Sx05RE v1.8.6 Emulationstation+Lakka+Kodi

  • Hi Mxqproject, yeah I installed the backup you made as it seemed to be the only way of getting something similar to Sx05RE working on an S912 as I said I can run games from Retroarch but trying to launch ES2 just reboots Kodi, if you could make an updated build for an S912 that would be awesome. Àlso what happened to the ScottELEC build that was announced, is that still ongoing.

    ScottELEC isn't a Kodi build, it's a fork of Sx05RE for S805 devices with modifications and yeah it's still ongoing. As far as S912 goes I will test the old backup on my S912 boxes and see what's what then let you know.

  • Hi Mxqproject, yeah I installed the backup you made as it seemed to be the only way of getting something similar to Sx05RE working on an S912 as I said I can run games from Retroarch but trying to launch ES2 just reboots Kodi, if you could make an updated build for an S912 that would be awesome. Àlso what happened to the ScottELEC build that was announced, is that still ongoing.

    If you have a S912 its really not that hard to add Sx05RE to the source code, It was very difficult at the start since I didn't knew anything about LE, Lakka didn't really existed for the S905 and there was one other build doing it, that I knew off, but it was not to my liking. But I already did the research and heavy lifting and it is now mostly just moving a whole folder and enabling it on the project. I don't have any other boxes (and no plans to get any soon) so I can't officially test them or support them, but if you are willing I can help you enabling it.

    Edited once, last by niabi (March 2, 2018 at 2:07 AM).

  • Hi. I have another problem, I downloaded scrapers from ES menu and everything works fine, I can see the game cover and description, BUT when I leave ES to Kodi or shutdown/restart the system, the game covers dissapear despite the images are still on downloaded_images folder and the gamelist.xml is still on gamelist folder

    Edit: I just tried Sx095RE 1.8.2 and it works without problems, so there is some bugs on 1.8.3 (game cover dissapear and ps3 controller button mapping problem)

    Edited once, last by Lordjontan (March 2, 2018 at 3:53 PM).

  • Hi. I have another problem, I downloaded scrapers from ES menu and everything works fine, I can see the game cover and description, BUT when I leave ES to Kodi or shutdown/restart the system, the game covers dissapear despite the images are still on downloaded_images folder and the gamelist.xml is still on gamelist folder

    Edit: I just tried Sx095RE 1.8.2 and it works without problems, so there is some bugs on 1.8.3 (game cover dissapear and ps3 controller button mapping problem)

    I will check this, I don't really use the included scrapper, but I do recall there is an option to not write the XML on exit, maybe its not enabled on 1.8.3

    Edit: <bool name="SaveGamelistsOnExit" value="false" /> on es_settings.xml you need to change this to value="true"

    Edited once, last by niabi (March 2, 2018 at 6:05 PM).

  • I will check this, I don't really use the included scrapper, but I do recall there is an option to not write the XML on exit, maybe its not enabled on 1.8.3

    Edit: <bool name="SaveGamelistsOnExit" value="false" /> on es_settings.xml you need to change this to value="true"

    I have been doing some test. The problem with 1.8.3 is the image route on gamelist.xml when you scrape from the menu, in 1.8.2 the route begins with

    "<image>~/.emulationstation/downloaded_images/" but on 1.8.3 it begins with "<image>./station/downloaded_images/"

    As for controll maping problem, I don't know.

  • I have been doing some test. The problem with 1.8.3 is the image route on gamelist.xml when you scrape from the menu, in 1.8.2 the route begins with

    "<image>~/.emulationstation/downloaded_images/" but on 1.8.3 it begins with "<image>./station/downloaded_images/"

    As for controll maping problem, I don't know.

    Interesting... I am going to have to check on the ES source for any changes.

    can you go into ssh and try to create a symlink, like this:

    ln -s /storage/.emulationstation /storage/.station

    and see if that fixes the problem?

    Edited 2 times, last by niabi (March 2, 2018 at 7:30 PM).

  • Interesting... I am going to have to check on the ES source for any changes.

    can you go into ssh and try to create a symlink, like this:

    ln -s /storage/.emulationstation /storage/.station

    and see if that fixes the problem?

    Just tried it, but it doesn't work

  • im having this problem too, coming from 1.65 copying over the gamelist and atwork into root,es is not recognizing it, also networking from my win 10 wont connect on this version.

  • Just tried it, but it doesn't work

    well you are correct, the scraper is returning a funky directory, in my case is ./.nstation unfortunately I don't know how to fix this as I cant find a reason why this is happening. I don't recommend using the included scraper anyways since it never really works. a workaround would be to use GitHub - sselph/scraper: A scraper for EmulationStation written in Go using hashing the rpi2 version even works on the s905 without a problem.

  • im having this problem too, coming from 1.65 copying over the gamelist and atwork into root,es is not recognizing it, also networking from my win 10 wont connect on this version.

    where are you copying your gamelists ?

  • If you have a S912 its really not that hard to add Sx05RE to the source code, It was very difficult at the start since I didn't knew anything about LE, Lakka didn't really existed for the S905 and there was one other build doing it, that I knew off, but it was not to my liking. But I already did the research and heavy lifting and it is now mostly just moving a whole folder and enabling it on the project. I don't have any other boxes (and no plans to get any soon) so I can't officially test them or support them, but if you are willing I can help you enabling it.

    Hi niabi,

    That would be great if you could instruct me where to move the folder and enable it so I can try it, much appriciated.

  • Hi niabi and all the other developers,

    first of all I want to thank you guys for your hard work and continous contribution to the community. I follow the development of OpenELEC/LibreELEC since a long time but never found enough time to contribute myself to the projects. But at least I tried not to ask a lot of stupid beginner questions and find the solutions in the forums myself. But now I'm at a point of no return - I have to ask.

    I installed 1.8.3 on a Minix U1 - fixed some glitches and now it runs as I want.

    Except I cannot get my (OEM) PS3 Dualshock Controllers work over Bluetooth. On USB-cable everything works, but the pairing via BT doesn't. Tested with 4 different USB dongles and 4 different PS3 controllers. Tried different manuals on the net (LAKKA, RETROPIE, ...)

    I googled and read, that there could be a kernel problem - as far as I understood, the used amlogic kernel version in LibreELEC 8.2 is too old and has a bug concerning BT pairing. On LAKKA distribution it works straight out of the box (S905 and RPBi3).

    Can anyone confirm this issue ? Or does anyone has a solution for this?

  • Hi. This works for me, its a post from wrxtasy:

    The solution to Bluetooth connect the Sony PS3 Dualshocks to AMLogic devices is to:

    1) Connect controller via USB cord and then disconnect.

    2) Using a remote in LibreELEC Config > Bluetooth settings > Select the PS3 controller > Trust and Connect (NOT Pair)

    3) The most important bit - install the PS3 Game controller Addon from the Kodi Repo then.

    4) In Kodi Settings > System Settings > Input > Peripherals > Configure Games Controllers > Playstation > Config the controller buttons.

    The only problem I have now is that the four leds remain blinking forever