[] LibreELEC Kodi Krypton - S905 & S912 devices
wrxtasy -
April 24, 2018 at 3:16 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Interesting to see the reports of crashes with this version. I am still using LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2.4-Subtitles-ff and get constant crashes whilst in the Kodi menus. It hasn't ever crashed during video playback but crashes within about 10 seconds of going to Movies in the main menu, and usually also returning to the top-level main menu after doing anything else. Has anyone else seen this?
I've attached all of the crash logs but can't see anything that immediately jumps out as a cause.
At first I assumed it was one of the PVR add-ons I'd installed but disabling those doesn't help!
Try using a genuine hdmi 2.0 cable, a premium certified hdmi cable solved this problem for me
how do you mount your SMB share, via LE or Kodi? If you are mounting via Kodi then try to mount via LE.
Good call frequenzy !
I was mounting them via Kodi.
I tried mounting via LE instead and no more crashing! Not ideal, but I can totally live with it.
MECOOL M8S Pro L: S912 3G Ram 100Mb. Booting & running externally Samsung EVO SD Card.
Running wrxtasy's latest + dmt.img
NFS Mounts in LibreElec
Random Freezes on Database import, reproducible if I import my entire Movies/TV Shows Library using a blank DB+Thumbnails.
Every subsequent restart and Import a few more items are added to DB to MECOOL.
Freezes as in: Cannot SSH into box. Cannot Ping box. IP address Kodi logs stop mid-stroke where freeze occurred, no errors logged etc. Remote power button does not work etc.
If I copy a populated DB and Thumbnails onto box and then start Kodi, Then Kodi it works fine.
My Library was exported on a NUC as individual files +Actors+Thumbnails+Fanarts etc overwriting all existing files.
Doing same Import on the same network cable on Raspberry PI 3 B+ works fine. LibreElec 8.2.5. Import is successful.
Both boxes were reset to default settings. No extra plugins, just the default ones. Same Estuary Skin.
Swapping SD card out does not solve issue. Same thing happens on MECOOL.
I have noticed that if I use the texturecache script on MECOOL box to cache thumbnails on a working populated DB the same occurs. Deadfreeze. Only re-plugging power solves it.
Not sure why I cannot SSH or Ping the box though. That shows a LibreElec crash and not Kodi if I am not mistaken.
Has anybody else experienced the same?
Good call frequenzy !
I was mounting them via Kodi.
I tried mounting via LE instead and no more crashing! Not ideal, but I can totally live with it.
vinbot3000 I have a question regarding this fix. I originally created my library on my pc (kodi) then for my S905X and S912 I use pathsubstitution so they go look for the sources on my PC. Does this mean that I have to recreate the library using the S912 machine? Thanks in advance!
Ignore everything below. I tried substitution and it failed.
To be honest, I don't know. I don't use path substitution at all, so I don't have any practical experience. I would think that you could just mount the folder using LE and then update your path substitutions.
So if you currently have something like:
You'd now mount // to your S912 box /storage/movies (or wherever)
and change your substitution to:
Again, I don't have any real world experience with substitution, so the above is purely speculation on my part.
vinbot3000 I have a question regarding this fix. I originally created my library on my pc (kodi) then for my S905X and S912 I use pathsubstitution so they go look for the sources on my PC. Does this mean that I have to recreate the library using the S912 machine? Thanks in advance!
Projector owners (and other with issues) that can only accept 4:2:2 Chroma inputs pay attention:
4:2:2 Chroma output on LE S905X / S912 device always displayed green screen video output, so you have to use 4:4:4 which is incompatible with a lot of Projectors AND now I find - my Yamaha YSP 2700 soundbar as well.
I've identified it is refresh switching causing the 4:2:2 (and Yamaha 4:4:4) issues, so I've implemented a test LE workaround and that is simply to manually switch OFF Kodi's auto refresh switching which will then result in 4:2:2 video output IF - HDR and Deep color auto switching is enabled.
Switch Adjust Display refresh rate back to Start/Stop and you will get 4:4:4 output again when playing 24p content.
The Chroma and 10 bit depth option has now been moved from the System > AMLogic menu to
Player > Videos > HDR & Deep color autoswitching
Pls read the updates notes at the bottom of the settings screen for that new option.
You will also have to hard select a 2160p resolution for 4:2:2 usage because once refresh switching is turned OFF, that also disables auto resolution switching 1080p <<--->> 2160p
This is a LE test version for those with 4:2:2 & 4:4:4 Chroma problems...until the 4:2:2 switching bug in the Kernel is fixed.
EDIT: test releases withdrawn due to 4:2:2 10bit confirmed to NOT be working according to wesk05 testing.
I sold my projector a couple of months ago to buy an OLED instead, otherwise I would have been more helpful with the testing!
The S912 build is extremely stable and working perfectly on my S912 box! I'm looking forward to use the 905X build on my other S905X devices as soon it gets released
Keep up the exceptional work!
OK so a clean install fixed the random crashes but I have a new issue now: I get no audio when playing files with anything above 2.0 audio. I've set the audio device to HDMI since that's what I'm using and it's plugged straight into my receiver. If I set it to passthrough, then it works fine, but that isn't an option since I want to use the box without the receiver. Do I have to do anything special to get 5.1 audio working? I've tried files with Dolby HD, DTS-HD MA and plain AC3, all of them have no audio. Files with 2.0 AC3 work fine.
Suggested Audio settings:
Thanks wrxtasy, still doing great work. I've just installed it on internal on my minix U9-H. Blazing fast!!
Will you plan switching on Leia?
Suggested Audio settings:
Thanks but that's for passthrough, I want audio to work without passthrough, since I ultimately won't be using a receiver.
did you check the guide already?
Also wanted to say thx to @ wrxtasy for the release.
Im using it on Minix U9-H. I still have the first version with "subtitle fix" in the name.
THe only issue Im having so far is that sometimes the HD audio formats dont play, after switching to a different audio stream and then back to previous, it starts to play. Sometimes I need to repeat this a few times until the audio stream of choice starts to play.
It would be great if it could be fixed somehow. Also is there a version of this LE build that I can flash to a the SD card, rather than apply as an update? Im asking, cause Im having trouble getting a SMB connection to the Minix U9 to put the update file into the update folder and so I need to use workarounds through USB and file manager, which is more complicated than just flashing to a SD card.
One more thing though, there are a couple of Dolby Vision demo files in .TS and .mp4 format that I have. Looks like they dont play properly with the Minix and LE. I assume that Amlogic soc doesnt play Dolby Vision stuff, does it?
Oh and by the way, in this Reddit thread you can find a couple of Test files with Dolby Vision: Is Dolby Vision Remux possible? : Piracy
Link to the Google Drive with some test files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1h1wnuwoeepfgzkl2es2s4uacoohuhs9v?usp=sharing
Apparently some of them work with LG Oled TVs if you play them directly through the TV via USB Stick or USB HDD. Looks like Dolby Vision files can be muxed into .M2TS/.TS/.mp4 containers. However not MKV though. Ive tested some of the .TS and .MP4 demo files with the Minix U9 + LE, none worked properly (wrong colors etc.).
@ wrxtasy: Are there other fixes in Are there a log / release notes somewhere?
THe only issue Im having so far is that sometimes the HD audio formats dont play, after switching to a different audio stream and then back to previous, it starts to play. Sometimes I need to repeat this a few times until the audio stream of choice starts to play.
Is your AVR a Denon or Onkyo?
All Amlogic devices have an issue with the burst-info preamble of the IEC 60958 packet. It sends out packets that do not always carry the Pc bit. The Pc bit defines the bitstream that is carried in the IEC 61937 bitstream. Many lower end AVRs simply rely on this information for determining the bitstream. This seems to be an issue with the Cirrus Logic chipset used in these AVRs that doesn't seem to parse the sync word.
I had reported this issue to Minix and Kodi developer (fritsch) more than a year ago. At that time, fritsch was of the opinion that it was a Amlogic problem. He didn't think that it was a Kodi problem (I'm also of the same opinion).
What I have seen is if I switch from a Dolby Digital Plus stream, the next stream will have the Pc bit. This is likely the problem for the DTS HRA issue reported on OSMC forums. I don't think it is limited to DTS HRA. Folks who have issue with DTS HRA likely have problems with HD audio passthrough just like you have reported.
Is your AVR a Denon or Onkyo?
Neither of those. I use a Signal Splitter- HDfury AVR Key, after that the signal goes into my Oled B7 TV and another goes into Sony MDR-HW700 which is a pretty good headspeaker for movies.
Where I live, I cant really use my AVR and Room Speakers for movies at the volume I would like to. Its an old house with several appartments. When my older neighbour speaks on the phone, and you know old ppl are usually louder than average cause they dont hear that well, I can basically hear everything as if I was in the same room.
Perhaps its an issue with the AVR Key, but as described previously, if I switch audio streams a couple of times, I usually get to the one I want. Seems to work out with files that have multiple audio streams. It would prolly suck for files that have only 1 audio stream. Maybe stopping and restarting it might work for such files, Id yet have to try on files with single audio stream.