S802/S812-Libreelec images for 7/8/9

  • dipswitch

    If you had configured the box with network and enabled ssh before upgrading to 8.0.2, then you should try ssh to the box. There was an issue when going from OE6 or LE7 to LE8 where the display goes blank, basically Kodi 17 hangs.

    The solution for that was to ssh to the box and move .kodi to .kodi.old and reboot

    Thanks, going to give that a try.

  • No, new 8.0.2 not working on my M8, same as 8.0.1, I'm still stuck with 8.0 RC4 as the last working version for me.

    Tried to upgrade from fresh 8.0 RC4. Install seemed to go smoothly, reboot, LE logo, 'Libreelec (community) - Version :8.0.2' at top left of screen, then nothing. ;(

  • i want to say thanks you for your hard work with this project, quick question, on my mate T8 looking box with triangle power button i am unable to installtointernal i get permission denied. ive tried booting from sd card and usb. Le is working fine in either usb or sd card just unable to get it in flash, any ideas?

    putty output

    LibreELEC (community) Version: 8.0.RC4

    LibreELEC:~ # installtointernal
    sh: installtointernal: Permission denied
    LibreELEC:~ # ls
    backup music screenshots videos
    lost+found pictures tvshows
    LibreELEC:~ #

    thanks again

    Edited 3 times, last by anti-matter (May 26, 2017 at 10:16 AM).

  • thank you for your super fast reply Demetris


    LibreELEC (community) Version: 8.0.RC4
    LibreELEC:~ # mv /usr/sbin/installtointernal /tmp
    mv: can't remove '/usr/sbin/installtointernal': Read-only file system
    LibreELEC:~ #

  • thank you for your super fast reply Demetris


    LibreELEC (community) Version: 8.0.RC4
    LibreELEC:~ # mv /usr/sbin/installtointernal /tmp
    mv: can't remove '/usr/sbin/installtointernal': Read-only file system
    LibreELEC:~ #

    then replace mv with cp


    # cp /usr/sbin/installtointernal /tmp/

  • Hi

    I have an MXIII-G (Nextron - M82G V2.1 Board)

    Suddenly, while it was working, it got bricked.

    From some videos on youtube, I managed to get it started again, but after splashscreen I get a black screen.

    I've tried updating the firmware several times with those on the chinagadget site but the result has always been the same: Splashscreen, often with altered colors and then black screen without vital signs.

    Now after the next failure, I decided to install a Linux distribution.

    The predominant use will be with Netflix and Amazon Prime.

    With the image linked on I booted the system, then i got the splash screen then everything went black again but suddenly I had some screen output flashing slowly. with a near Salomonic patience I added password for WiFi connection and enabled ssh.

    with "installtointernal" command I copyed system to internal Nand, and rebooted.

    Always black screen.

    With dmesg I've got this report, seems everything working fine except for some

    [amlogic] ##### cec write error! #####

    obviously I've got no video output ... any tips ??

    Thanks to everyone in advance for the help, and sorry for my English

  • If you read around i had the same issue on my S802 lol,

    After i re-solder that pos hdmi port module, boom picture was back, i used a clamp to push it firmly on the pcb so i could solder ok all the cold joints.Its a known issue if you look around.

  • If you read around i had the same issue on my S802 lol,

    After i re-solder that pos hdmi port module, boom picture was back, i used a clamp to push it firmly on the pcb so i could solder ok all the cold joints.Its a known issue if you look around.

    Thank You. Tomorrow morning I will try to fix :):)
    I turned crazy about that.

  • Hello i have an m8 box with libreelec (community) on it, i tried to update to 8.02 to get 17.3(kodi), saying not compatible and boots up to the 8.01.001. just wondering what i am doing wrong

  • Hello i have an m8 box with libreelec (community) on it, i tried to update to 8.02 to get 17.3(kodi), saying not compatible and boots up to the 8.01.001. just wondering what i am doing wrong

    Got the same issue... Apparently a mismatch between S802 and S8x2. It hints that you can add a file name '.nocompat' to prevent compatibility checking.

    Not sure that is the way to go....=O


    Adding the .nocompat-file to the .update folder was the way to go :thumbup:

    It's running 8.0.2 now :D

    Edited once, last by Mr. Happy: update (May 27, 2017 at 11:53 AM).