S905 builds - general discussion

  • NAND install here, still about 18 seconds with kszaq new devl release. It probaby a few seconds faster but i have a delay set for mysql library.

    That explains it then. I don't really care about the boot time as it's rarely switched off if suspend is working. I use the NAND for thumbnails to speed loading but I'd rather keep libreelec installed on sd.

  • Promise is a strong word in my language and I only said I will try.

    I don't have a device with built-in tuner so I did some testing with envagyok and so far none of the drivers worked. I'm very short on time recently so the process is slow. I think I will try 2 more approaches to this and hopefully one of them works. If none of them does, I will give up on trying to make internal tuners work.


    Are there any news concerning above? Have you tried different approach already?

  • New development build to test: 2016-09-28-devel

    Changes from previous build:

    • tuned suspend to work a little better
    • Kodi setting for remote power button honored (you can choose between Suspend and Power off)
    • improved sending rate for Gigabit ethernet devices (turned off STMMAC_DA kernel option)

    Remember to use an updated device tree.

    How can we set up kodi to choice suspend or power off?

    Kszaq send me test versions, but unfortunately no one worked yet.
    I hope too, once will work it.

  • The shutdown behaviour is configured in

    Settings -> System -> Power Saving

    And is any way to set up this setting and cec to auto wakeup and auto turning on, when I turn on TV.
    The TV can my avr switch off/on.
    Possible to set up this for s905 too?

  • After some search in internet about avl6882 drivers see thread about TBS5520 linux drivers. This board use RafaelMicro R848 multi-standard tuner and AVL6882 demodulator same as K1 and K2 pro combo TV boxes. This thread i see patch to add drivers in Linux 3.x 4.x . Not posible to use this solution to make working built in DVB tuners in these boxes? Just mean, not have expirience to make it.

    The only difference is:
    TBS5520 connect via USB, and the KI Plus connect via I2S (I think????)

    I found this too:

  • What i understand, the alex libreelec k1 plus , amlinux.ru patch this driver and recognise by tvheadend

    You can use Alex's build until kszaq not made it.
    The negatively about that:
    No other additional dvb hardware can you use
    No multichannel pcm output
    Unstable cec

  • I try to use Alex build to my K2 pro combo, when use dtb.img from alex build box stuck in boot logo, when use dtb.img from stock firmware libreelec load, but tvheadend not see internal tuner.
    qashaf, What dtb.img you use with alex build to have working tuners?

  • I try to use Alex build to my K2 pro combo, when use dtb.img from alex build box stuck in boot logo, when use dtb.img from stock firmware libreelec load, but tvheadend not see internal tuner.
    qashaf, What dtb.img you use with alex build to have working tuners?

    I try to modify original dtb.img for alex build, but never tested it.

    After some search in internet about avl6882 drivers see thread about TBS5520 linux drivers. This board use RafaelMicro R848 multi-standard tuner and AVL6882 demodulator same as K1 and K2 pro combo TV boxes. This thread i see patch to add drivers in Linux 3.x 4.x . Not posible to use this solution to make working built in DVB tuners in these boxes? Just mean, not have expirience to make it.

    Let me notice in KI and KII pro combo is Avl6862 demodulator. I ported this driver in my builds, but it is for USB device. In KI and KII we need internal amlogic dvb frontend driver.

    LibreELEC:~ # ls -l /sys/bus/platform/devices/dvbfe.47/
    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Oct  1 01:00 driver -> ../../bus/platform/drivers/avl6862
    -r--r--r--    1 root     root          4096 Oct  1 01:00 modalias
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Oct  1 01:00 power
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             0 Aug 10 00:43 subsystem -> ../../bus/platform
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          4096 Aug 10 00:43 uevent
    LibreELEC:~ # 
    LibreELEC:~ #

    Edited once, last by afl1 (October 1, 2016 at 12:02 AM).

  • I try to use Alex build to my K2 pro combo, when use dtb.img from alex build box stuck in boot logo, when use dtb.img from stock firmware libreelec load, but tvheadend not see internal tuner.
    qashaf, What dtb.img you use with alex build to have working tuners?

    i test stock aisman.ru libreelec k1 plus 6.9.3 vrsion, means old kernel. tvheadend detect the tuner.


  • Yesterday tried dev build 2016-10-03 on Minix U1 and it has broken passtrough.
    It works but it skips all the time, like 0.5 sec on then 0.5 sec off.
    Didn't notice anything else.
    Also i did upgrade by putting that build image into update folder.
    Did i need to put new device tree for that build?
    If yes than how do i do it.
    I run LE from SD card, its not installed to internal.