[] LibreELEC 7.0 for S905/S905X

  • Nexbox a95x-b7n s905x 1GB/8GB

    I keep getting ignored, so away with my old posts, and bluntness/brevity in.

    Any way to disable HDR completely (e.g SSH commands)?

    Forum search doesn't work to save its own life. Google site search turns this up:

    echo 0 > /sys/module/am_vecm/parameters/hdr_mode

    This changes nothing. Only starting/stopping a vid gets it to correct after any reboot. The OPs last question of "Any way to disable this at boot time?" was never responded to.

    Another G Site Search found this, which was never addressed either:


    Adding this to /storage/.config/autostart.sh should disable HDR.

    OUTPUT=`xrandr -display :0 -q | sed '/ connected/!d;s/ .*//;q'`
    xrandr -display :0 --output $OUTPUT --set "Broadcast RGB" "Limited 16:235"

    The issue is, xrandr isn't installed.

    Is this even relevant? Creating autostart.sh at the specified location and rebooting again leads to darkness. AFAIK, xrandr should be a component of LibreELEC. Is there a reason it's not here?

    I get it... HDR seems to be a widely ignored and/or sensitive issue for some reason. I know the main post states HDR is buggy, and I know that you can't fix everything. That's fine. It's also not necessary on 99.99% of TVs, so is there any way to just kill it completely to permanently resolve darkness issues? A no will suffice if not. Starting/stopping video changes the video output to the correct parameters... Can logs identify a command that could be applied at startup to just go straight into the right colorspace?

    Edited once, last by glitch (January 21, 2017 at 10:44 AM).

  • This changes nothing. Only starting/stopping a vid gets it to correct after any reboot.

    Calm down glitch, rel-a-a-ax.
    I can't give you the definite answer you're looking for but, if starting/stopping a video corrects it after reboot, have you tried enabling the kodi start-up animation to give you a start/stop of a video after every reboot?

  • Calm down glitch, rel-a-a-ax.
    I can't give you the definite answer you're looking for but, if starting/stopping a video corrects it after reboot, have you tried enabling the kodi start-up animation to give you a start/stop of a video after every reboot?

    exactly. more of a workaround than a fix, but it works seamlessly. I made a mini how-to for those who like to try this.

  • SEIKT You have AP6212a chip. Unfortunately there is no BT firmware for that chip in Amlogic sources yet. The other issue is that I don't know how to differentiate AP6212 from AP6212a in systemd.

    Hello, and first I would like to thank you for your great work with LibreElec on S8xx and S9xx

    Having same bluetooth issue because I also have an AP6212, I have found some sources regarding bcmdhdn and support of ap6212 on lichee.

    Could this be helpfull ?

    (I'm really not into drivers, so I'm probably totally out of the subject)

  • Hi, everyone.
    Got mbox(sunvell) t95x (s905x/2g/8gb), just install, video, youtube works fine, but...

    My ISP gives iptv with playlist like this
    #EXTINF:-1 cn-id=10338241,Animal Planet
    #EXTINF:-1 cn-id=63167341,Game Show
    #EXTINF:-1 cn-id=10338275,Discovery Channel
    #EXTINF:-1 cn-id=31559987, ID Xtra

    Install pvr simple, put playlist into box, configure all, and after reboot have a tv section, all channels with names but then I press OK wheel spinning for some minutes, and return to channels list.
    Log file says

    What can I do?

    Edited once, last by testuser22 (January 21, 2017 at 11:17 PM).

  • Just discovered Libreelec. Thanks for amazing software, finally letting me passthrough dts and dolby sound to my receiver! Slightly disappointed when I "upgraded" from version 0.11 64 bit version to 0.12 32 bit. It is so much slower when running from sd now. And I dont have the knowledge to compile own versions. And I dont have the guts to install on nand :).
    Looking forward to try 8.0 builds but I will probably wait if there is no quick way to go back.

    Kind regards
    (Mini M8SII)

  • I can't find the advancedsettings file to sort outsync issue that i have with 24p movie. I'm looking into my tvbox through samba with my smartphone android, but i can't seem to find the right folder. Where can i find it? Thanks.

    Inviato dal mio Pixel utilizzando Tapatalk

    Edited once, last by Leonxy69 (January 21, 2017 at 5:40 PM).

  • Please set resolution in Android to 1080p 60Hz or 50Hz and try again. Is it OK now?

    Yes, now it is ok !!! 1080i / 4K is played without any problem. But strange : even with 1280 * 720 now the whole pictrue is there, yesterday it wasn't

    b) i want to know if my beelink is capable of playing 4:2:2 files. From Samples - Official Kodi Wiki (see MPEG2 4:2:2@High 1080i/29.970 35Mbps ) there is an example file and picture is green pixellated mess. Is there a way to play it properly ? Sound is ok.

    Amlogic can't HW decode MPEG2 4:2:2. Only software decoding is available.

    If you disabled HW decoding and use software decoding - the decoding is bad, the picture is there but with big delay and some artifacts....can this be fix somehow ?

    Edited once, last by humaxboy (January 21, 2017 at 5:55 PM).

  • I keep getting ignored, so away with my old posts, and bluntness/brevity in.

    Any way to disable HDR completely (e.g SSH commands)?

    You are not being ignored, simply nobody knows how to do this.

    Having same bluetooth issue because I also have an AP6212, I have found some sources regarding bcmdhdn and support of ap6212 on lichee.

    Could this be helpfull ?

    (I'm really not into drivers, so I'm probably totally out of the subject)

    AP6212 is supported here, I need to figure out a workaround to make AP6212a's BT firmware load.

    If you disabled HW decoding and use software decoding - the decoding is bad, the picture is there but with big delay and some artifacts....can this be fix somehow ?

    It seems that this HW is not poerful enough to play MPEG2 4:2:2 content, sorry.

  • Hello,

    I installed this version with "gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit_RealtekWiFi.dtb" in my Beelink MiniMX III (S905).

    All works as expected, but sometimes when reboots it get blocked in the boot (Beelink logo) and I need to unplug and unplug the power wire.

    Is something wrong with this image?
