LibreELEC (Matrix) 10.0.0

  • I always thought that HEVC was a hardware thing and wold never see this on rpi3, but now is like there's a light in the end of the tunel.

    They're letting us dream kkkkk

    In general HEVC is a hardware thing (or you need a very powerful CPU).

    In the past RPi devs invested an enormous amount time to get HEVC playback working on RPi3 by offloading several CPU intensive tasks to the GPU - with really good results.

    The problem is that this approach only works with the legacy proprietary graphics driver which has now been phased out.

    With the new graphics drivers all of that old, optimized code can't be used anymore and adapting it to the new driver would both be very tricky and time consuming - and it's not even clear yet if it would be doable at all or achieve the same performance as with the old drivers in LE 9.2.

    So: don't hold your breath, ATM we can't promise RPi3 will get back optimized HEVC decoding in LE 10/11/... any time soon.

    so long,


  • After doing a clean install to 10.0.0 most things are working well on my RPI 4B.

    I have KodiPlexConnect and Plex server running fine.

    Embuary skin still works great.

    I had some trouble with:

    The default 60fps interface causing the pi to lose signal to the TV (I'm guessing that this will be fixed soon).

    Some issues with docker, particularly with's Portainer and Plex (a bunch of kill messages). Solved this by installing Plex directly to the OS and creating my own Portainer docker container. Still having trouble with File Manager in a docker container (kill messages). My Minecraft server container is running fine.

    Can't seem to reach 60FPS with 4k HEVC videos no matter what I do but this is nothing new.

    The Aerial screensaver leading to problems like being stuck in the screensaver, waking up the TV after changing screensaver videos, and other problems with the OS like the power off option disappearing. I don't think these problems are related to this version of the OS in particular though. It's a shame I can't really use this screensaver right now though because it is very cool! Using Kaster instead.

    Edited 2 times, last by Morawake (August 29, 2021 at 12:04 AM).

  • Sorry if this is obvious, but it's there an easy way to create a fresh install?

    just write the image to the sd card again -> everything gets deleted

    why is my nightlies window system on an Intel NUC then "X11" (last updated yesterday) ?

    because we have still X11 at our builds, we didn't switched yet, at the HDR images from SMP the change is included

  • LibreELEC (Matrix) 10.0.0 - LibreELEC


    [...] settings in config.txt can longer be used to work around [...]

    "can longer" > "can no longer" (...even though hdmi_mode and hdmi_group were still needed and work fine in my case)

    Also, the dvb drivers are also missing in the RPi 4 build. It might be good to mention this in the article as well.

    On that same subject, will they be added again in the near future?

  • Thanks for the reply, Chewitt. I have no idea what you mean. Something wrong with my settings? I tried to play some different HDR movies, and they still have washed out colors. If I play HDR from YouTube, the colors looks right.

  • Thanks for the reply, Chewitt. I have no idea what you mean. Something wrong with my settings? I tried to play some different HDR movies, and they still have washed out colors. If I play HDR from YouTube, the colors looks right.

    Does your TV support HDR?

    If no then this is expected - HDR output to HDR capable TVs is supported, tonemapping (converting HDR videos to SDR if your TV does not support HDR) is not supported on RPi4.

    so long,


  • tx fixed

    Not yet, the new graphic drivers interfere with the dvb drivers and its getting complicated very quick if we add them at this point.

    Later LE versions (LE11) will likely include it again.

    Thanks, bummer. With LE's current track record, two years from 8.0 to 9.0 and another two and a half years to 10.0, I'll be going back to 9.2 for the time being in that case.