Censored Word
THRobinson -
February 5, 2019 at 9:15 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
We have (had) a time period where plenty of spammers of all walks of life wanted to bless us with their visits, so we had to put up a pretty aggressive wall.
- Official Post
I agree with THRobinson. Censorship is going so far that we can't even discuss technical words, like an electronic F-E-M-A-L-E connector. It's pure overdose.
- Official Post
The alternative is a huge number of spam bot posts per-day which is repetitive and demoralising work for the forum staff who already give up a large amount of their personal time to help the project. We value making their forum lives easier above a little wordplay inconvenience for users. Sorry but it's not going to change.
The alternative is a huge number of spam bot posts per-day which is repetitive and demoralising work for the forum staff
Just activate akismet and call it a day! What's demoralising is the constant over blocking, censoring and the poor software forum. Users are often gone as quickly as they come as their threads/posts are disabled and things which usually take some 20 minutes or 1 hour to resolve in modern FOSS communities is a matter of days in this locked down and un-welcoming community.
Very sad for the project that the community staff is not able to set a basic/heal-thy/friendly environment for a growing community which invites everybody to participate.
Just activate akismet and call it a day! What's demoralising is the constant over blocking, censoring and the poor software forum. Users are often gone as quickly as they come as their threads/posts are disabled and things which usually take some 20 minutes or 1 hour to resolve in modern FOSS communities is a matter of days in this locked down and un-welcoming community.
Very sad for the project that the community staff is not able to set a basic/heal-thy/friendly environment for a growing community which invites everybody to participate.
You’re at it again. Clearly you’re looking to be permanently banned. People here do not have time for this.
We've banned him for a week, just to see if he can learn. No learning curve, so permanent banishment now.
We've banned him for a week, just to see if he can learn. No learning curve, so permanent banishment now.
You won’t cure a narcissist but you can kill them off. Job done.