S802/S812-Libreelec images for 7/8/9

  • Good morning Demetris just to let you know i update to your latest release (15th) and i must say is working very well. Remote and WiFi work, my external Bluetooth works well, you have fixed the "failed to load kernal module" on boot error i kept seeing.
    All in all job VERY well done my friend
    Thank you for takimg the time to make these builds Demetris

    Many thanks and all the best


    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

  • Demetris - Thank you for the amazing speed of your updates. Question, can you post a link to your github? Also, is it possible for end user to change the bluetooth driver something similar to how the remote.conf can be replaced?

    Edited once, last by 7up (April 16, 2017 at 9:33 AM).

  • If my way of understanding is correct, modules are done/taken care of before and during the compiling process and those files can't be edited by the end user.
    I could be completely wrong but that's what i think lol


    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

  • Hi guys, thanks for all your wonderful tips.

    Have you guys lost the Libreelec under SYSTEM in the main page? I don't have that anymore; so how can I configure wifi and Bluetooth? I can't very anything and my remote doesn't work so I have to use a mouse.

    very frustrating as I never had this issue with 7.0.2 everything worked

    I'm using the file LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.0.1-S82.zip as I have an MXIII 2G/8G Amlogic box

    Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

    Edited once, last by HelderCR7 (April 16, 2017 at 4:10 PM).

  • I've started from scratch and FINALLY!! lol

    re-flashed Android stock Tronsmart image
    used toothpick method to load Android bootloader, flashed LibreELEC-S802.S82.arm-8.0-devel-update.zip and updated to Kodi 17.0; everything works great even wifi and Bluetooth

    copied LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.0.1-S82.tar file to /storage/.update using ssh
    rebooted my box, it updated
    remote didn't work but librelec was there and I can confirm wifi is working and bluetooth!

    copied remote.conf file that I copied from /system/etc/ before flashing to libreelec to /storage/.config

    EVERYTHING WORKS! my god thank you for all the damn posts on this forum and to the man Demetris!

    Edited once, last by HelderCR7 (April 16, 2017 at 6:19 PM).

  • MX-III 1G Model never had bluetooth hardware in the box. Are you sure you had Bluetooth working when the box was running Android?

  • Hi Demetris,

    kszaq has introduced significant audio improvements in his last verson (8.0.1f). Is it possible that you include this changes also in your builds?

    Kind rerads,

    MX-III 1G Model never had bluetooth hardware in the box. Are you sure you had Bluetooth working when the box was running Android?

    To be honest, I'd never tested the box under Android. I bought the box used so I also don't have a specification from it.

    I’ve seen Bluetooth never working in this box, neither under Openelec nor under Libreelec in any version. So yes, in fact, it makes absolutely sense that my box has no Bluetooth Hardware.

    In this case, sorry for my stupid test/post regarding Bluetooth.

    Edited once, last by ippon (April 17, 2017 at 11:21 PM).

  • I've noticed that no matter what the box S802 or S812 and on every build I can get it to boot no problem off an SD card, but I can not get the firmware to update from (I forgot the developer who posted to amlinux.ru) 7.0.2 to the newest 8.0.1 Has anyone found a work around to Upgrade, opposed to wipe and clean install?

  • kszaq has introduced significant audio improvements in his last verson (8.0.1f). Is it possible that you include this changes also in your builds?

    Different kernels, I don't think the improvements apply to 3.10 kernel for S8X2.

  • Good morning you awesome people! I was wondering if there is someone here that has an environment setup where they can sign android apks and zip files? I've been reading what demetris has said about keeping the stock bootloader, unfortunately i have to flash in the following way
    Flash android ROM
    Flash openelec 6 by ipodtouchdude
    Flash libreelec 7 devel
    Update to demetris libreelec 8
    Unfortunately openelec 6 contains a bootloader.img and so overwrites the android one. If i delete it from the zip it will fail to flash, I've tried deleting the included one and injecting the android one but that fails to flash.
    I've tried signing it with
    Apk zip signer 1.2
    Various android apps that say they do it but none seem to work.
    The only thing i can say is when i open ipodtouchdudes image or android ROM it says in the zip, signed by signapk, whenever i try it, it never says that.
    I've extracted ipodtouchdudes changed to bootloader for the android one and zipped it again, is there anyone who could sign it for me so i can flash it, all i want to do is keep my stock bootloader lol how hard can it be hahahahaha
    Many thanks and all the best


    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

    Edited once, last by chunk1982 (April 18, 2017 at 9:52 AM).