Optimized Logitech Harmony remote with Libreelec

  • Just curious who else may be working on this. I have been struggling with getting just the right settings to work with a harmony 650. I think having to load Microsoft Media Player and Media Player SE keyboard settings and then futz with all the settings to try to get it to control kodi the way you want it is a bit antiquated. I have been working on a Raspberry-Kodi device type and hope that logitech will pick it up and put it in their library. Then that would be all you need to install. I know, a pipe dream.

    Anyone else doing anything similar? I have been moderately successful.


  • I'm pretty sure that you are not the only one ;)

    I use Harmony Elite and Harmony Ultimate remotes with Libreelec but i use them with bluetooth instead of ir.

    works flawless and are very fast in response.

    Both devices are setup as MCE keyboard.

  • Ahh 650 is not BT then.

    Once they are setup correctly, they are a joy to use.... but setting them up is a real pain. It would be nice if they had an Raspberry Pi/Kodi default setup, so you only need to set RGY & B to your preferences.

    Yep and $60-$70 is a lot easier to eat than the cost of the BT versions. I am working on the Raspberry Pi/Kodi setup, hence this thread.

  • I have a Harmony ultimate hub and use Microsoft Kodi. It has *most* of the controls but you still need to correct a number of buttons.

    I have a 950 with a hub and having issues finding the right device.

    Can I trouble you for manufacturer and model please for the website

    I tried Microsoft and Kodi and it just brings up a Microsoft Media PC but the remote does not work

    Edited 2 times, last by qwakuk (July 4, 2020 at 10:19 AM).

  • Logitech Harmony remotes work great with FLIRC, wouldn't use any other type of IR receiver. personally went as far as getting a Streacom case for my HTPC because it has an integrated FLIRC receiver.

  • I had the Harmony 650 working fine (Odroid C2) for years until i upgraded to LE 9.0.2. It was previously working on a 'Hardkernel' Logitech profile but that's all gone now. Been fiddling round with it off and on for months with configuration/mapping but haven't been able to crack it...

  • I am rooting around trying to understand how to add IR to my RP4 so I can use my Harmony IR Remote. I soldered in an IR receiver and was hoping it would work with the right config. Am I dreaming in technicolor? Do I absolutely need a Flirc to use my Harmony remote?

  • If you want to power up the RP4 with IR, you have to use some board like this one: RemotePi

    I have this board and it works without problems with the RP4. It allows to power up the RP4 and normal shutdown of it.

    They have a description how to use the board for LibreElec.

  • In general, it's easy to make the IR receiver working on RPi 4B using GPIO and IR sensor.

    At first, you need to enable it - put this line to /flash/config.txt file (read only by default, remount as RW before edit):


    You may change the GPIO pin, GPIO 18 is a default when not specified.

    Then connect the IR sensor's data pin to GPIO18, reboot the RPi and use ir-keytable to configure / map keys as described here: Infra-Red Remotes - LibreELEC.wiki