Nightly Builds

  • Guys, could you make the changelog table a bit longer to cover all available nightly builds? For example, in Generic LE13, I have builds from May to September, but the changelog only shows releases from mid-July.

    I discovered that LE13 01416e0 is not handling subtitles properly, so I had to downgrade to a randomly chosen build from July 20, as the latest changelog entry only shows releases from July 25.

    I know I could spend time looking directly on GitHub, but why not make these pages a little more useful? :)

  • I'm not asking for more work from developers, just as in the attached example - if we show URLs to around 70 nightly releases, why not make Changelog table also showing 70 pull requests instead of last 18 like currently? I suppose this is some simple update to script rendering these pages?

  • If you want more changelog info please go look at the full/original commit log on GitHub. We have no plans to bloat page load times and increase webserver load with more commit data that likely few people read.

  • I'm just pointing out that it would be more useful to keep in sync releases with changelog info, but perhaps this is just me trying to make some sense out of it.