Of course not. Wrong thread. Sorry

Tvheadend nightly builds for LE
CvH -
December 31, 2016 at 1:30 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
I have been trying TVh4.3 myself in LE9 and i cant say it was not working, everything seemed working for me.
BUT it was very unstable, kept causing Kodi restarts.
Recently i also upgraded to Le10 nightly build & Cvh's build of TVh43 and i could not see any important changes regarding performance: Again crashes and (maybe just my idea, not sure) the web interface was sluggish sometimes, less responsive. (Intel GeminiLake, 8 Gb RAM)
wenn du den letzten scheiß haben willst musst du aber auch damit rechnen das es nicht so easy peasy geht
wenn du zu viele Alpha-/Beta-Tester hast, musst du das nur sagen !
- *ich* hatte mich nicht über dein addon beschwert -
Okay ?
- Official Post
wenn du zu viele Alpha-/Beta-Tester hast, musst du das nur sagen !
das war jetzt kein gewollte Beschwerde meinerseits, sorry wenn das bisschen komisch rüber kam
Just a question, with TVHeadend seeming like a project that has been sleeping for a very long time (I think 2 years) would looking to a different backend be worth it?
Don't get me wrong I have been using TVHeadend for many years and overall it does work but there are issues which look like they may not be fixed any time soon if at all.
- Official Post
there is none
at least nothing I know
vdr itself is in good shape but you need a lot extensions that are unmaintained etc so it is not good looking either
vdr itself is in good shape
I've been using vdr since 2004 on a dedicated pc. I also wrote a plug-in to control an old style jack.
When I finally switched to a tv box with dvb-tuner around two years ago (at a fraction of the size, noise, cost, electricity consumption and with much better performance), the idea was to use vdr. Unfortunately on this hardware it didn't play well with oscam (which I need for a legit card with an usb reader) so I had to use tvheadend (and push a patch to control my actuator
Just FYI.
- Official Post
vdr itself doesn't play with oscam at all
vdr itself is just the core, everything fancy are extensions - that are mostly in pretty outdated shape
Right, I forgot about the dvbapi plugin. Well, one way or another it didn't work
but now I got used to tvheadend (though I still miss some of the feautures of vdr, like the plain text configuration files).
What about the mythTV backend? It does seem to be under active development still
- Official Post
What about the mythTV backend?
tbh no idea, never got it working and the website itself is not helpful either
but if someone tries I am happy to hear feedback
from the outside it looks like vdr just more complex and even less user friendly
tbh no idea, never got it working and the website itself is not helpful either
but if someone tries I am happy to hear feedback
from the outside it looks like vdr just more complex and even less user friendly
MythTV does work, and you nailed it pretty much on the head tho. It's way more complex than it needs to be and not very user friendly. There is a setup GUI which only runs under X, it's awful. Most of the crap you want to get done you better know SQL, because there is a lot of backend DB tweaks -- just to avoid the UI to some extent. It is also, at least for me, a bit buggy and crashes occasionally when switching recordings while watching LliveTV. They have a more or less unsupported web front-end called Mythweb, which they push you to the built in one in MythTV backend that crashes the backend when you use it, so much for process isolation.
One thing noteworthy is PVR IPTV Simple & MythTV PVR in Kodi will crash Matrix 19 on start up, never ran them together before, but the Pluto add-on had PVR IPTV Simple as a dependency, so I ended up just uninstalling Pluto and PVR IPTV Simple and moved on with my life. Didn't really need it. But there are historically, at least for me, problems with MythTV PVR addon or PVR in Kodi in general, deadlocks and the sort that still occur.
For anyone interested in trying MythTV on RPi 4, see the following post(s) MythTV v31 RPi4 install instructions in the MythTV Raspberry Pi forum.
Still dont understand why anyone would want to try something else that is not user friendly, may not work, cause crashes, or whatever.
OK, i understand that TVheadend development may be slow at this time, BUT, its a proven workhorse! It just gets the job done, does the job right and never complains (aka no major bugs, and TVH 4.2 with LE 9.x its stable, never causes system freeze/crash) It just does everything that anyone would expect it to do. What more would you need it to do? A honest curiosity lol
Each person is entitled to their own view of what is user friendly or not. Personally I find setting up both Tvheadend and MythTV quite complex. For day-to-day use I find both of these quite enjoyable, with a preference for MythTV as it has been better at deciphering and displaying Closed Captions embedded in OTA ATSC shows.
From my experience using Kodi (5 years), Tvheadend (3 years), and MythTV (10 years), all of the front ends occasionally crash. However frontend crashes while watching a recording are extremely rare (at least for me). A restart of the frontend was all that I needed to continue watching. These frontend crashes have not adversely impacted the ability of the backend to record.
Still dont understand why anyone would want to try something else that is not user friendly, may not work, cause crashes, or whatever.
Today, I am not sure I would recommend it which is why I laid out the problems I have seen with MythTV. But you must realize that MythTV is ancient, it has been around at least 20 years already, so Tvheadend wasn't really an option back then.
Tvheadend isn't so easy either, in my book. The UI is slick, when I gave 4.0 or 4.2 a ride, it was a little difficult to get it running, and a bit annoying that there was no SQL database backing it (just JSON files). But it is far more modern than MythTV, if I recall it uses a microservices architecture, so that's pretty nifty.
These frontend crashes have not adversely impacted the ability of the backend to record
My issues are MythTV backend crashes, when switching recordings and accessing the built-in web UI via :6544. Single process multi-threading isn't all that great when you have bugs.
Still dont understand why anyone would want to try something else that is not user friendly, may not work, cause crashes, or whatever.
OK, i understand that TVheadend development may be slow at this time, BUT, its a proven workhorse! It just gets the job done, does the job right and never complains (aka no major bugs, and TVH 4.2 with LE 9.x its stable, never causes system freeze/crash) It just does everything that anyone would expect it to do. What more would you need it to do? A honest curiosity lol
I was just asking the question because if TVheadend development has stopped then at some point we will have to migrate to something. I think all the backends are complicated when it comes to configuring them. If you have never seen tvheadend before and was asked to set it up it would take a long time to figure it all out. Anyway like I said I was just throwing the question out their as at the moment TVHeadend appears to be a dead project.