[8.0.2e] LibreELEC 8.0 for S905/S905X

  • There is Spotify addon already in LE repo. Try using it.

    Re WP2 build, please try using Raybuntu's build: images My build was only trying to inject WP2-specific patches to S905 project, I guess this is not enough.

    Re playback issues, Amlogic hardware playback is still being worked on by Kodi developer Peak3D and tested intensively by me and other developers. As soon as there are no issues obseved by me in this PR, I will make a public build: AML clock timing adjustments by peak3d · Pull Request #10887 · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub

    Isn't that for Spotify connect from your phone ? My link is a Spotify addon for Kodi (no phone needed)

  • kszaq
    I tried both devel Jarvis and Krypton builds, the Krypton builds have a smoother GUI (more FPS), any reason for this kszaq? Perhaps different Mali driver?

    kszaq Thank a lot very good work, I have a problem with Quasar - pastebin - YffZ.

    I believe you're using latest devel-krypton, which is "S905.arm" instead of "S905.aarch64", Quasar doesn't work with "S905.arm" which I believe is a 32bit build? Correct me if I'm mistaken.

    Edited once, last by fneves (December 7, 2016 at 7:28 AM).

  • Is there nothing that can be done about Twitch streams not working unless you try to load a stream 10+ times?

    It's kind of a deal breaker for me which is a shame because I love libreelec and S905 is the only decent HEVC box that doesnt cost £150+

  • You should ask addon developer to add support if possible. If ARM is supported, the addon should work on 32-bit userspace build. Have you actually tried installing it?

    Edit: I have just tried it and it installs fine.

    Edited once, last by kszaq (December 8, 2016 at 10:15 AM).

  • You should ask addon developer to add support if possible. If ARM is supported, the addon should work on 32-bit userspace build. Have you actually tried installing it?

    Edit: I have just tried it and it installs fine.

    Yes installs fine but won't work 100% on s905 (plattform not supported) and like i said it works on s802

  • kszaq : BIG thanks for your hard work, because of you I can enjoy HD sound on my AVR!

    Issues found so far:

    1. Yellow ting during playback of the videos. What I've found is that the same behaviour is observed on the 009 build (someone there in the topic also was affected by this - no fix found). Here's a little pointer for you:
    Settings > System settings > Display > General > Resolution:

    • 1920x1080p - this is OK in the menu; white text/img is bright white - but for video playback white gets yellow tint, very annoying on the controls and subtitles and in the picture
    • 1280x720p - this has yellow tint everywhere (gui + video playback)
    • 1920x1080p - this has yellow tint everywhere (gui + video playback)
    • 1920x1080i - this has yellow tint everywhere (gui + video playback)
      So it looks like with the first setting is OK for GUI but then for playback it's switching to the other 1080 option (tv is not showing it's OSD with resolution info - so it was not changed).
      Please have a look at the pictures attached; I've taken them without any auto settings to get as much as close picture to what my eyes see.
      Actually on the pics it looks very close but in real life is yellow as dog piss on the fresh snow...

    2. I have no luck with installtointernal; did it twice, nothing helps, when I choose rebootfromnand box does reboot, couple of secs without boot logo, so far so good, but then screen blinks few times and then nothing happens. When I run from USB drive then after those blinks LE logo appears.

    Any ideas for above issues?

    Despite above issues everything else for me is working like a charm!
    Setup: Ferguson FBOX 4K (S905-B, 8GB NAND, 1GB RAM, 100MB NET, Android 5.1.1 with hacky Kodi 16.0 OOTB).

  • karolgarlicki Witaj na forum i dzięki za szczegółowy raport w pierwszym Twoim poście! :)

    I will try to reproduce the yellow tint issue with my TV set. Meanwhile can you try if forcing RGB colorspace solves the issue for you? You can do this by executing echo 1 > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/output_rgb. This command can be added to autostart.sh if it improves things for you.

    About installing to internal, I have seen some boxes that don't allow replacing device tree outside recovery. You might want to try to execute fw_setenv upgrade_step 2 before running installtointernal.

    Should this be working for audio over a USB dac? Because clicks and pops are much worse on this build for me over USB ...

    No, the fix is only for internal audio codec. USB sound cards is another story that is also planned to be looked into after more important issues are resolved.

  • karolgarlicki Witaj na forum i dzięki za szczegółowy raport w pierwszym Twoim poście! :)

    I will try to reproduce the yellow tint issue with my TV set. Meanwhile can you try if forcing RGB colorspace solves the issue for you? You can do this by executing echo 1 > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/output_rgb. This command can be added to autostart.sh if it improves things for you.

    About installing to internal, I have seen some boxes that don't allow replacing device tree outside recovery. You might want to try to execute fw_setenv upgrade_step 2 before running installtointernal.

    No, the fix is only for internal audio codec. USB sound cards is another story that is also planned to be looked into after more important issues are resolved.

    Hello, thanks for the feedback.

    For yellow tint issue, I've got an update. Somehow it started working correctly. I will save your tips and try it if issue will come back to me.

    For the install to nand it looks like there was no problem in the procedure, but there's an issues that few people started noticing with powering on the device. At random it starts properly, other times it hangs on the black screen right in the moment when LE splash screen should be displayed. Hard power reset and it boots normally. I believe that's similar issue people were reporting for 010 build.

    Additional thing is with such use case:
    1. Power on the device and hope it will boot properly.
    2. Turn off TV.
    3. Turn on back TV.
    4. Sometimes display has pink overlay on the image, sometimes it's completely pink and I don't see any part of the GUI. It helps to go to the setting > display and change back and forth the resolution then colors are back as it should be (or hard reset).
    For me it looks like a little problem with HDMI hand-shakes, DRM? I'm connecting box to the AVR using HDMI then output is send to TV (also HDMI) - if that helps.

    Bottom line (TL;DR), I've installed it to nand but at random it doesn't boot properly, thus I thought that instalal was not working. Yellow tint is gone, I will test in coming days and let you know if something will not work as expected. Found new problem with switching TV over HDMI during box operation.

  • Hello, thanks for the feedback.

    For yellow tint issue, I've got an update. Somehow it started working correctly. I will save your tips and try it if issue will come back to me.

    For the install to nand it looks like there was no problem in the procedure, but there's an issues that few people started noticing with powering on the device. At random it starts properly, other times it hangs on the black screen right in the moment when LE splash screen should be displayed. Hard power reset and it boots normally. I believe that's similar issue people were reporting for 010 build.

    Additional thing is with such use case:
    1. Power on the device and hope it will boot properly.
    2. Turn off TV.
    3. Turn on back TV.
    4. Sometimes display has pink overlay on the image, sometimes it's completely pink and I don't see any part of the GUI. It helps to go to the setting > display and change back and forth the resolution then colors are back as it should be (or hard reset).
    For me it looks like a little problem with HDMI hand-shakes, DRM? I'm connecting box to the AVR using HDMI then output is send to TV (also HDMI) - if that helps.

    Bottom line (TL;DR), I've installed it to nand but at random it doesn't boot properly, thus I thought that instalal was not working. Yellow tint is gone, I will test in coming days and let you know if something will not work as expected. Found new problem with switching TV over HDMI during box operation.

    could you try a different hdmi cable? All these could be caused by a faulty cable...

  • could you try a different hdmi cable? All these could be caused by a faulty cable...

    Maybe, but there's no movement, at all. So in that way is it possible to work ok most of the time, especially that Chromecast is plugged to the second HDMI in into AVR? Then one out from AVR to TV.

    I've checked also this config with PC instead of TV box. All good. So no cable issue for me.