the actual problem

    (you can add that into the chrome-start script for the meanwhile)

    -edit- <- looks working

    I added an workaround at the startscript - ugly but maybe working "properly"

    I added two # HACK!!! lines, have a look there

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