RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)

  • chrome = google-chrome-stable
    spotify = spotify

    As for loading remote roms, look at /storage/.config/system.d/cifs.mount.sample to see how.

    20161109 uploaded:

    - Blu-Ray disc playback with makemkv (untested, please test) - needs the addon from my google drive and a license
    - Removed the xf86-video-nvidia-legacy driver (anyone still use geforce 6 and 7?) which cuts the size down to ~485MB

  • chrome = google-chrome-stable
    spotify = spotify

    As for loading remote roms, look at /storage/.config/system.d/cifs.mount.sample to see how.

    20161109 uploaded:

    - Blu-Ray disc playback with makemkv (untested, please test) - needs the addon from my google drive and a license
    - Removed the xf86-video-nvidia-legacy driver (anyone still use geforce 6 and 7?) which cuts the size down to ~485MB

    Tested your MakeMKV with Milhouse 1106 build, works great!
    Yes you need to manually make a settings.conf with the latest beta key and add some lines to
    There's some guides floating around I believe.

    Tested a BD+ disc and it works!

    Will try tomorrow to fsck the partition and see if I can install your version.

  • No autostart needed I made the necessary adjustments in my latest build.


    Your image looks great, and I just wanted to try it.

    Any idea, what could possibly be wrong, if the Pi does not even start, when I input the SD Card?

    I wrote the following image to the SD card with the Win32Diskimager and I also tried with the LibreElec image tool:

    Any idea, what I could be doing wrong?

    Thank you!!!

  • I've got problems with the newest version of libreelec extended edition (LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0-devel-20161109.img.gz) and tvheadend 4.2 version 8.0.107.

    In the log file from tvheadend it says:

    /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend42/bin/tvheadend: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Is there anything I can do to make it work?

  • Yeah, the major version of LibreSSL was bumped unintentionally. New builds with downgraded LibreSSL are on the way in like half an hour :) You could probably create a symlink in the addon lib dir and it would work.

  • 20161110 "Trump Edition":

    - Fixed LibreSSL issue with some addons
    - Fixed issue with binaries linked against readline not running due to missing symbol UP (bluetoothctl, connmanctl, parted, some others)
    - New packages: htop, nmon, dstat, rsync
    - Updated packages: mesa, vice, fs-uae, dolphin, fbalpha-libretro, pcsx_rearmed-libretro, netbsd-curses, readline

  • 20161110 "Trump Edition":

    - Fixed LibreSSL issue with some addons
    - Fixed issue with binaries linked against readline not running due to missing symbol UP (bluetoothctl, connmanctl, parted, some others)
    - New packages: htop, nmon, dstat, rsync
    - Updated packages: mesa, vice, fs-uae, dolphin, fbalpha-libretro, pcsx_rearmed-libretro, netbsd-curses, readline

    Did I also see that you added gpsp?

  • Ok turned out my boot parition was in FAT16, not 32.
    So modifying this with gparted, luckily partition was still intact after resize with my efi files intact.

    I'll try your version now, should be ok.

    Hopefully MakeMKV still works with the older LibreSSL!

    EDIT: I saw you updated the addon as well.
    Running smooth here!

    Edited once, last by Fietspomp (November 11, 2016 at 6:22 AM).

  • a silly question, is there any way to avoid kodi auto boot and launch instead emulationstation or retroarch directly?

    I have an old arcade cabinet with a very old PC running winxp/hyperspin and I have found a newer PC that I want to use but I want an easy and fast installation system like the ones in the Pi, since retropie requieres previous ubuntu installaion my only alternative right now is lakka, but if I could use libreelec (what is very familiar for me) and boot into gaming frontend it would be great.


  • It's certainly possible but it would require some modification. I have been thinking to make it configurable through a file in /storage/.config, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

    As a quick hack you could disable the kodi service in your squashfs and then launch your frontend through

  • It's certainly possible but it would require some modification. I have been thinking to make it configurable through a file in /storage/.config, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

    As a quick hack you could disable the kodi service in your squashfs and then launch your frontend through

    ok, the autostart method is what I was thinking about, kill kodi and launch frontend using but I suppose kodi has to start then kill so this will take some extra time during boot.

    I need to get some info about squashfs and its modification.

    thanks again!

  • Actually, you can just launch emulationstation in autostart. Kodi won't start until autostart exits, which it won't if emulationstation is running. So no need to change the squash.

  • Actually, you can just launch emulationstation in autostart. Kodi won't start until autostart exits, which it won't if emulationstation is running. So no need to change the squash.

    nice! first I will try this hack in my pi, then I will install your build in my arcade PC.
