[] LibreELEC Kodi Krypton - S905 & S912 devices

  • I too encountered random freezing issues on my Minix U9, it only happened a few times.. so at this stage i can live with it, I will see what happens in the next update

  • Its very smooth and a very nice work.

    But I have also many freezes. In example I cant do a Backup. Or when I switch in my Series or smth else. Random freezes without crash restarts. So Im again in

    But im very exited for new updates

  • Question, tried this version on NEO U9-H and these community builds break RF USB Remotes.

    On this or [8.90.1] CoreELEC or LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2.4-Subtitles-ff, some keys on RF USB remotes don't work.

    The same buttons work in the official LibreELEC under Intel NUC for example.

    Here are the details

    Ok button doesn't work on H1 remote

    Any ideas. Does your USB Remotes work in these builds?

  • Hi Wrxtasy,

    Do you have an img file for the force 444, 10bit autoswitching? Try as I might, I cannot connect via Samba to drop the files to the update folder. My windows 10 sees the hardware with the ip address, but keying the ip address in windows explorer does not work. I've checked that Samba sharing is enabled on libreelec.

  • I also encountered random freezing issues on my Minix U9 (the whole box, not just Kodi). Had to revert back to 8.2.4-ff version for now.

    Hmm strange indeed. My U9 is working perfectly fine.

    With the number of Kodi GUI settings changes added, when upgrading something might be messed up.

    I would suggest testing by SSH logging in and settings the Kodi GUI options to default values:

    mv .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml.backup

    I'm currently doing a fresh clean compile which I will post on Github when completed.

  • wrxtasy

    Thks for your clean compile.

    Do you think that a S912 box (like Beelink GT1ult...or other) can,or could play 3D mkv files ? Or this is a final limit of hardware...?

    I'v read your nice post about all "Choosing a S905 / S905X / S905D / S905W / S912 box guide" and " START HERE - Pick the Right Kodi Box (updated February 2018)" and your post "All about - > 3D"....

    Thks for your expertise.

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    my boxes S905x and S912 played 3d mkv movies without a problem sbs or hou. Also a Raspberry 3 at my parents house plays 3D without any problem.



  • Hmm strange indeed. My U9 is working perfectly fine.

    With the number of Kodi GUI settings changes added, when upgrading something might be messed up.

    I would suggest testing by SSH logging in and settings the Kodi GUI options to default values:

    mv .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml .kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml.backup

    I'm currently doing a fresh clean compile which I will post on Github when completed.

    This works great now, no more freezing. You were right of course ;):thumbup:

    I'll let you know of any issues if I encounter them but so far so good.

  • I have problems when I set the GPU overclock setting on the Beelink GT1 Ultimate. I only have a blackscreen with a tiny part of the Skin at the bottom left. When I reset the guisettings it works fine.

  • Still having on my Mecool KI pro main device (AML 905D Chip; gxl_p230_k1_pro.dtb).

    It would be nice to have a Version for it because of the audio improvements based on OSMC.

  • Thanks for your hard work wrxtasy! Much appreciated!

    New to this but have been running Libreelec for a long time on an Intel NUC.

    Thought I could serve a better purpose with a S905/S912 box so landed here.

    MECOOL M8S Pro L: S912 3G Ram 100Mb. Booting & running externally Samsung EVO SD Card.

    No Overclocking. HD 1920x1080 TV and content only.

    Running wrxtasy's latest + dmt.img

    I am at work so no logs at the moment. Sorry.

    Before I ruin my warranty and open the box to troubleshoot heat issues, has anybody experienced the following:

    FTA TV Stream (Myth Client) Watching ABC HD Channel Australia:

    After about 30 mins of perfect image playback, on-screen faces will turn greyish/greenish and Horizontal Red tearing lines start appearing.

    Pressing Stop and Playing the same FTA TV stream again immediately fixes it for about 30mins.

    Movies/TV Shows play back perfectly for extended periods and immediately after the above occurs.

    Australia Ten HD FTA plays back perfectly for extended periods and immediately after the above occurs.

    If it was a heat problem I would have expected it to also affect playing back other channels/movies/Tv Shows.

    This is repeatable.

    I am simultaneously monitoring the stream on LibreElec NUC 8.2.5 and on LibreElec on Pi 3+ 8.2.5 and they play the same stream fine without issues.

    The menus on the MECOOL with wrxstasy's version are far snappier than Pi, which is why I want to persist with this S912.

    Plus it is a readily available solution.

    Any ideas or suggestions?

    Thank You


  • After about 30 mins of perfect image playback, on-screen faces will turn greyish/greenish and Horizontal Red tearing lines start appearing.

    Pressing Stop and Playing the same FTA TV stream again immediately fixes it for about 30mins.

    same device same problem with 1080i live tv channels.

    Did not install image yet, but all versions of libreelec I have tested had the same problem.

    AS workaround I use Android apps on this device.

    Its not a heating problem - I use active cooling.

  • try...

    echo 1 > /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_all

    And if that works you can add it to autostart...

    echo "echo 1 > /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_all" >> /storage/.config/autostart.sh

    I will mod LE 8.2.4.x for a permanent fix also if it all works.

  • try...

    echo 1 > /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_all

    And if that works you can add it to autostart...

    echo "echo 1 > /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_all" >> /storage/.config/autostart.sh

    I will mod LE 8.2.4.x for a permanent fix also if it all works.

    I have enabled the de-interlace. Added it to autostart and checked that the bit is set after reboot.

    I'll test ABC HD now.

    Thanks for your help and pointing us in the right direction.

    More Info found here:

    Same problem-ish:

    M8s pro L bug with fullhd iptv - FreakTab.com

    and info here:

    [SOLVED]Disable deinterlace - WeTek Community Forum

    More reading to do for me:

    echo 1 > /sys/module/amvdec_h264/parameters/error_recovery_mode
    echo 0 > /sys/module/di/parameters/nr2_en
    echo 1 > /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_all

    Edited once, last by ozra (April 27, 2018 at 11:14 AM).

  • This is the Nuke it from orbit option and takes precedence over all other sysNodes:

    echo 1 > /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_all

    linux-amlogic/deinterlace.c at amlogic-3.14.y · LibreELEC/linux-amlogic · GitHub

    Trouble is when you do that it will affect VC-1 videoplayback:

    aml: work around forced deinterlacing of progressive videos · wrxtasy/xbmc@e3ecef9 · GitHub

    This might be the safer option for deinterlaced 1920x1080 content, like ABC HD:

    echo 1 > /sys/module/di/parameters/bypass_hd

    linux-amlogic/deinterlace.c at amlogic-3.14.y · LibreELEC/linux-amlogic · GitHub

    AMLogic deinterlacing normally does a bit of picture Post Processing Edge Enhancement