S905x support, what is needed?

  • I know it's probably not the right place to ask this question but basically it's all related.

    I have a Mini M8S II with the version of Pulsar (BIG THANKS).

    There are some important addons that I can not for the work.

    Is there any way or suggestions to be able to install AceStream?

  • I am using the same Box with the same Pulsar Build but somehow my box's remote control does not work. Its absolutely dead. Would be great if you could tell me how you got it to work on your box. At the moment using CEC which works great.

    Sorry TNS but I didn't do any kind of configuration or change in the build. My remote is working directly without any special setting.

    Did you try th kszaq's build? It also works perfectly in my box.

    Edited once, last by bumperboy (August 29, 2016 at 6:11 PM).

  • Kszaqs build works very nicely indeed on Nexbox A5... rii keyboard, wifi, eth , dolby spdif passthru and every video format I threw at it streamed/synced seamlessly. Very happy!

    Tried quite a few kodi skins and all worked flawless as well. Not one crash.

    Thankyou Kszaq, absolute genius!

  • S905Xers, please test this build for booting issues: LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20160830160706-r23311-g51fe9ae.img.gz

    3 consecutive boots from uSD: can't mount mmcblk0p1
    2 consecutive boots from USB: can't mount LABEL=boot

    S905Xers, please test this build for booting issues: LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20160830160706-r23311-g51fe9ae.img.gz

    Could you upload a 'git diff' as well? I'm curious to see what the differences are between my local build based on Pulsars diff and some extra changes, which boots and yours. I've upload all my changes to my github fork.

    Edited once, last by koenkooi (August 30, 2016 at 4:02 PM).

  • Yes, that's it. The one on post #116.

    I didn't do anything other than burning the img to an SD card and booting using the toothpick method.

    Hi friend can ask you if you have delete db. IMG file ? Thanks

    Inviato dal mio GT-N7100 utilizzando Tapatalk

  • Hi friend can ask you if you have delete db. IMG file ? Thanks

    Inviato dal mio GT-N7100 utilizzando Tapatalk

    As I told you before, I didn't do anything other than burning the img to the SD card and boot.

    Are you having issues booting?

    Edited once, last by dastinger (August 30, 2016 at 6:18 PM).

  • As I told you before, I didn't do anything other than burning the img to the SD card and boot.

    Are you having issues booting?

    Thanks friend i'm out for work only the day afert tomorrow i could try.
    I read that dtb.img file for 905x must be delete from root of sd card burned so i asked you confirm, but as you wrote i will non delete dtb.img file if for work so.

  • Thanks friend i'm out for work only the day afert tomorrow i could try.
    I read that dtb.img file for 905x must be delete from root of sd card burned so i asked you confirm, but as you wrote i will non delete dtb.img file if for work so.

    The builds are being cooked for the 905X so the devs wouldn't leave something to be deleted. Just burn the img and boot, it will work :)

  • Code
    Anyone else experiencing random lockups with the 006 build? I'd be suprised if this is unique to my device because the way it shows up would imply some type of memory leak. 
    Is there any additional debug logging anyone can recommend?
    The broken pipe error I was seeing with sound I suspect may be related to wifi. I added some memory buffer to help it out, but when I was tuning I reduced the memory buffer down so low I just removed it again and then could not reproduce the problem. This is all on 006 build. 
    Also noticed, related to sound, that by default in this build the audio output device is defaulted to AML-M8AUDIO:ANALOG (AML:@ in config file) and I also have available AML-M8AUDIO:HDMI (AML:HDMI in config file.) I wondered if the HDMI setting should not be the default?

    Edited once, last by jasmas (August 30, 2016 at 10:54 PM).

  • There you go: 2016-08-03-devel

    I will compare with your tree later to see what might be wrong. I am aware of ttyAMA in cmdline - but we need to have tty0 working.

    Thanks! I'm merging in your changes and testing the intermediate steps. Looking at the diff, the only thing that stands out is CONFIG_CMDLINE in the kernel, testing will show if that's the culprit. First build will be ready in an hour or so, hopefully some usefull test results at the end of the day!

  • It boots and works after merging in your changes, the diff between your build and mine: git diff

    Going to add console=tty0 to the next build and see what happens. For the adventurous people among us, the .3 build in the same dir as the diff is the one I'm testing.
    New data point:

    [koen@thinkpad LibreELEC.tv]$ git diffdiff --git a/projects/S905/linux/linux.aarch64.conf b/projects/S905/linux/linux.aarch64.confindex 9dd040b..ee6a6b0 100644--- a/projects/S905/linux/linux.aarch64.conf+++ b/projects/S905/linux/linux.aarch64.conf@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ CONFIG_FORCE_MAX_ZONEORDER=11 # # Boot options #-CONFIG_CMDLINE="console=ttyAMA0 systemd.show_status=auto"+CONFIG_CMDLINE="console=ttyAMA0 console=tty0 systemd.show_status=auto" # CONFIG_CMDLINE_FROM_BOOTLOADER is not set CONFIG_CMDLINE_EXTEND=y # CONFIG_CMDLINE_FORCE is not set

    Triggers the "can't mount" bug.

    Edited once, last by koenkooi (August 31, 2016 at 9:56 AM).