Librespot Add-on

  • Thanks for that, however this is what's happening to me:

    How can I debug what's wrong?

  • Thanks for that, however this is what's happening to me:

    How can I debug what's wrong?

    That mentions a DNS error.

    Have you tried Settings/LibreELEC/Network/Wait for network before starting Kodi?

  • Librespot is working great since the last update. Thanks!

    However, I'm wondering how I can get rid of the gap/pause between songs. Some albums are based around songs flowing from one into another, and it's kind of disturbing to suddenly have a few seconds of silence...

  • That mentions a DNS error.

    Have you tried Settings/LibreELEC/Network/Wait for network before starting Kodi?

    I don't think that's it - the network is fully up, I'm actually starting librespot over SSH for debug. I just downloaded system-tools to help me debug, so I'm pretty certain network and DNS are working.

    Actually it doesn't even try DNS resolution at all before failing.

    I'm attaching strace of librespot startup, perhaps you'll be able to see something there?

  • hi, thanks for 110 version, but I have one problem, when I try to use setting "Kodi" instead of "ALSA" I have some strange audio reproduction like 8bit tune in short intervals. Any idea? Using latest kodi 18 RPI 3 from March realises

  • Hi again :)

    This was stupid easy to fix, but not that easy to debug - I have disabled Avahi a bit earlier, and this is why librespot failed.

    Fixed after I used dbus-monitor --system to find that when starting up, Librespot tries to register with Avahi, but the service is nowhere to be found.

    Stupid easy.

  • Hi, I recently run into the problem with librespot being unavailable after some random amount of time. Going to Addons->Librespot and either changing any configuration or updating it (to the same version) seems to restart the service and fix the problem.

    Since I have auto update on for the whole system, I can't really tell what is causing this (libreelec, librespot or any other addon). Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

    PS: I am running the latest versions, 110 for librespot and Kodi 18.0-ALPHA. Is the Alpha version the culprit?

    Edited once, last by nexus.duci (March 21, 2018 at 6:30 PM).

  • Hi, I recently run into the problem with librespot being unavailable after some random amount of time. Going to Addons->Librespot and either changing any configuration or updating it (to the same version) seems to restart the service and fix the problem.

    Since I have auto update on for the whole system, I can't really tell what is causing this (libreelec, librespot or any other addon). Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

    Network error handling in librespot is still rather rudementary and being worked on. Use the stablest network connection available, wited for example.

  • Network error handling in librespot is still rather rudementary and being worked on. Use the stablest network connection available, wited for example.

    I am running a stable wired connection and ran with the addon for months without issues. Maybe it's really the Kodi alpha version. Where can I find log files to investigate further?

  • Dear all,

    thanks for this nice addon! Hopefully you can help me - as I am new to Libreelec/kodiand really want to run librespot!

    i currently installed librespot (110 version) on my Kodi(Krypton) pi3 mediacenter. However, it is not listed in the list of available devices in the android app nor i-phone app.

    I installed the add-on with the default properties (also changes in the properties didn't worked out for me) and allowed other instances to remote control kodi. Do I miss something?

    Thanks in advance!


  • Without a log I can only guess:

    - are Librespot and the Spotify app on the same subnet?

    - is Avahi enabled in Settings/LibreELEC/Services?

    - Is Wait for network before starting Kodi enabled in Settings/LibreELEC/Network?

    To get a log, type journalctl -u service.librespot at the console.

  • Dear awiouy,

    thanks for your fast reply - and sorry for my slow response.

    It works!

    You pointed me in the right direction. Avahi and "wait for network .." was not enabled. Nevertheless I thought I had enabled it in "Estouchy" skin. When I switched back to "Estuary" skin both where disabled. So I enabled them and now it works! Great!

    Thanks a lot!



    - is Avahi enabled in Settings/LibreELEC/Services?

    - Is Wait for network before starting Kodi enabled in Settings/LibreELEC/Network?

  • So this time I restarted librespot and it managed to play only one song. This is part of the logs from it:

    Seems similar to this issue that hasnt been solved: thread 'main' panicked at 'Box<Any>', src/ · Issue #156 · plietar/librespot · GitHub

    Edited once, last by nexus.duci (March 23, 2018 at 8:53 AM).