Usb Hard drive not recongize since 11.0.4

  • Thank you all for your engagement in this topic.

    So, please correct me if I'm wrong, the best way to have a reliable, error-free or self-error-correcting-by-LE system, will be to format the external USB HDD to one of linux partition formats (which one?), and then keep an extra laptop with a Linux distro, in case RPi fails, so I can plug the HDD to that laptop and copy necessary files, I may need, so I can use them under windows.

  • ...format the external USB HDD to one of linux partition formats (which one?)...

    Yes, "Linux" partition type, and an "EXT4" file system on top of it.

    ...keep an extra laptop with a Linux distro, in case RPi fails, so I can plug the HDD to that laptop and copy necessary files, I may need, so I can use them under windows.

    That's not necessary. A USB stick with a Linux "Live" distro can boot on a Windows PC. I guess there are also Windows programs for EXT4 access.

  • Yes, "Linux" partition type, and an "EXT4" file system on top of it.

    That's not necessary. A USB stick with a Linux "Live" distro can boot on a Windows PC. I guess there are also Windows programs for EXT4 access.

    Thank's. It's not so easy to boot linux from USB, with UEFI bios these days. At least this is my experience. I found this out with my new laptop. Had to change settings in bios, don't exactly remember what, I think I had to disable secure boot among other things. Long story short I need to keep it as simple as possible, so someone not so keen on computers can handle this on their own, when needed.


    However accessing EXT4 from windows is an interesting option.

  • It's not so easy to boot linux from USB, with UEFI bios these days.

    Isn't too complicated at all. I'm using a USB stick with "ventoy" installed as boot manager and a lot of bootable ISO's on the stick. Only the "ventoy" needs to be installed on the stick, after that you can just to copy almost any bootable ISO files to the stick (live linux and even Windows installer ISO too). In the case of UEFI bios, just once need to enroll the key from stick, more info here:

    You can always install EXT4 driver on Windows laptop.

    True, an EXT4 driver for Windows coud be the simplest way in that case.

  • Service addon "ntfs-3g for udevil" is now available in repo for LE13 nightlys. Please test.

    After installation ntfs-3g instead of ntfs3 is used to mount NTFS file systems like in older LE versions.

  • mglae thank you for your efforts. I will most definitely test it, however I will not be able to for the next month (not at the location). Will test it when I come back. Maybe someone else, who has this problem can, that would be great.

    Kind regards

  • mglae Thank you again. I just started testing. Will get back after some time with feedback.

    One question though. So assuming this works now, and the drive stops dissapearing from LE. Does that mean there are no errors or there may be errors on it, but it will not be flagged as having errors?

  • I'll check. Thanks.

    I must be looking in the wrong place. My 12.01 legacy x86 build it shows up but not showing in Rpi5. It's a recent nightly build so maybe not included? Anyway is it possible to download the addon from github repo?

    I found the zip file from earlier in this thread but says dependency not met.

    Edited 3 times, last by Reddirt: Merged a post created by Reddirt into this post. (December 21, 2024 at 8:10 PM).