I got a problem. I got Mini M8S II with broken NAND. One possibility to run my box is:
1) create a bootable SD card with Amlogic SD card maker, copy files from orginal firmware on it except recovery, recovery is TRWP for S905x devices,
2) create USB flash drive with LibreELEC USB SD creator.
3) both devices must be connected at the same time.
Box starts, works very well, but...
Is there any possibility to create AIO sd card and use ONLY sd card?
I'm newbie here, I'm trying to learn a bit about amlogic/android devices but no luck yet
Could somebody help me with this problem?
Bricked NAND - how to create a USB bootable SD and LibreELEC on ONE SD?
windziu -
November 27, 2016 at 8:28 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
This is just an idea... you probably need an LE SD card with u-boot - that's what Amlogic SD card maker does. What I would try:
- create a bootable SD card in LE Creator
- "add" u-boot to SD card using dd. Look here: How to Create a Bootable Recovery SD Card for Amlogic TV Boxes at step "Now find the device for your micro SD card (formatted with FAT32) with lsblk"
- Official Post
In Linux, you can try to create boot card of these files for this manual. You need to follow two boot loader entries.
dd if=u-boot.bin.sd.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync bs=1 count=442
dd if=u-boot.bin.sd.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync bs=512 skip=1 seek=1
s905_Unbrik_Amlogic_S905 · 150balbes/Amlogic_s905 Wiki · GitHub
Thanks guys for advice.
I got new problems trying to get what I want
I created a LE card and went to livecd mint to try Yours advices but when I try to execute dd, terminal says "cant find such file or directory".
I moved sd uboot what works with my mini to boot partition of LE prepared SDCard (/dev/sdc1) and tried with dd.
" dd if=u-boot.bin.sd.bin of=/dev/sdc1 conv=fsync bs=1 count=442"
and got "cant find such file or directory".
What do I do wrong? Maybe LiveCD does not works properly?
Can You guys explain for me, for real newbie step-by-step, how to write uboot to sd card contains LE?P.S. kszaq jestes moze z Polski?
I did manage to write u-boot to LE prepared sd card, and it works! (My knowledge about linux is so poor..., I forgot to mount folder first)
Thank You for your help!
EDIT 2: Maybe wrong place to ask for it but, if LibreELEC works on sd, is there any possibility to write on sd card stock firmware from MINI and boot from it? -
windziu I'm glad you sorted this out.
You might be able to run Android from SD card but that would need at least:
- creating 3 partitions on SD card for boot, system and data partition
- modifying initramfs to mount these partitions at proper mount points
- maybe something else
Again, like my first post this is only and idea and I've never done that.
P.S. Tak.
Seems like a hard thing to achieve... Would You guys point some tutorials how to start adventure with this journey?
P.S. Milo widziec rodaka z takimi osiagnieciami, wielki szacunek za cala prace wlozona w Libre
Czy zechcialbys moze pomoc mi z tym przedsiewzieciem? Moglbys potlumaczyc co i jak ugryzc? Jestem nowy w tym temacie, chcialbym sie troche zaglebic ale mam ogromne braki w obsludze androida/linuksa, od czego zaczac? Prowadz Mentorze -
Sorry to bump this old topic but I believe I corrupted my Mini M8S 2's eMMC when I tried to install LibreELEC on it. Box froze during the flash. Can no longer flash ROM's using USB Burning Tool as flashes hang at 7%, the formatting stage.
If I manage to boot LibreELEC from an SD, would it be possible to format the eMMC?
Sorry to bump this old topic but I believe I corrupted my Mini M8S 2's eMMC when I tried to install LibreELEC on it. Box froze during the flash. Can no longer flash ROM's using USB Burning Tool as flashes hang at 7%, the formatting stage.
If I manage to boot LibreELEC from a USB, would it be possible to format the eMMC?
why don't you try it
- Official Post
Theoretically, yes perhaps. I'm not sure if LE's busybox has commands for formatting an eMMC, but since the warranty on your box is already out the door, you might as well try. Otherwise contact the Mini M8S manufacturer first.
why don't you try it
Because I don't have a computer with Linux laying around so I was looking for somewhat of a confirmation before I format my hard drive to install Linux. Plus I wouldn't know what commands to enter even if it were possible.
Theoretically, yes perhaps. I'm not sure if LE's busybox has commands for formatting an eMMC, but since the warranty on your box is already out the door, you might as well try. Otherwise contact the Mini M8S manufacturer first.
Well out of warranty. At least there's hope, thanks.
create a new bootable image on a usb drive, use rufus from windows, then at least you could have a working system from usb.
then instead of trying to format the eMMC just install to internal
To get a Linux machine, you can create a Live linux distro like Knoppix.
create a new bootable image on a usb drive, use rufus from windows, then at least you could have a working system from usb.
then instead of trying to format the eMMC just install to internal
To get a Linux machine, you can create a Live linux distro like Knoppix.
Cheers. Got Linux running. Created a bootable SD card in LE Creator using one of @kszaq's LE images. Then added the u-boot Nothing found — Yandex.Disk to it in Linux.
Display Morejack@jack-Z97N-WIFI:~$ cd Downloads jack@jack-Z97N-WIFI:~/Downloads$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sdb 8:16 1 14.9G 0 disk sda 8:0 0 232.9G 0 disk ├─sda4 8:4 0 216.9G 0 part /media/jack/3E8889B988897067 ├─sda2 8:2 0 100M 0 part /boot/efi ├─sda7 8:7 0 14.2G 0 part / ├─sda5 8:5 0 856M 0 part ├─sda3 8:3 0 16M 0 part ├─sda1 8:1 0 450M 0 part └─sda6 8:6 0 488M 0 part [SWAP] jack@jack-Z97N-WIFI:~/Downloads$ sudo umount /dev/sdb umount: /dev/sdb: not mounted jack@jack-Z97N-WIFI:~/Downloads$ sudo dd if=u-boot.bin.sd.bin of=/dev/sdb conv=fsync bs=1 count=442 442+0 records in 442+0 records out 442 bytes copied, 0.0264831 s, 16.7 kB/s jack@jack-Z97N-WIFI:~/Downloads$ sudo dd if=u-boot.bin.sd.bin of=/dev/sdb conv=fsync bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 1728+0 records in 1728+0 records out 884736 bytes (885 kB, 864 KiB) copied, 0.986449 s, 897 kB/s
Popped the card into my box but it didn't boot, tried with the reset button pressed too. Will try the other 2 u-boots provided by balbes150
If a ROM flashed to an SD with Burn Card Maker, which adds a u-boot to the root of a SD, can get my box to boot to this screen, booting into other stuff should be possible right?
Ended up trying all 3 u-boot.bin.sd.bin's from balbes150, none worked unfortunately. I did use the u-boot created by Burn Card Maker, that gets my box to boot but hangs at my ROM's splash screen.
Okay, progress is being made. I have LE running on the box now. SSH'd to the box and ran installtointernal.
Display MoreThis script will erase BOOT, SYSTEM, DATA and DTB on your device and install LE that you booted from SD card/USB drive. It will create a backup of device tree and recovery partition on your boot media . The script does not have any safeguards! Type "yes" if you know what you are doing or anything else to exit: yes Backing up device tree...done. Backing up recovery partition...done. Formatting SYSTEM partition.../dev/system contains a ext4 file system last mounted on /system on Thu Jan 1 00:00:12 2015
Didn't make any progress beyond that point, stuck there for an hour. Any ideas on what commands I should enter?
Found the install script. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreelec/coreelec/master/projects/amlogic/filesystem/usr/sbin/installtointernal
It gets stuck at this command:
Going to assume the eMMC is kaput. Ran the above command without the silent flag, this is what it spat out until it stalled.
Display MoreLibreELEC:~ # mke2fs -F -t ext4 -m 0 /dev/system mke2fs 1.43.4 (31-Jan-2017) /dev/system contains a ext4 file system Discarding device blocks: failed - Input/output error Creating filesystem with 524288 4k blocks and 131072 inodes Filesystem UUID: 43ad4c17-0930-4835-abb3-5df5ad9335e2 Superblock backups stored on blocks: 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912 Allocating group tables: done Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (16384 blocks): done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: 0/16
Will have to settle with the fastest UHS-I microSD, https://www.amazon.com/dp/b06xyhn68l
Okay, progress is being made. I have LE running on the box now. SSH'd to the box and ran installtointernal.
Display MoreThis script will erase BOOT, SYSTEM, DATA and DTB on your device and install LE that you booted from SD card/USB drive. It will create a backup of device tree and recovery partition on your boot media . The script does not have any safeguards! Type "yes" if you know what you are doing or anything else to exit: yes Backing up device tree...done. Backing up recovery partition...done. Formatting SYSTEM partition.../dev/system contains a ext4 file system last mounted on /system on Thu Jan 1 00:00:12 2015
Didn't make any progress beyond that point, stuck there for an hour. Any ideas on what commands I should enter?
Found the install script. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreelec/coreelec/master/projects/amlogic/filesystem/usr/sbin/installtointernal
It gets stuck at this command:
Going to assume the eMMC is kaput. Ran the above command without the silent flag, this is what it spat out until it stalled.
Display MoreLibreELEC:~ # mke2fs -F -t ext4 -m 0 /dev/system mke2fs 1.43.4 (31-Jan-2017) /dev/system contains a ext4 file system Discarding device blocks: failed - Input/output error Creating filesystem with 524288 4k blocks and 131072 inodes Filesystem UUID: 43ad4c17-0930-4835-abb3-5df5ad9335e2 Superblock backups stored on blocks: 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912 Allocating group tables: done Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (16384 blocks): done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: 0/16
Will have to settle with the fastest UHS-I microSD, https://www.amazon.com/dp/b06xyhn68l
Perhaps you overcomplicated this a bit...
Let me share my experience. I just purchased an Odroid C2, and a eMMC card (with sd adapter)..
That box was able to boot the eMMC (generic linux), but my pc could not write LE to the eMMC card via the adapter. So I burned a linux (could probably even be LE) to the SD card, and booted from there. (with the eMMC also present)
Then - instead of dd'ing a u-boot to the eMMC (or running this "installtointernal" command, that seems to be assuming that /dev/system is on the eMMC), I just downloaded the latest Odroid LE image - gunzipped - and then dd that to the eMMC card...
Probably for you something like sudo dd if=LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2- of=/dev/sdb bs=4M
(with the disclaimer that I don't know the correct image for you, and if indeed sdb is your internal eMMC - but anyway, worth the shot
Then - removed the sd, and LE now runs from the eMMC...
I assume you could do similar - since you where able to copy the u-boot to the eMMC and boot from there...
please share progress
Perhaps you overcomplicated this a bit...
Let me share my experience. I just purchased an Odroid C2, and a eMMC card (with sd adapter)..
That box was able to boot the eMMC (generic linux), but my pc could not write LE to the eMMC card via the adapter. So I burned a linux (could probably even be LE) to the SD card, and booted from there. (with the eMMC also present)
Then - instead of dd'ing a u-boot to the eMMC (or running this "installtointernal" command, that seems to be assuming that /dev/system is on the eMMC), I just downloaded the latest Odroid LE image - gunzipped - and then dd that to the eMMC card...
Probably for you something like sudo dd if=LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2- of=/dev/sdb bs=4M
(with the disclaimer that I don't know the correct image for you, and if indeed sdb is your internal eMMC - but anyway, worth the shot
Then - removed the sd, and LE now runs from the eMMC...
I assume you could do similar - since you where able to copy the u-boot to the eMMC and boot from there...
please share progress
Appreciate your input. Gave it a go, but the box wouldn't boot afterwards.
No booting as in "not even getting the LibreElec splash screen", or that it never completes the boot - until Kodi??
Any diodes showing filesystem activity (or similar, I don't know the box you have)
Have you updated the device tree file?
Try to boot from a sd card, and see if you can access the mmcblk0 device... if so, it is probably the device tree that needs to be updated.
The positive (and this is really great), dd reporting that it copied the files show very clearly that the eMMC is not bricked
read: [] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X
and: [HOWTO + FAQ] Install community builds on S905/S905D/S905W/S905X/S912 device
No booting as in "not even getting the LibreElec splash screen", or that it never completes the boot - until Kodi??
Any diodes showing filesystem activity (or similar, I don't know the box you have)
Have you updated the device tree file?
Try to boot from a sd card, and see if you can access the mmcblk0 device... if so, it is probably the device tree that needs to be updated.
The positive (and this is really great), dd reporting that it copied the files show very clearly that the eMMC is not bricked
read: [] LibreELEC 8.2 for S905/S905X
and: [HOWTO + FAQ] Install community builds on S905/S905D/S905W/S905X/S912 device
Blue power LED doesn't light up and no video output. Flashing a uboot to eMMC corrects this (power LED lights up) but the screen remains black. Tried flashing the correct dtb but it made no difference. Perhaps I flashed it to the incorrect location. These were the commands I entered.
Codedd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/dtb bs=256k count=1 dd if=/storage/downloads/dtb.img of=/dev/dtb bs=256k
I wonder if there is a way to restore /dev/system... as you pointed that appears to be the issue. I've ran installtointernal successfully before the last time when it froze. So if the eMMC isn't bricked, I'm assuming the partitions are corrupt. I have access to terminal through TWRP, which may not be as limited as LE.