LibreELEC (Leia) v8.90.004 ALPHA

  • I have a wetek 2 play running an old leia pre alpha build installed in internal (updated from libreelec 8 -> installed to internal).

    Can you I update it somehow or is internal no longer supported by libreelec?

  • Hello.

    Just tried 8.90.004 for RPi (3B+): thanks for all the hard work!

    One snag: when you start a slideshow, as it comes across an MP4 in the sequence of images to show, the video does start playing, but the screen goes black at the same time and you only hear the sound. If you then hit escape, the screen wakes up, but you have the 'playlist' of images in the foreground (just like when you hit escape whilst the slideshow shows normal pictures).

    The problem with movies during picture slideshows has been around in Kodi for some time now, but in previous versions it was a stuttered playback, whereas now it is a playback without the visual part of the video.

    I'd love for slideshows of a mix of pictures and videos to work again (a much older version of Kodi/XBMC did do it flawlessly).



  • Ah, and LibreELEC hangs when you tell it to reboot.

    Both when instructing it to "reboot" from an ssh login, and from the Kodi power off/timer/reboot menu (either via the power off symbol button at the bottom of the screen or via the 's' shortcut).

  • I was getting error in mount_storage on Odroid C2, when I did `mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 storage` it started up ok, I tried running e2label on the file system and there wasn't any label, so I ran `tune2fs -L STORAGE /dev/mmcblk0p2` and now it boots without a problem.

    I also ran into this error on Odroid C2, on updating from Kodi 17.6. I solved this by completely starting from scratch though, not a Linux expert enough to solve this.

  • Hello, I'd like to upgrade my wetek play 2 to kodi beta (from 8.2.5), but i've noticed beta file is build for arm architecture, while 8.2.5 was for aarch64. Is it even possible to do "cross architecture" upgrade without breaking stuff or do i need to do a full reinstall? Also is this architecture change permanent for kodi 18 or will this change during beta cycle?

    Thanks for advice.

  • pavuucek The OS updates cross-arch on the same hardware without issues, but binary addons might cause some warning/failure messages until they update to newer versions. So first boot after the main upgrade might have issues, but leave it a couple of minutes for secondary updates to happen and then all should be fine again. I'd recommend making a backup though .. in case things go south for some unforeseen reason.