build for S905

  • you don't need to pull the SD card. If you download the image with putty, you already have the image on sd, in the . Update folder.
    When you restart, update start in automatic. When finish, the system restart.
    If download don't work maybe you have some internet issue.

    William Fanelli

    Thanks willyfan. I tried again this am and the download failed again at ~ 28%. I cleaned out the .update folder with the putty command rm -rf * and retried the download. It completed the download after this.
    Rebooted and the image loaded and completed the update.
    Would be great if your instructions were posted on the 1st page. They are a lot simpler to understand.

    Edited once, last by doggyofone (August 31, 2016 at 2:03 PM).

  • You must ask to kszaq, because the 1 post is not mine... Anyway, I followed the instruction in wiki: HOW TO:Update LibreELEC - LibreELEC
    Also, there are some video around on the web, like this :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLvkbw1S3ic

    @willifan & doggyofone
    Agreed: upgrade instructions are LE generic and otherwise device, vendor and architecture independent.
    Whatever 1st page OP instructions are very specific to what thread targets: installing build for S905.
    But one should always keep the baseline instructions in mind and inherit specifics from there.

    Edited once, last by Nofan Tasi (September 1, 2016 at 3:28 PM).

  • Works fine for me on the USB port next to the mSD slot using gxbb_p200_2G_mini_mxg_2_16.dtb

    No, not for me. I have a 1Gb MiniMX (original I think - no MkIII or anything). No USB working and SD freezes up on exploring the menus. No good on this box.

  • well, that is Your case

    I have same MiniMX 1GB and .006 working like charm ( sdcard version ) , didnt try it install on usb

    Perhaps you could try it on USB so that we would know if it is only me ? Also what SD card are you using ? I am using Sandisk Ultra Plus which I thought were top class.

  • Perhaps you could try it on USB so that we would know if it is only me ? Also what SD card are you using ? I am using Sandisk Ultra Plus which I thought were top class.

    card is Kingston microsd HC class 10
    sorry, currently dont have spare usb so cant try install on it

  • card is Kingston microsd HC class 10
    sorry, currently dont have spare usb so cant try install on it

    I'm actually having trouble with a SDHC class 10 kingston on my s805 build, it works, but is really slow,

    I'm using a really old (6 years or so) sandisk microSD 1gb card and works flawlesly, it's really weird

    Edited once, last by Manahtar (September 2, 2016 at 2:59 PM).

  • Hi kszaq

    I have tried to flash the new firmware on my T95N Mini Mx 1gb box via the toothpick method and it looked as though it accepted it all ok stating that 'Libreelec was installed successfully'. However, when I then go to reboot the screen just goes blue for about 10 seconds then black for about 10 seconds then back to blue etc, etc, I don't have the original firmware for the box unless someone on here can kindly post me a link, so I think I have bricked the box unfortunately. If anyone has a cure I would be very grateful.


  • Hi,

    just installed on MicroSD of another Beelink Mini MXIII.

    Everything is working fine after the first attempt, exept the SPDIF-output. SPDIF isn't shown in the audio-output setting anymore, but it works with Android on NanD. With on my other Beelink Mini MXIII SPDIF is working perfect.

    ...has anyone an idea?

    (It's not an urgent Problem, because I use an USB-soundcard at the moment)


    Gesendet von meinem H60-L04 mit Tapatalk

    Edited once, last by mark-aus-51 (September 2, 2016 at 7:28 PM).

  • I am about to try NAND install MiniM8s Pro S905 2g/8g and i am confused by the step 1 below's meaning ?
    This step is not needed for first install ?
    I understand the rest.

    Internal memory (NAND/eMMC):

    • (This step is not needed for first install) Download Android ZIP update for your box and extract 2 files: recovery.img and dtb.img to your SD card.

  • kszaq How is the optical pass-through audio progress going? Can we expect it for next release?

    Everything is working fine after the first attempt, exept the SPDIF-output. SPDIF isn't shown in the audio-output setting anymore, but it works with Android on NanD. With on my other Beelink Mini MXIII SPDIF is working perfect.

    ...has anyone an idea?

    In S905 there has never been an option in Kodi menu to choose S/PDIF output. With Amlogic whenever you send something to audio ouput, it is output by both HDMI and S/PDIF when possible - i.e. stereo tracks or DD/DTS. Optical output works on my box by simply selecting HDMI for output.

    To make SPDIF output work, you need a device tree with optical output definitions. Default Amlogic device tree is for electrical S/PDIF and I admit I might have omitted that change in device tree for MiniMXIII. If your box has 2GB RAM and 1Gbit Ethernet, you should try using gxbb_p200_2G_iNepo_Q.patch device tree. Fot the next release build all device trees have defaults for optical output.

    I am about to try NAND install MiniM8s Pro S905 2g/8g and i am confused by the step 1 below's meaning ?
    This step is not needed for first install ?
    I understand the rest.

    Internal memory is divided into several partitions - one of them is recovery and another is dtb. When you use toothpick method, u-boot looks for recovery and dtb image on SD card/USB drive and if it doesn't find them, it loads them from internal memory. When you install >=.006 build to internal memory, factory device tree in internal memory is replaced and it won't work with factory recovery (not true for boxes with the latest kernel, i.e. S905X and maybe some S905).

    Why it says "This step is not needed for first install"? When you have original factory firmware on internal memory, you also have original device tree that works with recovery image. So when you install LE to internal memory for the first time, you don't need to provide recovery and device tree images.

    During my work on .007 I developed a script that may help installing LE to NAND for people having issues with it yet who can run LE from SD card. This should work for all releases. Here's how:

    • The script is experimental, you do it on your own risk! Download original Android firmware before installing anything to internal memory!
    • Boot LE from SD card and connect to your box over SSH.
    • Execute the following commands:
      wget http://kszaq.libreelec.tv/s905/tools/installtointernal
      . installtointernal
    • Follow on-screen instructions. The scripts says it makes a backup copy of recovery and device tree but in some cases this might not be possible. It should still be able to write LE to internal memory.

  • Internal memory is divided into several partitions - one of them is recovery and another is dtb. When you use toothpick method, u-boot looks for recovery and dtb image on SD card/USB drive and if it doesn't find them, it loads them from internal memory. When you install >=.006 build to internal memory, factory device tree in internal memory is replaced and it won't work with factory recovery (not true for boxes with the latest kernel, i.e. S905X and maybe some S905).

    Why it says "This step is not needed for first install"? When you have original factory firmware on internal memory, you also have original device tree that works with recovery image. So when you install LE to internal memory for the first time, you don't need to provide recovery and device tree images.

    Thanks kszaq
    I just wrote my version of instructions below after reading your explanation.
    I got thrown off with the before and after count of files on the card before flashing.
    Greatly appreciated in explaining how this works.

    Download zip file from LibreELEC release folder.
    Unpack downloaded file to SD card/USB drive - you should now have 5 files on your card

    1.aml_autoscript, 2. factory_update_param.aml, 3. a zip file with an update, 4.dtb.img and 5. recovery.img.

    Note; You will only have 3 files on your sd card if it is first time flash.
    1. aml_autoscript, 2. factory_update_param.aml, 3.a zip file with an update,.
    Factory recovery and device tree images are already on internal memory.