High CPU Load after Upadte to 12.0

  • Hi,

    after updating from 11.06 to 12.0 I experience a very high CPU Load. "top" shows that it is the kodi.bin process itself which has 50%-60% of CPU and keeps the CPU stuck at high clock frequencies and thus the fan at annoying RPMs. Under LibreElec 11.x the CPU-usage was more in the area of 5-6? and the CPU frequency close to minimum. Attached is the kodi.log I just recorded.

    Any idea what causes this or what might be done? Please note that I am just a user and have only entry-level knowledge of either LibreElec or Kodi.



    Running Generic Image on Intel i3-9100

  • Nothing stands out in the log, although it's not a debug log so it's harder to guess what Kodi internals might be doing. It's normal for things in databases and caches to be reprocessed and validated though, and in the background Kodi downloaded new versions of add-ons too, which included services like Tvheadend. Give it an hour and see if the dust settles.

  • Thanks, will give it some more time, though it's already going like this for more than an hour. If it doesn't improve over the next 2 hours I will try to create and send a debug logfile.

  • This is unusual, and happens several times on your latest log:

    2024-05-02 17:49:35.126 T:1367  warning <general>: OutputPicture - timeout waiting for buffer

    Maybe it's related to the graphics driver. The log says it's "Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 (CFL GT2)".

    Can you try Generic-legacy?

  • Switched to legacy but no change in high CPU utilization. Debug-Log file attached. Could only mitigate the effect a little bit by disabling CPU turbo mode in BIOS.

    Intend to go back to 11.06 by Sunday latest via a fresh installation but have to get my hands on a Windows PC first as I have seen, that the image creator is currently not available for Linux.

  • Switched to legacy but no change in high CPU utilization. Debug-Log file attached. Could only mitigate the effect a little bit by disabling CPU turbo mode in BIOS.

    Intend to go back to 11.06 by Sunday latest via a fresh installation but have to get my hands on a Windows PC first as I have seen, that the image creator is currently not available for Linux.

    Try Etcher, https://etcher.balena.io/#download-etcher

  • Intend to go back to 11.06 by Sunday latest via a fresh installation but have to get my hands on a Windows PC first as I have seen, that the image creator is currently not available for Linux.

    Linux includes "disk image writer" in base build. See dd for CLI or gnome disk image writer (right click on .img or .iso).

  • Thanks, I have meanwhile created an bootable 11.06 USB stick, no problems. Currently checking on how to create a backup of the TVHeadend configuration ready to restore after clean installation. Setting up DVB-S receivers, scanning, creating services and channels was rather cumbersome, would like to avoid starting over again.

  • being back on 11.06 and everything is working fine. kodi.bin CPU usage is between 5% and 6% while CPU frequency is at minimum.

    Now that I have a fresh installation and not a long upgrade history, maybe I will give it another try in a few weeks,