As - FYI:
I have just done an inital run test on VMware ESXi, 7.0.3, 22348816 of the 11.0.6 OVA with the following output and "working" - I did not play any media.
Power Status Powered On
Guest OS Linux 6.1.74 LibreELEC (official): 11.0.6 LibreELEC 11.0 16216c3214a725e2b418b685504350a584baf12f
VMware Tools Running, version:2147483647 (Guest Managed)
DNS Name LibreELEC
IP Addresses xx.xx.xx.xx
Encryption Not encrypted
CPU 1 CPU(s), 2160 MHz used
Memory 1 GB, 1 GB memory active
Hard disk 1 4 GB | Thin Provision xxx-Datastore001
Network adapter 1 net1 (connected) | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Compatibility Workstation 12 and later (VM version 12)
LibreELEC:~ # pastekodi