Posts by tokul

    Sorry, whilst I'm sure that made sense to you, to me (primarily Windows) its gibberish. Any chance of a translation?

    .po files are gettext translation files. You can edit them on Windows with poedit. You can find that program on google. I don't want to put links to external third party sites on forum.

    Example of gettext is below.


    msgid "Favourites"
    msgstr "Favoritter"

    You are supposed to edit only msgstr part. msgid is base text. Changing msgid in strings.po does nothing unless you want to spend your time changing original text and then updating every strings.po file to match your changes in source files. Gettext translations are not supposed to be managed that way. They have whole toolkit for extracting strings from sources and updating .po file with string changes.

    Checked how stuff looks like on Kodi/Libreelec and my understanding of gettext is bit outdated. Kodi genz brainiacs decided to go with uncompiled translations.

    I'm using Favourites to list the series currently being watched (right now: Robin's Nest, The Saint, Only Fools and Horses, Homeland). Itis doing what I want and I thought I'd change "Favourites" to "Watching". No problem with Home.xml but strings.po in the skin (eg "Add to Favourites") is giving me trouble. I can edit strings.po with Notepad++ but a) I end up with a much larger file (16kb -> 553 kb) and b) it doesn't work.

    It seems to work if I edit strings.po in the Kodi system rather than the skin. I don't want to do this because of implications for upgrading.

    .po files are plaintext source files used in translations. Any normal gettext enabled app will be reading .mo files.

    Recompile mo file after editing po.

    msgfmt -o -c strings.po

    There are dedicated .po file editors on this planet.

    If your text is coming from US English interface, you can't change it by updating .po/.mo. US English is normally base language.

    What does the policy say about torrenting app and the LinuxServer add-ons list

    Where can i read about this?

    March 15, 2016 at 1:02 AM

    Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons - Official Kodi Wiki

    "Pirated content" add-ons, websites, and services typically do not include the following (to be determined on a case-by-case basis if necessary):


    B. The add-on has the potential to access pirated content, but is potentially useful for downloading legal content as well. [For example, an add-on that downloads torrents is not, itself, a problem, since a torrent can cover a wide variety content, including legally distributed videos.]

    From what I've seen on forum LibreElec dev consider torrent apps for their pirating usage and do not take other uses into account. Their policy is more strict than Kodi's one.

    Intend to go back to 11.06 by Sunday latest via a fresh installation but have to get my hands on a Windows PC first as I have seen, that the image creator is currently not available for Linux.

    Linux includes "disk image writer" in base build. See dd for CLI or gnome disk image writer (right click on .img or .iso).

    I find that incredibly odd, is it based on a very old and unupdated bootloader?

    I did but I fail to see why it's even relevant unless this is a profoundly old thing that isn't working.

    I have no idea what you need from it, is it here?

    You told me current and supported LBA sizes on your device and confirmed that reading wikis is hard.

    Run 'nvme format --lbaf=0 /dev/nvme0n1' on live ubuntu to switch your nvme disk to 512 sector size.

    Restart, boot from libreelec installer disk, install libreelec. Lets hope that your selected libreelec version can handle RTX10

    Tested with WD Blue NVME and confirmed that 4096 sector size results error in installer logs and switching back to 512 size works. Test system was using UEFI boot. So probably no need to run in legacy boot mode on your laptop.

    If you want to argue about 4k sector performance and old software, your choice. I prefer stuff that works without bolts flying in all directions.

    I don't understand why the sector size would even be an issue? LibreELEC needs a highly specific size or something? No other OS seems to have an issue with 4096 sector sizes.

    Can this be fixed?

    Librelec uses bootloader that can't install itself into 4096 sector size device. Regular Linux tends to use grub, which is more widespread and gets updates/fixes faster than syslinux. Libreelec does not use grub cause they care about size and not about grub's bells and whistles.

    I guess you did not read the link.

    Could you boot your laptop with Live ubuntu disk and show 'smartctl -c /dev/nvme0n1' output for your Toshiba NVME. Dunno if live ubuntu includes smart monitoring tools in their build. I used different live os to check drives.

    What would be the fix here, then?

    To my knowledge Raspberry Pis are popular HTPCs with LibreELEC, same with NUCs. Those both utilize NVMe drives.

    Samsung EVO 970 250GB nvme supports only 512 sector size.

    1TB WD Blue and Black nvme came with 512 sector default, but can be switched to 4096. I am not in the mood of destroying data on those two to test how libreelec setup works on 4096 sector size.

    1TB WD Red and Green SSDs support only 512 sector.

    Archlinux got page about sector sizes and tells commands that show your drive capabilities

    Advanced Format - ArchWiki

    Maybe check your nvme sector size options.