[8.90.6] LibreELEC 9.0 Alpha for S905/S912 devices

  • prescott I'm a software developer and people like you what annoy developers most!

    Did anyone put a gun on your head to use this firmware?

    Or do you pay these developers' salaries?

    I think forum mods should take some steps for such attitudes.

    As I said, I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone.

    Why did you take your time and reply to a stup!d person like me and get away from the subject.

    I tried to do what adam said on Github and also not getting anything.

    Should I remove my comments so people wont get offended anymore? Please stay on subject and happy holidays!

  • I blocked everyone, not just you and I'm not the only developer to do it, I get so many requests for often simple things via PM where the answers can be found within the forums, some people are either too lazy to search or just expect me to be their personal Google Assistant.

    Your far more likely to get a response in the forums than you are from me and that's why I told you to post here, I do have a life beyond LE and a full time job.

    Just because I come on the forums it doesn't mean I have time to reply, most often than not I'm looking to see if a release has broken something or not.

    Anyway I haven't replied because I haven't had chance to test the function personally to see if it still works just have some patience it's been less than 24hrs since you first messaged me.

  • As I said, I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone.

    Why did you take your time and reply to a stup!d person like me and get away from the subject.

    I tried to do what adam said on Github and also not getting anything.

    Should I remove my comments so people wont get offended anymore? Please stay on subject and happy holidays!

    Next time think twice before you make such comments.

    People like you think that these things can be solved within minutes by just typing a few lines of magic codes.

    You always forget the fact that developers don't get paid for volunteer projects.

    Do you really think a couple bucks donations are enough for their work?

    Do you have any idea how much an Embedded Linux developer' salary is?

    They spend hundreds (may be thousands) hours to bring something to us.

    But getting comments like yours make them think twice about their work.

  • yes you are absolutely right, I praise and salute to their great work. Their work give our cheap Chinese product to new life.

    Thanks and Regards to all developers..

  • I blocked everyone, not just you and I'm not the only developer to do it, I get so many requests for often simple things via PM where the answers can be found within the forums, some people are either too lazy to search or just expect me to be their personal Google Assistant.

    Your far more likely to get a response in the forums than you are from me and that's why I told you to post here, I do have a life beyond LE and a full time job.

    Just because I come on the forums it doesn't mean I have time to reply, most often than not I'm looking to see if a release has broken something or not.

    Anyway I haven't replied because I haven't had chance to test the function personally to see if it still works just have some patience it's been less than 24hrs since you first messaged me.

    I understand you man, Im not being rude or anything. Waiting 1 month patiently and googling whole world on how to hack this LCD has made me frustrated yesterday and now with your comment again. I hoped I will get a LCD christmas present but now I got checking this forum every few minutes from my phone and still nothing.

    How hard is it to give another tip to guys over internet in 24h alongside "check thread" and "modified dtb" which both are useless instead of writing long text what everyone including me knows.

    I appologize for my unpatient waiting and wish you happy holidays, but please do think what you left us to do. We all have a smartphone in our pockets all day long and notifications are at our finger tips. Its not hard.

    To summarize everything into one post:

    1) fd628 systemd unit cannot start /usr/sbin/fd628 (even manually over SSH I cannot open this file)

    2) /sys/class/leds/fd628_dev/ lots of files here, only led_light works 1-7

    3) /dev/fd628 - doing something to this *file* turns off LCD until reboot.

    4) i can see module loaded but not used by anything in "lsmod"

    5) theres a seperate thread here more or less just about this LCD and we are all leaving them behind.

    Thats it.

    Edited once, last by prescott (December 24, 2017 at 7:22 PM).

  • Although hardware decoding is still hit and miss, Hi10P 1080 is moving really close to actually watchable even over the network! There's setting in Settings -> System -> Sound that is blank, btw.

  • I'm sorry you have pushed my patience I told you to wait until I had tested it, another few hours would not have killed you, of all the things to complain about you choose this, it's pedantic to say the least, I will not be helping any further on this issue.

  • What's wrong with you, man?
    It's Christmas, please behave.

    Tape your LCD and enjoy your Christmas dinner.

  • You hope you get a LCD for Christmas and it must work immediately? And now Adamg has to solve it now? Better you buy a box who works out of the box. Developers like Adamg spend a lot of time in their (spare) free time to make it work! Your language is far below normal! It is your problem the LCD display on your box is not working, not the problem of the developers. Also this project is still in alpha phase, a lot of work needs to be done.

  • I do not accept donations, LE is a culmination of the work of multiple people and I do not believe it's fair to accept them for that reason.

    I get some free hardware from vendors which is reward enough for me.