I haven't used 3.14 kernel images since August this year. I don't know what S905W box you have but a 1GB/8GB TX3 mini I have runs fine.
I wish I could say the same!..
..my problem with tx3mini 2/16 is that on all 4.xx-Versions I got no sound because my monitor has no speakers, so sound just delivered over hdmi is absolutely useless for me. I mostly use on these s905w boxes(got 3 of em) av-port with a 3.5mm to cinch cable connected to old '80s analogue stereo Amps and huge PA-speakers(2x15"+ 18" subs..) , also a usb-soundcard(which works with all armbian or 3.xx-LE-Versions perfect but also needs one of the precious two usb-ports, which I block on LE-Box with mini-keyboard and HDD for Music & Videos already) isn't recognized on the newer 4.xx LE-builds I tested. It seems if there is no solution to get the av-out working, I have to stay on 3.xx Kernel on the LE box, because neither a new Amp nor a new TV/Monitor are an option..