LibreELEC Krypton/Leia/Agile build for Odroid C2, Rock64, WeTek Hub, WeTek Play2

  • hi GDPR-1 libreelec 9 leia , It will come with the old kernel 3.14.29 or with the main kernel 4.xx ?

    And is the final release libreelec 9 with old kernel 3.14.29 ?

    It doesn't like like there will be anything newer than 3.14 in LE9 for AML. As far as I know we keep bugging AMlogic about the remaining issues to run mainline Kernel but I haven't seen much progress.

    It looks better on Rockchip and Allwinner to be honest.

  • crazyturk , would be nice to replace wp2 for other nice android box but with dual dvb-s2 tuner and libreelec support. But there is still nothing interesting in the stores


    Exactly, it would be fine, but unfortunately not.

    The S912 chip also has no native support.

    S922 Chip support comes vague.

    I think it's a shame that both the chipless and LibreELEC

    Best regards...

  • GDPR-1 i know you discontinued your builds but i only want to ask if deinterlace for ROCK64 with live tv (sd channels) will be fixed in official LE alpha?

    I recieved mine yesterday and played a bit with your latest leia build and i noticed that deinterlacing is not working but i think this is a known issue for rock64.


  • Afaik mpeg2 is still broken because of deinterlace. So you have sw Decoding for mpeg2 through ffmpeg.

    I can't say if it's going to be fixed for alpha1 but we plan to fix it.

  • GDPR-1 i know you discontinued your builds but i only want to ask if deinterlace for ROCK64 with live tv (sd channels) will be fixed in official LE alpha?

    I asked that same question about Rockchip recently to Kwiboo ...


    ..there is no current support for deinterlacing on rockchip, there is post-process support for deinterlace in the VPU IP that handles up to 1080p video. The issue is that we have no post-process support in (rk)mpp library, it is only implemented in the android version to my knowledge

    However you can software decode 480/576i mpeg2 content and then use the YADIF2x Software deinterlacer last time I tried with the RK3399 ODROID N1.

    HDR appears to not be working either...unless GDPR-1 knows something different ?

  • I asked that same question about Rockchip recently to Kwiboo ...

    However you can software decode 480/576i mpeg2 content and then use the YADIF2x Software deinterlacer last time I tried with the RK3399 ODROID N1.

    HDR appears to not be working either...unless GDPR-1 knows something different ?

    how to enable deinterlace with software decoding cause my sd channels looks like deinterlacing is not working at all...

  • Also there are no settings in player for HW acceleration. So i can’t turn of hw acceleration.

    Turning off Hardware Acceleration on a Rock64 would cause playback issues and certainly overheating and shutdown.

    Software decoding is currently used for SD MPEG2 (480/576i mpeg2 content) for the obvious current limitations and that causes temperatures to rise into the 80c zone.

    My Rock64 does lock up and freeze decoding 575i mpeg2 streams as a TVHeadend client playing TV channels.

    I've monitored the temp using wrxtasy 's temp monitoring ssh method and it happens at the high 80c.

    Doesn't always happen. Normally sits at mid 75c when playing 575i but on the odd occasion it does happen.

    After the freeze i unplug replug and it sits at mid 70c.

    Early days.

    Edited 2 times, last by kostaman (March 25, 2018 at 2:33 AM).

  • GDPR-1 I've been using your current build

    Rock64 4gb/EEMC 64gb LibreELEC-rock64.arm-rb-leia24

    I also had the stock Android running if SD Card was inserted which didn't run real well using SD card. (Slow As)

    I then installed Android Stock to EEMC and it runs very well.

    I then burnt your Leia 24 to sd card and inserted it to the Rock64 and powered up.

    Black Screen , Nothing.

    Is it not possible to boot via SD Card with your builds if EEMC is inserted with Android or am i missing something ??

  • It's something I never tried.