Recommendation on new hardware

  • So this is all I would need, and maybe a 32gb Micro SD card? I also plan on getting the Kodi case if I did go with a RPI4. I just don't know what else I would need.

    One of my concerns is that I have a large library and I am using a 250GB SSD drive, and it has used 178 GB so far. I am not sure if I would have to use an external SSD drive on the RPI4, and in doing so, would that not be a slower option to run LE, as oppose to the Micro SD drive, which appears to be insufficient in regards to capacity?

    Thank for all your advice,


    I wouldn‘t mind using a RPi4. The only reason I chose a NUC back then, was a fork project with emulation. Therefore I needed/wanted more power.

    I used RPis for Home Assistant and NextCloudPi for over one year without any issues. …until I migrated all to proxmox.

    I have always used external USB 3.0 SSDs.

    I tested LE10 on one of my RPi4s and I was really blown away. This cute board could do HDR?! Even my NUC11 wasn’t able to play that at that time.

    With the latest release, even LiveTV over tvheadend is playing well. I currently consider to switch to RPi and use the NUC as my major proxmox node.

    The devs are really doing magic with these boards <3 THANKS FOR THAT btw!

  • So this is all I would need, and maybe a 32gb Micro SD card? I also plan on getting the Kodi case if I did go with a RPI4. I just don't know what else I would need.

    One of my concerns is that I have a very large library (5000+ Movies and 20,000+ Episodes) and I am using a 250GB SSD drive, and it has used 178 GB so far. I am not sure if I would have to use an external SSD drive on the RPI4, and in doing so, would that not be a slower option to run LE, as oppose to the Micro SD drive, which appears to be insufficient in regards to capacity?

    Thank for all your advice,


    These are hobby boards. The hobby in the case is LE. Make your own case. Yes an 8gb SD card would probably do and yes for storage you’re only limited by your imagination.

    You’re probably overthinking things here. Keep costs to a minimum and create a personalised bespoke system unique to yourself. Whatever you do create will be more than acceptable to run LE and handle your media collection.

  • Is that the over priced NUC that Intel have decided to discontinue manufacturing that you are referring to. That is sound advice indeed.…pc-discontinued

    Engadget is part of the Yahoo family of brands

    Intel and ASUS Agree to Term Sheet to Take Intel NUC Systems Product...
    Intel and ASUS agree to term sheet to manufacture, sell and support 10th to 13th Gen NUC systems product line and to develop future innovative NUC systems…
  • I am not sure if I would have to use an external SSD drive on the RPI4, and in doing so, would that not be a slower option to run LE, as oppose to the Micro SD drive, which appears to be insufficient in regards to capacity?

    An SSD will typically be faster than a micro SD card.

    sdcards can be up to 1TB, so it's not limited in capacity, but I wouldn't recommend an sdcard that large.

    An SSD is likely cheaper and faster at that capacity.

  • I am about to purchase my PI4 this week, but I just have one more question (I think). If my LibreELEC backup size is 69GB's, wouldn't that mean that I should be using an external SSD drive, for example: a Samsung 870 EVO 250GB?

    Thank you in advance,


  • I'm an advocate for media content in a NAS device (Synology etc.) instead of connecting USB drives to boards, but 69GB isn't so much. If you can splurge on an SSD it will be lighter/cooler/faster/less-power than a mechanical drive.

  • I'm not aware of any upper limits on SD card size for pi boot (might be worth Googling to check) but whatever size is used will be formatted EXT4 and used for /storage so if that's easiest for you it should be fine. I personally avoid buying more expensive larger capacity cards since SD media does die eventually (another reasons for preferring NAS devices) .. but original and better quality cards should last a decent amount of time.

  • Be careful of large capacity SD cards. They are a prime target for the fake card industry. If you search this forum you’ll find one user that had nothing but problems with LE on a 256gb SD card.

  • Hi All,

    I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I put my RPi4 together with the Flirc Kodi case, board etc and plugged everything in but nothing happens. I installed LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-11.0.3.img.gz using the LE installer on my MicroSD 128GB but my system is just telling me there is "No Signal on my HDMI 2 port". If I pull the MicroSD card out, I then see the following. I am completely lost, and would appreciate any assistance.



  • I just got it with my order. It is brand new, plus I have another 128GB (brand new) and that also doesn't work. /shrug

    Try booting with vanilla RPI OS to rule out any problems with your hardware. Once you’ve done that you can get back to solving the LE problem.