[] LibreELEC 8.2 for S912

  • There is only one explanation and this is a first-hand information: there is no userspace libMali library ("driver") that we can use in Linux for S912 GPU. This library has to be provided by Amlogic as it is SoC-specific. Amlogic would have to pay ARM a licensing fee to be able to provide the lib. As they have no customer who would cover the cost (read: use S912 + Linux + OpenGL in their product), they only bought a license for Android library.

    Using libhybris is a workaround, a hack from the very beginning and I always told everyone that S912 is a poor choice for LibreELEC.

    Please let us not go over this topic again and again.

  • I bought 2 China Android Boxes from Bqeel:

    M9Cmax (S905X) and K12 (S912), both with 2GB RAM, 16GB EMMC, Android 6.0.1

    (My new Dell XPS has only HDMI 1.4a, no UHD HDR...)

    The Android 6 system is really poor. The video drivers have double cpu and memory load. Measured with Syteminfo.

    But with LibreELEC you get very good results. No difference between S905X and S912! But the S912 has much better LAN and WLAN hardware.

    Test with LibrELEC, Kodi 17.6

    4k UHD video on Bqeel TV Box (S912):

    24 fps:

    CPU load: 3% (I only can see the first 3 kernels nearby 0,0%)

    memory load: 381 MB = 21%
    temperature: 64 °C

    60 fps:

    CPU load: 6%

    memory load: 490 MB = 27%

    temperature: 66 °C

    That are very good results for such a little SoC.

    ...and 128 GB Samsung EVO Plus Micro SDXC also works.

    To get proper 4k UHD output and working HDR (ITU-R BT.2020, 10 bit, no dither, no banding = deep color) I had to test a long time.

    Result: You have to set the resolution to 3840x2160@30Hz. Adjust frame rate at start/stop.

    Then my professional 4k LG monitor automatically switches to HDR (HDMI 2.0a) and videos play smoothly. Very brillant and colorful picture.
    YES, UHD is well supportet (HDMI 2.0a).

    Don't say the S912 is a poor choice anymore!! The latest LibreELEC (with libhybris) works very fine and better than Android.

    The result counts.

    Many thanks kszaq!

    Edited once, last by 4kfreak (December 7, 2017 at 6:15 PM).

  • Question: Beeling GT1 ULTIMATE (it works perfectly and connected to any wireless device)!

    I have bought an rii i8+ Bluetooth keyboard, I can't connect the device to LIBREELEC!

    The device recognizes BT rii i8+ but it doesnt pair or connect with it!

    Does this LIBREELEC version supports BLUETOOTH? (I have updated to latest LE and dbt version!)

    Thanks in advance

    P.S.: when I boot from internal (to android) the box connected to rii i8+ via Bluetooth!

  • I have one h96 pro +, and must say that it goes brilliantly with this build. The only one bug is that the power led does not work, but for the rest I am very satisfied.

    Thank you for doing LE for the AML S912

  • Hi there and hi @ksaq,

    I've been using LE on android boxes fore a while now and am a huge fan of your work. I've been doing many installs for several familiy&friends without experiencing any major problem... until now :). I've duely noticed that s912X processors are NOT recommanded for LE install and I would truely understand if my problem had to remain unsolved. Anyway, I've recently bought a Beelink GT1 Ultimate in -what seems to be - the new version (with the yellow logo instead of the red one) but I wasn't able to make it work properly with several images of LE build families (8.2, 8.0, ...). When not replacing the dependance_tree (3G/1gb ethernet), everything is ok except the ethernet (thank you captain obvious :) ). The wifi is also ok. When trying any dependance tree available before the first use, the consequence is a freeze on the first beelink logo. When replacing the tree AFTER the first boot, using Samba, a quick message saying something about the image appears ("Did not find a valid partition on the image file") and then the box starts but the ethernet isn't functional. I've tried every dependance tree of each build but the problem's still the same. Any clue of what to do to make it work please ?

    Thanks in adavnce !


    Edited 4 times, last by tauks (December 8, 2017 at 6:51 PM).

  • installed latest version - USB install on a Minix 9-H running with AVR and 1080 Bravia panel - and must say I'm impressed. All of a sudden refresh rate switching works as advertised and audio passthrough has no problems whatsoever. Kudo's - this might be the best PQ from all my boxes (2017 Bravia with 17.6, Minix "androidTV" with Leia, Mibox nougat beta with 17.6, x86 windows with 17.6)

    One thing however - the box does pick up time somewhere - I did put a couple of NTP servers in the settings - but it does not want to accept that I'm NOT in the UK and therefore do not want GMT. Not seen any timezone settings. Yes, localisation allows to select Australia but that in itself cannot accurately identify the correct timezone...

    I'm sure it's a setting somewhere - in Libreelec - but where???


  • tauks First some moderation notes: I moved you post to a correct thread - you are certainly not using 7.0 S905 build on a S912 device - and I removed store link from your post.

    Secondly, please post original device tree from Android firmware. Then I can take a look.

  • installed latest version - USB install on a Minix 9-H running with AVR and 1080 Bravia panel - and must say I'm impressed. All of a sudden refresh rate switching works as advertised and audio passthrough has no problems whatsoever. Kudo's - this might be the best PQ from all my boxes (2017 Bravia with 17.6, Minix "androidTV" with Leia, Mibox nougat beta with 17.6, x86 windows with 17.6)

    One thing however - the box does pick up time somewhere - I did put a couple of NTP servers in the settings - but it does not want to accept that I'm NOT in the UK and therefore do not want GMT. Not seen any timezone settings. Yes, localisation allows to select Australia but that in itself cannot accurately identify the correct timezone...

    I'm sure it's a setting somewhere - in Libreelec - but where???


    I just set the #1 timeserver to pool.ntp.org in the LE config and then set the correct timezone in the regional settings. Always has the right time. I use the transparency skin and to get to the regional settings in there, its settings-interface-regional

  • Hello to all,

    Just installed LE on S912 Beelink GT1 box, and so far, everything is ok. But, I'm still on tests.

    I have just one immediate problem. I use a Minix Neo A2 Lite remote, which I have difficulties in controlling LE.

    Can someone point me instructions on how to update the correct key mapping of that remote on LE?

    I also ordered a Mecool M8S Pro L, for the same purpose. Hope will arrive in the next week.

    Thanks in advance.

  • The A2 lite is fine. You plug it in and it emulates a keyboard, there is no remote.conf file needed

    If you want to remap remote buttons - use Kodi's Keymap Editor Addon - download it from Kodi's inbuilt Programs Repository.

  • hello i have M8S Pro L box 3/32 and i can't get lan to work, wlan works but no wired connection what .dtb file to use? I hve try this one

  • tauks First some moderation notes: I moved you post to a correct thread - you are certainly not using 7.0 S905 build on a S912 device - and I removed store link from your post.

    Secondly, please post original device tree from Android firmware. Then I can take a look.

    Hi kszaq,

    Sorry for my noob mistakes using the board and thank you for your moderation time. I've been searching a long time where the original device tree from android firmware might be located but couldn't find it. Could you please kindly pinpoint its location or at least give me its name ? Thanks in advance !

  • I own Beelink GT1 s912 2/16GB and almost everything works great.
    The Box only stutter when the movies play in the background and I do something on the menu.
    Microstuttering also appears when subtitles are turned on.

    In addition, everything works smoothly. There is no freezing or overheating problem.
    The CPU and memory usage is very low.

    Kszaq did a good job. Thank you very much.

  • The A2 lite is fine. You plug it in and it emulates a keyboard, there is no remote.conf file needed

    If you want to remap remote buttons - use Kodi's Keymap Editor Addon - download it from Kodi's inbuilt Programs Repository.

    Thanks, but in my case I have a really hard time selecting menus and options with the center (between cursor) or enter keys. Often it doesn't work. And the air mouse works downward in a menu, but upward it doesn't.

    Do you think it is related to the slowness of sd card? I'm waiting for a Samsung Evo+ 64GB U3 to arrive this week. As soon it arrives I will transfer the LE.