VPN Manager for OpenVPN

  • when I try to run it I get an error that says it could not authenticate with VPN provider and to check user name/password

    Getting the same problem here. I had it set up and working fine with IPVanish, but it simply won't authenticate with NordVPN. I uninstalled the add-on completely, then re-installed via the Zomboided repo. Still no dice. The logs say:

    ERROR: VPN Mgr:(alternative.py) API call for https://api.nordvpn.com/v1/users/tokens,username=<redacted>&password=********
    ERROR: VPN Mgr:(alternative.py) Response was <class 'ssl.SSLError'> ('The read operation timed out')
    ERROR: VPN Mgr:(common.py) Could not authenticate with VPN provider. Please check user name and password and try again.
    WARNING: CPythonInvoker(27): Script invoked without an addon. Adding all addon modules installed to python path as fallback. This behaviour will be removed in future version.

    The username and password are definitely correct.

    Update: And now I'm seeing other things in the logs, including:

    Response was 522 Origin Connection Time-out, following by HTML for a web page that seems to suggest a connection failure between Cloudflare and NordVPN, thus:

    The initial connection between Cloudflare's network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web page can not be displayed.

    And my previous attempt resulted in:

    ERROR: VPN Mgr : (alternative.py) Response was 502 Bad Gateway

    And again an HTML page with:

    The web server reported a bad gateway error.

    [EDIT] Aaaaand once more, with feeling: having seen some surprising references to IPVanish in the logs (although I now think these were prior to switching the settings to NordVPN), I decided to do a reboot. This time, the authentication failure was simpler, not involving Cloudflare:

    11:17:30.112 T:1699488672  NOTICE: VPN Mgr : (service.py) Starting VPN monitor service, platform is 2, version is 5.0.7
    11:17:30.115 T:1699488672  NOTICE: VPN Mgr : (service.py) Kodi build is 17.6 Git:a9a7a20
    11:17:30.118 T:1699488672  NOTICE: VPN Mgr : (service.py) Addon path is /storage/.kodi/addons/service.vpn.manager/
    11:18:20.255 T:1699488672   ERROR: VPN Mgr : (alternative.py) Couldn't authenticate with NordVPN
    11:18:20.256 T:1699488672   ERROR: VPN Mgr : (alternative.py) API call was https://api.nordvpn.com/v1/users/tokens, username=<redacted>&password=********
    11:18:20.256 T:1699488672   ERROR: VPN Mgr : (alternative.py) Response was 401 Unauthorized
    11:18:20.274 T:1699488672   ERROR: VPN Mgr : (alternative.py) {"errors":{"code":101301,"message":"Unauthorized"}}
    11:18:21.228 T:1699488672   ERROR: VPN Mgr : (common.py) Could not authenticate with VPN provider.  Please check user name and password and try again.

    And finally...

    As so often happens, just after posting I find a solution.

    I downloaded a bunch of configuration files from here: NordVPN

    I selected just a few of the .ovpn files and put them in a folder on a USB stick, and plugged the stick into the RPi I'm using as my LibreELEC box.

    From the VPN Configuration screen I opted for 'User defined import wizard' and said 'yes' to the stuff about overwriting configurations etc.

    I chose the folder/directory option and pointed it at the folder on the USB stick with the .ovpn files.

    This left me with a config with 'user defined' instead of 'NordVPN', but still with the same username and password. I could then go into VPN Connections and select the required connections. And it works. Alas, still can't get BBC iPlayer here... :(

    Edited 3 times, last by speculatrix (December 1, 2018 at 11:08 AM).

  • I have an expired Nord account and it works fine right up until the connection to the VPN service.

    Who knows why it's not working for you, you've shared select entries you think are important from a log which may or may not have debug enabled.

  • I have an expired Nord account and it works fine right up until the connection to the VPN service.

    Who knows why it's not working for you, you've shared select entries you think are important from a log which may or may not have debug enabled.

    That's a pretty snotty attitude. I'm not an expert in this stuff and have gone to some trouble to provide information that I thought might be pertinent. The simple fact is, when I tried the NordVPN option provided, it didn't work. I found a work-around that did and shared that information. So for you to brush this off with, 'hey it works for me...' is arrogant and unhelpful.

  • That's a pretty snotty attitude. I'm not an expert in this stuff and have gone to some trouble to provide information that I thought might be pertinent. The simple fact is, when I tried the NordVPN option provided, it didn't work. I found a work-around that did and shared that information. So for you to brush this off with, 'hey it works for me...' is arrogant and unhelpful.

    You're right. I should not have tested my account at all. And I should have guessed at your issue from the excellent debug you provided. Stop being so self-entitled. This is free software, which I'm happy for you not to use.

  • Recently acquired a new VPN, from GhostPath, unfortunately when I import the ovpn file I get the error "Killall conflicts with ping"

    Will grab the full log later if this isn't enough :) Thanks

  • I think the error is 'keepalive conflicts with ping'. They both do kinda the same thing, keeping the connection active. You can disable adding ping by using the settings GUI (I think it's in the advanced tab), or you can delete keepalive from the the file you're sharing.

  • Alas, still can't get BBC iPlayer here..

    I have the same issue, even if I use a UK connection, so I go into the settings to disable vpn with iplayer

    If you resolve an IP to the ASN block that owns it you can tell (with reasonable accuracy) whether an IP is domestic or used for hosting, and similar to Netflix the BBC has started to routinely and aggressively block IP ranges associated with commercial hosting services. Combined with basic source IP monitoring (so you can see concentrations of connections coming from the same VPN exit nodes) it's quite simple to block VPN service providers.

  • Hello, thanks for the great addon.

    I have used it for a year or so with no issues however now it's not working. When connecting I get "Error connecting to first VPN, something unexpected happened. Check log etc..."

    From the log file, this line several times:

    Cannot resolve host address: mel-c01.ipvanish.com:443 (Name or service not known).

    Any ideas? I am illiterate with the code side of things.


    Update: I seem to be able to connect (to a different server, not preferred location) but it has "potential dns issues" and wont allow internet activity.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for this plugin. I try to use it for PureVPN. It's working with User Defined I have only small issue :

    - I get the list of .ovpn files for UDP and TCP from PureVPN (I tooke the zip file for OpenVPN setting). In this list, I have also a Wdc.key file. When I import the list, I can see that some path in the .ovpn are updated correctly but not the line with the .key file and I have also a warning about the pass.txt file after changing this its working (set chmod 777 to pass.txt)

    So, my question is : can you update the import to change the line:

    tls-auth Wdc.key 1 to tls-auth /storage/.kodi/addons/service.vpn.manager/Wdc.key 1

    and check the warning about the authorisation on pass.txt

    Thanks you

  • romuald I agree that the User Import should resolve that line properly. Thanks for mentioning this, I've opened an issue on GitHub here to fix this User Import misses some files · Issue #211 · Zomboided/service.vpn.manager · GitHub

    Until then, you can edit the files that are generated to the userdata directory to correct them with the right path yourself.

    Regarding any warnings, it's up to you to ensure that you're happy with the way the User Defined is set up and determine whether it's an issue. The reason for User Defined existing is to allow a way of using unsupported providers without me having to repeatedly spend time and effort ensuring they work. Or more prosaically in the case of PureVPN, support their shoddy service for free.