S905x support, what is needed?

  • Just wanted to say that the latest dev build works great on my A95X 905X (16GB/2GB), my main concern was DTS passthrough and 24hz. I've watched a few hours this evening and its performed flawlessly. I havent installed onto the nand yet.

    The suspend isnt working, it just shows a blank screen when un-suspending, I'm not sure if thats because its running from SD or not. It's not the end of the world and I'm sure it'll get sorted at some stage.

    Very happy with it, we're all very lucky to have people like kszaq doing all this hard work.

    I have the same box as yours. I can confirm that suspend is not working on NAND installation too.

    Edited once, last by pawnthep (October 6, 2016 at 12:21 AM).

  • Hi~
    I just build to support vp9 for test
    LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20161005190041-r23325-g3be647e.img.gz - Google Drive

    This is test build for vp9 only(Not based from kszaq's latest source)
    It also has problem with 4K 60FPS vp9 paly.

    4K 25fps and 4K 30fps are OK.

    I don't know if s905x supports 4K 60FPS vp9. Do you know? And I don't have 4K 60FPS vp9 to test in kplayer. I'll try to find it.

    kszaq When I paly VP9 files, system memory goes to full after that cpu goes to 100%. Is this memory leak problem?

    This is definitely memory leak. This is my mistake :) . I fixed feeing code. This is new patch - GTWc
    Please check it.

  • This is definitely memory leak. This is my mistake :) . I fixed feeing code. This is new patch - GTWc
    Please check it.

    I'll rebuild it.
    Any way, You can download 4K 60FPS VP9 file from Youtube by using youtube-dl-script
    Check this out~~~
    How to Download YouTube 4K Videos with Youtube-dl Script

    For example
    Find out which format it has
    youtube-dl -F

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    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    Download and merge
    youtube-dl -f 315+171
    External Content www.youtube.com
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  • I don't know if s905x supports 4K 60FPS vp9. Do you know? And I don't have 4K 60FPS vp9 to test in kplayer. I'll try to find it.

    I found sample and tested it. On my device it 4K 60FPS vp9 plays slowed. The same problem is in kplayer (which is reference Amlogic player for this board) and in Kodi on Android.

  • I found sample and tested it. On my device it 4K 60FPS vp9 plays slowed. The same problem is in kplayer (which is reference Amlogic player for this board) and in Kodi on Android.

    I usually use kodi(16.1) on android for test.
    You have to use mediacodec(surface), Don't use amcodec(It's for S905 only)
    MX Player Works well but not compatible with DTS external codec.
    My box is TANIX TX5(2G/8G)

    This is definitely memory leak. This is my mistake :) . I fixed feeing code. This is new patch - GTWc
    Please check it.

    I just rebuilded it but same thing happened. Playing vp9 is burning out memory.

    Edited once, last by garyang (October 6, 2016 at 9:29 AM).

  • Actually it is not build of LibreELEC or other. It is just semifinished build of linux+Kodi and some other soft. I build it for specific device and can not grantee any compatibility. I think, you'd better wait kszaq build.

    I can confirm running HW support for VP9, playing 4k 60fps.
    This is my test build with VP9: LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20161006124814-r23325-g3be647e.img.gz

    First test:
    VP9 is stopping playback at deterministic places
    e.g.: The Curvature of Earth 4K 60FPS.webm stops at 1:47.

    It looks like some bug in vp9_update_frame_header procedure.

    Edited once, last by afl1 (October 6, 2016 at 2:34 PM).

  • I can confirm running HW support for VP9, playing 4k 60fps.
    This is my test build with VP9: LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20161006124814-r23325-g3be647e.img.gz

    First test:
    VP9 is stopping playback at deterministic places
    e.g.: The Curvature of Earth 4K 60FPS.webm stops at 1:47.

    It looks like some bug in vp9_update_frame_header procedure.

    afl1, installed your build on my Mini M8S II, and got the same result. Video started stuttering from 1:20 and halt at 1:47.

    I guess your build didn't incorporate features of the latest kzsaq build LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20161003204518-r23361-gb5788b7.img.gz. Playback of 4K H264 videos doesn't work.

    Anyway, thanks for your hard work and sharing.

  • I can confirm running HW support for VP9, playing 4k 60fps.
    This is my test build with VP9: LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20161006124814-r23325-g3be647e.img.gz

    First test:
    VP9 is stopping playback at deterministic places
    e.g.: The Curvature of Earth 4K 60FPS.webm stops at 1:47.

    It looks like some bug in vp9_update_frame_header procedure.

    Hi ~~
    Thanks for sharing
    I think your file is broken.
    I just download from youtube and It's play well (

    External Content www.youtube.com
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    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
    Your build plays vp9 files well. Memory loss are under 20Mbyte.
    My build exhausts memory when playing back vp9 files.

    Here is my procedure

    git clone GitHub - kszaq/LibreELEC.tv: 'Just enough OS' for Kodi

    copy vp9.patch(GTWc) to http://LibreELEC.tv/projects/S905/patches/kodi/

    PROJECT=S905 ARCH=aarch64 make amlpkg

    Base System is Ubuntu Server 16.04.

    Can you tell me what is worng with this procedure?

  • Hi,
    On my Mini M8s II it's not working. Build a fresh SDcard,
    plugged in and used toothpick method. Got tty error (could not mount mmcblk0p1)

    Mini M8S II (2G/8G):

    • download latest devel build (2016-10-03-devel)
    • make SD card (Installation - LibreELEC)
    • insert SD card a power on with pressed reset button (hole on bottom side)
    • device boot from SD card
    • on another PC connect with SSH (root/libreelec)
    • type „installtointernal“
    • after reboot, power off device, remove SD card and enjoy LibreElec on Mini M8S II
    • everything works

    Thx for all you work

  • Kszaq, have you received your s905x box yet? It seems like you ordered it weeks ago. 😕

    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

    I have not, it was ordered a bit less than a month ago. But this shouldn't be any big issue since the latest dev build works well, including 4K H264.

  • kszaq: Latest dev build worked. But not when written via SD Creator from LibreELEC, what I've tried first.
    Had to DD onto my SDcard. Don't ask me where's the difference :) But it works now :)

    Thank you. So your changed booting procedure is helpful :)

    morka. read a few posts further: got it already working...

    Edited once, last by lama0900 (October 7, 2016 at 8:21 AM).

  • Hi
    I am using the same vp9 patch but LE sources are devel r23325.
    My builds for S905X are only for testing new features. There can be missing some patches.
    Test version with h264 4k fix and vp9 hw playback:

    I can confirm the braindamagedman@ vp9.patch is correct, without memory leaking.

  • Hi
    I am using the same vp9 patch but LE sources are devel r23325.
    My builds for S905X are only for testing new features. There can be missing some patches.
    Test version with h264 4k fix and vp9 hw playback:

    I can confirm the braindamagedman@ vp9.patch is correct, without memory leaking.

    Very Thnaks~~~
    I tested vp9 files that I have.
    Everything is good without memory leaking.
    Can you tell me how can I get devel r23325 LE sources?

    Edited once, last by garyang (October 7, 2016 at 1:30 PM).