I flashed Finless 2.1 on my box and the flashed this file as you mentioned. I got an error in recovery after reboot. I then attempted to flash the s82 new image again and I got file system corrupt error... No Luck!

S802/S812-Libreelec images for 7/8/9
Demetris -
December 7, 2016 at 10:38 PM -
Thread is Resolved
I realize this may be disloyal to this forum but Alex has Leia 18.2 RC1 working great on the ARM. I've SD installed the AlexELEC-S9XX.arm-3.0.4.img.gz
I'm sure Alexelec does good work and I'm sure its all legitimate, but the addition of extra gaming stuff makes it feel way too "BUY THIS UBER LOADED BOX"ish to me. I would much rather have just a clean Kodi install and add what I like later.
Thanks for the suggestion though.
I flashed Finless 2.1 on my box and the flashed this file as you mentioned. I got an error in recovery after reboot. I then attempted to flash the s82 new image again and I got file system corrupt error... No Luck!
I managed to flash the other mxIII rom and it installed fine. Installtointernal doesn't seem to work, and the ethernet doesn't work, even if I set an ip manually.
has anyone got a s812 tronsmort mxiii 1GB working on kodi 17 or 18?, I have no wired internet using this build
set kodi setting in "expert mode" , define a whitelist
did this work for anybody? how did you define a while list.
decided to go back to 8.2.3 for now.
did this work for anybody? how did you define a while list.
decided to go back to 8.2.3 for now.
file:settingssettingslevel-leia.png -> set to "expert mode"
https://kodi.wiki/view/settings/player => adjust display refresh rate -> start/stop
https://kodi.wiki/view/settings/system/display => define a whitelist eg : your tv runs at 1080p 60hz. In the whitelist put :1080p 60hz 1080p 24hz
like this your tv refresh rate will change to 24hz when is needed, limiting the judder.
Thank you Demetris. For supporting these boxes!
I have just updated from 8.2.3 to 9 using your LibreELEC-MXIII_Plus.arm-9.0-devel-20190207022938-5e27f15.
I had the same issue above, regarding system freeze when fast forwarding and stopping a video. But after changing to start/stop and whitelisting some resolutions that fixed it. (thank you datrh)
I cannot installtointernal via ssh.
LibreELEC:~ # installtointernal
sh: installtointernal: Permission denied
But all seems good, even running on a really old sd card lol
l can t update 9.0 my mx iii 4 k.
l think aml.autoscript.zip can t work... Thanks
Thank you Demetris. For supporting these boxes!
I have just updated from 8.2.3 to 9 using your LibreELEC-MXIII_Plus.arm-9.0-devel-20190207022938-5e27f15.
I had the same issue above, regarding system freeze when fast forwarding and stopping a video. But after changing to start/stop and whitelisting some resolutions that fixed it. (thank you datrh)
I cannot installtointernal via ssh.
LibreELEC:~ # installtointernal
sh: installtointernal: Permission denied
But all seems good, even running on a really old sd card lol
try : chmod +x installtointernal (to get the right permission on the file )and then type : installtointernal
ok guys since my devices have updates mixed up as i flashed custom bootloaders on them i will try to revert to oem amlogic bootloader that all of you have and try again to produce working images for all people
Sorry for the mess i caused for some of you.
Will take a while though, do you want the released images removed in the mean time? Let me know.
I have been trying to flash bootloaders to get you latest s82 image to boot but still no success. I flashed the boot loader from this thread: [ROM] Unofficial OpenELEC for MXIII-G & Tronsmart MXIII+ - FreakTab
I could not find any other bootloaders to flash. I tried flashing the latest firmware from here: MXIII Plus Android TV Box Firmwares -
But that just says error wrong device.
If there is a bootloader I should flash I sure would appreciate some guidance, as I have been searching and flashing for a long time trying to figure it out.
file:settingssettingslevel-leia.png -> set to "expert mode"
https://kodi.wiki/view/settings/player => adjust display refresh rate -> start/stop
https://kodi.wiki/view/settings/system/display => define a whitelist eg : your tv runs at 1080p 60hz. In the whitelist put :1080p 60hz 1080p 24hz
like this your tv refresh rate will change to 24hz when is needed, limiting the judder.
I did this and it still locks up Kodi when I hit the stop button or try and scroll forward or backward.
file:settingssettingslevel-leia.png -> set to "expert mode"
https://kodi.wiki/view/settings/player => adjust display refresh rate -> start/stop
https://kodi.wiki/view/settings/system/display => define a whitelist eg : your tv runs at 1080p 60hz. In the whitelist put :1080p 60hz 1080p 24hz
like this your tv refresh rate will change to 24hz when is needed, limiting the judder.
Hi all,
I did these steps and mine also freezes when I FastForward or stop video.
Hi all,
I did these steps and mine also freezes when I FastForward or stop video.
It did so for me as well until I set the display resolution (Settings-System-Display-Resolution) to 1920x1080 (for me it defaulted to 1280). I would assume you'd need to match whatever your TV's resolution is and set the whitelist to match.
try : chmod +x installtointernal (to get the right permission on the file )and then type : installtointernal
Hi datrh, I just tried that and got this error...
LibreELEC:~ # chmod +x installtointernal
chmod: installtointernal: No such file or directory
LibreELEC:~ # installtointernal
-sh: installtointernal: Permission denied
LibreELEC:~ #
Do you know of anything else to try? many thanks
this did the job. Worked perfectly.
LibreELEC:~ # cp /usr/sbin/installtointernal /tmp
LibreELEC:~ # chmod a+x /tmp/installtointernal
LibreELEC:~ # /tmp/installtointernal
This script will erase BOOT, SYSTEM, and DATA on your device
and install LE that you booted from SD card/USB drive.
The script does not have any safeguards!
It did so for me as well until I set the display resolution (Settings-System-Display-Resolution) to 1920x1080 (for me it defaulted to 1280). I would assume you'd need to match whatever your TV's resolution is and set the whitelist to match.
Mine was already at 1080. I tried changing down to 720p. I tried different HDMI cables. I Tried different HDMI inputs on my TV. (BTW my TV is a RCA 48" LED Dont know the exact model but that should be new enough) Nope 17.6 works nice. Any suggestions for getting 18 to work so far has resulted in hard lockups when trying to stop a video or scroll backward or forward.
EDIT: Still waiting for a 9.0.1 version. The base 9.0.1 has been out for about 2 weeks now.
this did the job. Worked perfectly.
LibreELEC:~ # cp /usr/sbin/installtointernal /tmp
LibreELEC:~ # chmod a+x /tmp/installtointernal
LibreELEC:~ # /tmp/installtointernal
my bad , you're right. I always forget the read-only part.
Hello, I'm new to this forum. I would like to know the exact procedure to install librelec on my old MXIII S802 2GB Ram (not Plus, not G). It's completely stock 109k4 firmware.
Thanks in advance
This is just great, thanks so much. A new lease of life for my senile old M8 box.
Only one problem here, all 3 shutdown options just reboot so have to pull the power to switch off. Otherwise perfect. (Eny M8 Square box)