Nightly images for A64, H3, H5, H6 and R40 boards

  • Interesting, never heard of that ;)

    roel is that projector usable for something or just a toy?

    With android it wasn't usable. You had to control it wit a app but the wifi connection with the device was bad. You could, according the specs, also connect a bluetooth remote, but to be honest, I never found a good bluetooth remote. Most bluetooth remotes are a hybrid beween IR and bluetooth. For example, the navigations keys are IR, the special keys are the keyboard are bluetooth. I never understood these remotes. By the way, the bluetooth connection dropped also on regular base. You can find more info on the kickstarter of this device:


    It's not for sale anymore because the company has stopped. It doesn't have usb and sd-card exposed. You have to tear it open, and that's not easy. I have to solder longer power cables as they are really short and I had to cut them to get the mainboard and projector out of the housing. I hope I can manage to put everything back together. I still have to test if LE boots, I still have to solder the power cable and I have little time. It's low on my priority list. I will try the cubieboard image first as I thing the most features are enabled there and I hope the projector is connected with a supported "video output). if this boots, I will search which device has the ampak AP6210 and a supported dtb and see further if this one boots are I have to build a custom dtb with the ampak AP6210 included.

  • Good afternoon.

    On the night assembly LibreELEC-H3.arm-9.80-nightly-20191128-8a962b4-orangepi-pc-plus.img, add-ons are not installed, with an error about the inability to install package the version 1.0.2 , but the rest works flawlessly.

    The assembly LibreELEC-H3.arm-9.80-nightly-20200103-587404e-orangepi-pc-plus.img fails to go through the initial setup, with an error that the network is unavailable, but at the same time it receives NTP Orange-PI.

  • I will search which device has the ampak AP6210 and a supported dtb and see further if this one boots are I have to build a custom dtb with the ampak AP6210 included

    hi roel thanks for the very detailed answer.

    Regarding the wifi i think the type of card doesn't matter for the dtb as Linux can autodetect what's on the bus once the sdio works.

  • besit Can you test this update? libreelec-h3.arm-9.80-devel-20191225103817-587b061.tar

    I enabled additional drivers in kernel. If it works for you, I'll open PR so those drivers will be included in nightlies.

    I'd like to test the update too. How do I install it?

    My current system is LibreELEC-H3.arm-9.1-devel-20190417111528-8a67660-orangepi_one.img.gz

    It seems I got no update channels. There's no Update folder so I made one (under /storage) and I also tried with the existing /storage.update folder but to no avail.

    best regards,

    Edited 2 times, last by Digitalis (January 7, 2020 at 4:30 PM).

  • Tried latest Nightly on Orange Pi 3... Played local media perfectly; however unable to connect to Kodi Add-on / Update? Presume upstream issue as able to ping Google via ssh session.

    UPDATE: Captured the following from the logfile... Its a Repo issue....

    Edited once, last by Alxscott: Update with log file info (January 7, 2020 at 9:57 PM).

  • My restart probably wasn't nice enough. LibreELEC logo appears, then after about 20 seconds: "can't access tty job control turned off".

    I guess I have to restart from scratch.

    Any useful links?

    Edited once, last by Digitalis (January 7, 2020 at 10:58 PM).

  • Thanks for your hints. I checked boot.scr and script.bin using a hex editor but couldn't find the string "disk" in it.

    However, it seems my SD card layout and boot partition is different from what I expected. And the boot partition's 16bit FAT is damaged. fsck didn't do any good about it. Unfortunately I don't have a backup since I got the Orange Pi from my nephew and he deleted everything from his old PC.

    How can I get a fresh SD-card image of LibreELEC for my Orange Pi One H3?

  • Digitalis One is not supported here because it has less than 1 GiB RAM and currently I don't have time to do memory optimizations.

    lumpi now and then I do a new H5 build, but current issue is that Lima for some reason doesn't work well in combination of sun4i-drm driver (DE2 part) and Kodi. For example, Lima works with A20, which has DE1. Interestingly, Panfrost works with H6, which has DE3, and Kodi (DE3 uses mostly the same code as DE2). Someone would need to do thorough test Lima on A20, but last time I tried, it crashed in menu after a bit of playing. But Lima fixes are coming in every week, so I'm optimistic this will be sorted out soon.

  • lumpi now and then I do a new H5 build, but current issue is that Lima for some reason doesn't work well in combination of sun4i-drm driver (DE2 part) and Kodi. For example, Lima works with A20, which has DE1. Interestingly, Panfrost works with H6, which has DE3, and Kodi (DE3 uses mostly the same code as DE2). Someone would need to do thorough test Lima on A20, but last time I tried, it crashed in menu after a bit of playing. But Lima fixes are coming in every week, so I'm optimistic this will be sorted out soon.

    that means except for a10/13 and 20 this bug stops lima from being used successfully until a solution is found.

    Let's see soon we will be blob free ;)