LibreELEC (Leia) 9.2.5

  • Source: LibreELEC (Leia) 9.2.5 – LibreELEC

  • Both those links in your post work fine for me

    Yes, I don't understand what happened. I could download any other versions fine in FireFox. I was able to download even that 9.2.5 release on my phone to iCloud without issue. I couldn't do it on my desktop last night.

    This morning it works fine though. Sorry for any false alarms. I have no idea what was going on.

  • Download is working fine here but it could be that one of the download mirrors is having issues.

    Please provide a debug log, without that there's nothing we can do as we don't know what's going wrong (or which mirror may be having issues, if that's the case).

    Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link

    so long,


  • Many thanks, Hias. You gave me the hint for the right direction. I'm trying to reach the ftp-site from my browser but for some reason it redirects met to which cannot be found. Due to your hint I found a mirror here in Holland that is available. Thanks again!

    Good luck!


  • HiassofT

    I have the latest libreelec and i want to change the font because chrome show arabic words as boxes

    I want to change the fonts in the linux not kodi

    I hope you can guide me to change the fonts to font that support arabic language

  • HiassofT

    I have the latest libreelec and i want to change the font because chrome show arabic words as boxes

    I want to change the fonts in the linux not kodi

    I hope you can guide me to change the fonts to font that support arabic language

    X Chrome and Firefox display text based on availability of fonts in X windows. If you don't have some language specific code pages across all installed fonts, text is displayed as boxes.

    Create .fonts directory in /storage (root user's home) and copy any ttf fonts that you want to that directory. Reboot to restart X windows to be on safe side. I did not check if X detected changes in fonts without restart.

    DejaVu fonts will show Arabic in Chrome. Chinese, Japanese and Korean will require more fonts. Next fonts of choice would be non free MS core fonts, Tahoma, Arial Unicode MS and SimSun. SimSun will give Japanese and Chinese.

    Same applies to other X based Linux graphics. Install fonts in your .fonts directory and X will read them. Probably does not apply to LibreElec ARM builds. I don't remember which fonts give Korean support on my desktop. Got handful of accumulated fonts in personal home and tend to install font packages provided by OS.

    From packaging perspective LibreElec might provide DejaVu font package. Search did not find any 'font' packages in repos. /usr/share/fonts got only Liberation fonts installed with limited language coverage.

    Edited 4 times, last by tokul (September 8, 2020 at 5:31 AM).

  • Hello is this version compatible with the raspberry pi400? Can I use the add card from the pi4 directly in the PI 400?


    Know your hardware. Pi 400 is just overclocked Pi4.


    Raspberry Pi 400 review: Specs and hardware

    As the name suggests, the beating heart of this device is essentially a Raspberry Pi 4. More specifically, it’s the top-end model, with a quad-core Arm processor and 4GB of RAM. What’s different (aside from the form factor) is that by placing vents, heatsinks and other thermal management infrastructure throughout the keyboard chassis, the Raspberry Pi engineers have managed to overclock the Pi 4 to 1.8GHz, as opposed to the 1.5GHz clock speed of the basic model.