
  • Team LibreELEC is happy to announce that WebGrab+Plus is available as a LibreELEC addon.

    Addon Home Folder:
    - via Kodi: Files, Profile directory, addon_data, service.webgrabplus
    - via smb: smb://libreelec.local//userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus
    - via ssh: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus

    The service produces files guide.xml and mediaportal.xml in the addon home folder.

    Simply add desired channels in WebGrab++.config.xml in the addon home folder.
    Available channels may be found in the siteini.pack folder in the addon home folder.
    Optionally, edit chans2correct.xml to control xmltv_time_correct.
    Do not edit file names in the configuration files, as this is likely to break service operation.

    To restart the service (aka run now):
    - via Kodi: disable and enable the addon

    To inspect operation:
    - via smb: smb://libreelec.local/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus/WebGrab++.log.txt
    - via ssh: systemctl status service.webgrabplus, or journalctl -u service.webgrabplus

    One shot manual operation via ssh:
    - webgrabplus.run

    Please share your feedback on this thread.


  • Assume Add-on must be explicitly enabled by a user of LibreELEC, i.e. it will not be automatically installed and start running every six hours regardless of user requiring it? (Never thought to ask this question during pre-test)

    Users will find Webgrab+Plus addon in Add-ons -> Services folder, if its not there it can be downloaded and installed via LibreELEC Add-ons repository and can be found in Services folder.

    Great Add-on addition to LibreELEC

    Edited once, last by MikeKL (July 27, 2016 at 5:48 PM).

  • Thanks for this great Add-on! It works like a charm!

    I previously tried to get EPG working with tv_grab_nl.py, but I couldn't get it working, because I don't know enough about Linux. All this EPG-grab XMLTV stuff is rather technical, but with your add-on it was relatively easy! Big improvement for the WAF factor in my living room!

  • So when will this addon be avaible for odroid C2?

    Hello Marciano,

    I am sorry to have to disapoint you.

    WebGrab+Plus is not available for Odroid C2, because it requires Mono, and I have not been able to build Mono for the aarch64 architecture, ie the Odroid C2 project.

    In summary: the versions of Mono that support aarch64 do not cross compile for LE; bug tickets have been submitted, but to no avail.

    Moreover, Odroid C2 does not provide docker, so that is not an alternative.

    If I could bring Mono to Odroid C2, I gladly would.

  • Hi Awiouy,

    Thanks for the response and info.

    There is a thread in the main LibreELEC - Kodi Project thread on the odroid forum here
    In this thread a user created a LE build with docker included for Odroid C2.

    So maybe there is a chance to make webgrab++ for docker on the C2?

    Edited once, last by Marciano (August 4, 2016 at 1:37 PM).

  • I just installed the service. At least, it says it is installed, I can't find /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus. The only service there is libreelec.settings.

    It is installed; I ran webgrabplus.start and it completed. It said that it created the guide.xml.wgp file, but I don't see it.
    But when I run systemctl restart service.webgrabplus I get a "not found error.
    This is odd; I did find /storage/.kodi/addons/service.webgrabplus/WebGrab+Plus; Like in Windows where the .exe lives. Is there supposed to be a WebGrab+Plus.exe in the RPi version? there is.

    I know in Windows the executable goes into the addons folder after you run the upgrade, but the config files stay in the addon_data folder.

    But on the original install there is no folder in addons/.

    uninstalled re installed everything is there now.
    never mind

    Edited once, last by donbrew (August 8, 2016 at 8:06 PM).

  • Hello,

    I intend to update webgrabplus to also copy the produced xml files within the /storage directory.

    Do you have preferences for the destination, eg /storage/webgrabplus, /storage/download/webgrabplus?

    Than you for your feedback

    transmission docker puts its content in /storage/transmission.

    About my usage of the 'download' folder: the /storage/download I use for my personal stuff and I can drop it anytime I want, but outside of it I always have to pay attention.

  • This looks very useful, having not ued web grabber plus before can anyone advise me how to integrate this into TVHeadEnd? I got as far as creating my guide.xml from the channels I need but the next step of telling tvheadend to use the guide is not obvious?

    Thanks for the great addon :)

  • I was just about to ask where I could set the output file location. Seems that I can't browse any deeper than /storage/, .kodi is not available on my Pi.

    I could not find anywhere in the config xmls to set the location of the guide.xml after the post processing.

  • I was just about to ask where I could set the output file location. Seems that I can't browse any deeper than /storage/, .kodi is not available on my Pi.

    I could not find anywhere in the config xmls to set the location of the guide.xml after the post processing.

    This issue is in the process of being solved. I created the addon, but I do not use wegrabplus, so I overlooked this important detail.

    In the meantime, you can access the guides via smb, even from LibreELEC.

  • How to do define a network location for the guide output? The following did not work:

    <filename>smb:// Files/guide.xml</filename>


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

  • How to do define a network location for the guide output? The following did not work:

    <filename>smb:// Files/guide.xml</filename>


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


    As stated in the first post: do not edit file names in the configuration files, as this is likely to break service operation.
    To revert the changes you made, simply delete the edited files, and the service will recreate them the next time it runs.

    To my knowledge, WebGrab+Plus, which underlies the addon, does not support smb shares.

    You may access the guides (guide.xml and mediaportal.xml) on LibreELEC via smb or ssh at the addresses specified in the first post.

    I hope this has helped you

  • WebGrab+Plus does support smb shares on Windows, there must be someway to centralize this guide.xml. I have 3 boxes that could use this. Seems sill to run 3 separate instances.

    Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

  • WebGrab+Plus does support smb shares on Windows, there must be someway to centralize this guide.xml. I have 3 boxes that could use this. Seems sill to run 3 separate instances.

    Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

    Hello Iain,

    The principle of the addon is that the guides (guide.xml and mediaportal.xml) are generated periodically on LibreELEC.
    Changing the destination of the guides would affect automatic post processing (xmltv_time_correct and WG2MP).

    The idea was that the user would only have to add a list of configuration channels.

    The produced guides are currently accessible by from LibreELEC via smb (see the address in the first post).
    Can't your three boxes access the guides via smb?

    Because access to the addon's home folder is restricted (addons can not read other addon's home folders), addons running on LibreELEC must also use smb to access the guides.

    Defining a share to access local files is overkill (but nevertheless possible).
    This is why I have submitted a pull request to also copy the guides to /storage/downloads/webgrabplus, where they would be accessible via the filesystem and via smb (the later without additional configuration).

    Alternatively and/or additionnally, I could update the addon to have the postprocessing call a customizable bash shell, with which you could postprocess the guides as you wish (eg curl, cp, ftp, mv, rsync, tar, wget, zip).

    What do you say?


    I've released a complimentary Kodi addon to help make configuring the channels easier.

    WebGrab+Plus Configurator
    WebGrab+Plus Configurator

    If there is anything I can do to make the 2 addons play nice together, please let me know.

    Hello primaeval

    Thank you for your offer.
    In return, if there is anythng I can do to help you out on LibreELEC (WebGrab+Plus and Mono addons), please let me know.