[8.0.2c] LibreELEC 8.0 builds for KI Plus / KII Pro / KI Pro

  • I don't know whether there is any development ongoing for the driver, perhaps crazycat can answer this.

    Original avl6882 frontend driver developed by Luis Alves <[email protected]> (superset for avl6862):

    linux_media/avl6882.c at latest · ljalves/linux_media · GitHub

    History for drivers/media/dvb-frontends/avl6882.c - ljalves/linux_media · GitHub

    Firmware load from file.

    My fork contain some early version from Luis (static firmwares in avl6882_priv.h)

    + some my mods for real DVB-S/S2 and DVB-T2 UHF reception:

    linux_media/avl6882.c at latest · crazycat69/linux_media · GitHub

    History for drivers/media/dvb-frontends/avl6882.c - crazycat69/linux_media · GitHub

    Anyway TBS 5520 discontinued, TBS not use Avalink demods now.

    P.S. All Multistandard TBS DVB devices now based on Si2183x (TBS 6522, 6528, 6590, 5520SE, 5580). This most powerfull budget demod (Silabs demods used in many TVs, advanced STB including latest Dreambox'es 4K, Octagon 4K and etc). .

  • I'm also considering the KI-PRO box to replace my satellite receiver.

    I'm interested into picture quality, zapping sped and power consumption of the box when receiving SAT and Terrestrial TV signal.

    Can anyone share your experience please ?

  • It is hard to talk about picturequality and zapping speed. I dont know what you call a good quality, or fast zapping...

    All I can say that I am realy happy to bought one! For me the picture-quality is good and the zapping-speed is OK. Yes, it could be faster, but I owned STB-Receivers for much more money that were much slower!!

    As a result oft all that, I would never buy an other STB-Receiver again. The Meecool K1 Pro withe LibreELEC on it, is just a dream that came true... :)

  • For the guys that have S905D - Mecool K1 Pro boxes....

    Do these devices come with Dual independent TV tuners ?

    As an example the WeTek Play2 has various Tuner options like a combined DVB-C/T/T2.

    If I then go into the Tvheadend server setup only a single DVB-C/T/T2 is shown, this limits recording TV and watching another entirely seperate MUX TV channel at the same time, due to the single tuner already being used for recording.

    I also have a PlayTV USB Dual DVB-T tuner, this shows up in TvHeadend as two distinct independent TV Tuners:

    DVB-T #0 and

    DVB-T #1

    What do S905D K1 Pro users see in the DVB-Inputs TvHeadend server config tab ?

  • Amlogic S905X + GENIATECH Mygica HDStar DVB S2 V3 Issue

  • I'm having problems at low frequencies. ... Example: 123000000 Should not you drive the drive to afl1? If the correct posting location is elsewhere. I anticipate my apologies. But I found it more logical to post in this sequel.

    There is something that can do to better the force and to tune these frequencies.

    I am using version 8.1.7 in a ki plus.

    Edited 2 times, last by ioirifly (September 18, 2017 at 5:22 PM).

  • I'm having problems at low frequencies. ... Example: 123000000 Should not you drive the drive to afl1? If the correct posting location is elsewhere. I anticipate my apologies. But I found it more logical to post in this sequel.

    There is something that can do to better the force and to tune these frequencies.

    I am using version 8.1.7 in a ki plus.

    I think low frequency is 20 Hz. Sorry, you have to better specify your issue and provide debug logs.

    Pls, read [READ FIRST] Reporting bugs.

  • I gave up building LE-9.0 Leia as currently it is in very alpha stage with lot of issue for Amlogic HW decoding.

    I did some investigations in kodi controlling amlogic hw decoding. There is, I think, very stupid communication with kernel amlogic decoder. You can check only input buffer size, output buffer isn't updated. You can only guess from overfeeding input buffer, there are prepared decoded packets. This approach has one issue, packets have variable sizes (from kBs to MBs). The combination of large and small packets can lead to guessing wrong decoder status and skipping frames. I introduce concept of time-to-display frame to better guess availability of next decoded frame. Time-to-display allowed me decrease level of input buffer feeding to gain faster channel zapping (~1sec). I also found the number of render buffers 4 isn't enough I extended them to 8. In my logs I see usage of 6 render buffers.

    Testing build corresponding LE 8.1.8:


    Build is prepared for KI Pro, for other models replace dtb.

    Release notes:

    - faster channel zapping;

    - more stable high bitrate playback;

    - fix for chapter skipping (fix for ffmpeg reporting wrong chapter position);