[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X

  • If you used search you'd find my statement regarding S905W. It will be supported if Amlogic releases source code for it.

    sorry kszaq - I used search and I read this thread regularly :/ - search only spits out three results for 905w - I tried "S905w" just now - there comes your statement... sorry again

  • "S905W = S905 minus the Gigabit Ethernet and limited to 4K @ 30fps only. There is no HDR or VP9 Profile 2 hardware decoding.

    The S905W may actually support HDR and VP9 Profile 2 - but finding correct, reliable information is difficult.

    Someone would have to buy such a box and test.

    I still do not know why someone would buy a S905W when there are an Army of more capable S905X boxes available.

    If you want everything in an S905 device - buy a S905D K1 Pro box as kszaq has already suggested.

    This is now way off topic for this thread - and is going to only further pollute @kszaq's LE Software support discussion.

    Please take discussions about choosing AML boxes to THIS THREAD

  • Hello, is it possible to use with this version Netflix, Amazon add-ons via inputstream.adaptive or I need Libreelec 9.0 test version?

    It will work, but inputstream support for those services is currently a fluid moving target and most community image creators aren't updating the add-on as frequently as the upstream sources are being ad-hoc changed. You will need to track/update the add-on frequently.

  • Thank you, I responded to the discussion you gave me.

  • Ah - I had assumed the S905W was HDMI 1.4b (as there is no need for 2160/60p output if 2160/30p decode is the limit) - and so no HDR.

    Are they really deploying S905Ws with HDMI 2.0 outputs?

  • MOD EDIT: Post deleted due to ignoring this warning from above:

    Please take discussions about choosing AML boxes to THIS THREAD

    This is a LE 8.2 Software support thread.

    Please have some respect for others seeking actual LE 8.2 help.

    MOD EDIT: Post deleted due to ignoring this warning from above:

    Please take discussions about choosing AML boxes to THIS THREAD

    This is a LE 8.2 Software support thread.

    Please have some respect for others seeking actual LE 8.2 help.

    I answered you in the other topic

  • Anyone experiencing Bluetooth pairing problems on Minix NEO U1s (S905) of late? Recently my Harmony Hub just won’t pair anymore. Connection status states yes then switches back to no shortly after.

  • The /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq on my box is 1200000, But on the latest 9 built it's 1512000.

    I read in an other post that this cold be temperature related, but my box has a cpu fan attached and the temp is always low.

  • Has anyone noticed degraded preformance when using a wired connection?. seems to be constant buffering and files not being served quick enough over Wired but fine over wifi on my system.

    On my S905X box with 100Mb Ethernet - 4K content is stuttering, ergo - not enough bandwidth.

    AP6330 WiFi is also not good enough.


    on the other one - S905 box - the 1GbE works flawlessly. WiFi is AP6330, and I do not use it, read somewhere that this chipset is limited to ~75Mb/s max throughput...

    The /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq on my box is 1200000, But on the latest 9 built it's 1512000.

    I read in an other post that this cold be temperature related, but my box has a cpu fan attached and the temp is always low.

    What is your nominal temperature reading for the CPU in LE?

    And in Android?

  • My GPU speed is forced to MAX, And when the box is idle the temp is 40C, playing 4KHDR DTS 7.1 it's 48-51C.

    Don't have Android on the Box :)

  • Has anyone noticed degraded preformance when using a wired connection?. seems to be constant buffering and files not being served quick enough over Wired but fine over wifi on my system.

    I have had some odd buffering (video stopping and spinning blue circle mid screen) recently but I thought it was my server playing up. It's possible it was the box.