Librespot Add-on

  • okay I changed to the official beta channel and now I am using 8.90.005 but I get the same error

    could you please build the addon for the official beta versions?



    It works here (8.90.005 on RPi3).

    Not sure what is wrong on your system.

    Have you tried to reinstall the addon from the repo?

  • Hello again,

    CoreElec 8.95.3, librespot 112, Wetek Play 2:

    I currently have the problem that librespot is often not running after the box is initially booted. It is neither visible in the spotify app on the mobile nor is the process running ('ps -edalf | grep librespot' does not show it)

    I can help myself by e.g. open the configuration for the addon and saving it, librespot is than restarted.

    Here is a log for the case that librespot is not running:

    Any idea?

  • Have you tried to set "wait for network" in LibreELEC network settings?

  • (TLDR - After playing on librespot in kodi, it stays "stuck" on this device almost forever even after moving to different device)

    Hello friends,

    LibreELEC (Krypton) 8.2.5 MR, librespot 111q, Asus ChromeBox:

    Controlling Spotify (Pro account) on mobile device OnePlus3T with latest official OS (Android Oreo), and latest Spotify Android app.

    Since a few days ago, whenever transferring music play to Librespot, it doesn't "come back" to any other device.

    Meaning, the Spotify app still thinks that the librespot device is playing, even after touching another device or "play on this phone".

    The Librespot device remains "chosen" (in green color) even though actual audio is indeed played from the other device or from the phone.

    But of course, if I then want to resume playing in Librespot, I cannot! Since Spotify "thinks" that Librespot is already playing.

    (Sorry if the description is vague, it's difficult to explain :)

    Closing the app, or disconnecting/reconnecting WIFI, or even restarting the phone does not help. Eventually it gets cleared by itself somehow (after an hour or so?)

    To me it seems that Spotify (the company) changed something in the implementation of the Spotifiy Connect protocol (on server side) and now they wait for some end-of-connection data from librespot which they depend on, but do not receive.

    N.B. - this happens regardless of the auth mode in Librespot (discovery vs. username/password, and regardless of whether I set "show only local devices" in the phone app).

    If anyone has a clue or can help, many thanks, it's quite an annoying problem.

    And anyway thanks for the great addon :)


  • I can’t reproduce the issue with iOS Spotify app, and I have no Android device.

    Can anyone reproduce the issue?

    rklbrelc can you check if removing the cache of the Librespot addon fixes the issue (remove directory /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.librespot/cache).

  • I can’t reproduce the issue with iOS Spotify app, and I have no Android device.

    Can anyone reproduce the issue?

    rklbrelc can you check if removing the cache of the Librespot addon fixes the issue (remove directory /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.librespot/cache).

    After many more tries, I became quite convinced that the problem is due to bugs in the Spotify Android app, and not in the Librespot addon.

    Specifically, I'm guessing it has to do with the use of AdAway (via a systemless /etc/hosts file) which causes problems. There is some talk in the various Spotify forums about this.

    Restoring /system/etc/hosts to its pristine state seems to solve most of the problem, and the remaining issues look pretty much the same for Librespot as they do for other (non Kodi) Spotify Connect clients.

    If I come up with anything demonstrably specific to the addon, I'll report here.

    Thanks for the help...

    Edited once, last by rklbrelc (October 15, 2018 at 12:29 PM).

  • After many more tries, I became quite convinced that the problem is due to bugs in the Spotify Android app, and not in the Librespot addon.

    Specifically, I'm guessing it has to do with the use of AdAware (via a systemless /etc/hosts file) which causes problems. There is some talk in the various Spotify forums about this.

    Restoring /system/etc/hosts to its pristine state seems to solve most of the problem, and the remaining issues look pretty much the same for Librespot as they do for other (non Kodi) Spotify Connect clients.

    If I come up with anything demonstrably specific to the addon, I'll report here.

    Thanks for the help...

    Thank you for the feedback

    Keep us posted

  • works great for me so far.

    only thing what bothers me is when i listen to music it doesnt show the correct song play time / total length on the "now playing" screen. the time basically is just running forever...which actually is a bit annoying if you have a karaoke like lyrics addon installed. not that of a big deal though i´m not a singer anyway.. :D

    also the "next song" isn´t displaying at all.

    any way to get this running in the future or is it just not possible code wise?

  • works great for me so far.

    only thing what bothers me is when i listen to music it doesnt show the correct song play time / total length on the "now playing" screen. the time basically is just running forever...which actually is a bit annoying if you have a karaoke like lyrics addon installed. not that of a big deal though i´m not a singer anyway.. :D

    also the "next song" isn´t displaying at all.

    any way to get this running in the future or is it just not possible code wise?

    Spotify provides timing information but there is no easy way to pass it to Kodi (eg with updateInfoTag).

    If I or someone else finds a way, I will gladly implement it.

    In the meantime, use librespot to play and refer to your Spotify app for correct timing/lyrics/next track.

  • Hi everyone,

    So, just installed Librespot on my Odroid C2 running the latest CoreElec, and it's not working.

    I mean, the addon is installed but I can't see it on Spotify's devices list.

    Am I missing something?


  • Hi everyone,

    So, just installed Librespot on my Odroid C2 running the latest CoreElec, and it's not working.

    I mean, the addon is installed but I can't see it on Spotify's devices list.

    Am I missing something?



    Librespot is known to be running on your setup.

    Librespot does not appear on Spotify's device list while Kodi is playing something else. Therefore, make sure that Kodi is not playing anything when you want to use Librespot.

    If that is not the issue, please provide a log (journalctl -u service.librespot)

  • Hi,

    Librespot is known to be running on your setup.

    Librespot does not appear on Spotify's device list while Kodi is playing something else. Therefore, make sure that Kodi is not playing anything when you want to use Librespot.

    If that is not the issue, please provide a log (journalctl -u service.librespot)

    That's weird, because it's not working...I've tried everything (restart, reinstall, etc..)

    I don't know how to generate a log, though? Can you point me the way?
