For PI 5 youll find nightly releases with LE 11 here:

LibreELEC support for Raspberry Pi 5
For PI 5 youll find nightly releases with LE 11 here:
Thank you - I shall give this a try!
The LE12 releases are also fine:
I installed LibreELEC-RPi5.arm-11.0-nightly-20231104-300a514 on my new PI 5 with active cooling the fan is connected on the official fan connector.
I note that it seems to turn on at already 49°C and turns off at 46°C
That makes it running almost all the time. Turning on at 75°C and off at 55°C would be much better according to me.
How can this range be changed in LibreElec? I suspect via config.txt but I can't find the needed setting for it.
Note that I read the following at:…berry-pi-5.html
Both of the available official accessories are actively managed by the Raspberry Pi firmware: at 60°C the fan will be turned on, at 67.5°C fan speed increases, and finally at 75°C the fan steps up to full speed. When the temperature drops back below these limits, the fan will spin down automatically.
But this is really not the case when running libreelec.
I installed LibreELEC-RPi5.arm-11.0-nightly-20231104-300a514 on my new PI 5 with active cooling the fan is connected on the official fan connector.
I note that it seems to turn on at already 49°C and turns off at 46°C
It seems the documentation is wrong, the kernel / device tree trip points match your observations - first trip point is at 50°C with a hysteresis of 5°C (i.e. turn on at 50°C and off at 45°C)
linux/arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm2712-rpi-5-b.dts at rpi-6.1.y · raspberrypi/linuxKernel source tree for Raspberry Pi-provided kernel builds. Issues unrelated to the linux kernel should be posted on the community forum at…github.comFrom a quick glance the trip points can't be configured yet, but this should be doable with some future dtparams or a dtoverlay.
Best ask on the RPi forums about that or open an issue on the RPi kernel github issue page
so long,
It seems the documentation is wrong, the kernel / device tree trip points match your observations - first trip point is at 50°C with a hysteresis of 5°C (i.e. turn on at 50°C and off at 45°C)
Thank you very much for your answer.
I also looked further and I think you are correct.
It's also not a specific LibreElec thing.
I did found this also for ubunto on the PI 5:…in-ubuntu-23-10
At the end there is something interesting:
This also works for LibreElec. You can read/write /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device0/cur_state
Writing 0 stops the fan and each increasing number (till 4) makes it run faster.
So with a script running each 5 seconds I can make a work-around.
Is the firmware check and update going to be enabled like for the Pi 4?
Installed 12 nightly on rpi5. So far things are working (CEC, eARC, 4k), played few media files.
Just I don't see support for sleep and CEC-based resume. Is hardware capable of these or is that software issue only?
Sleep (suspend/resume) isn't supported. From what I've read the hardware should be capable to support that so it might get added in the future (but OFC not promises if/when that might happen).
so long,
Since LE 12 is still nightly would there be an option to go from the nightly directly to 12 stable when will it come out without having to reinstall?
Also any estimates when LE 12 would be released? Any hopes by the end of the year?
Yes, you'll be able to update from LE12 nightly to LE12 official release.
No ETA for LE 12.0.0 yet, but I'd guess 24Q1 could be possible (certainly not this year).
so long,
I just got my brand new Pi5 delivered.
I'm wondering, can I safely use a Pi4 with LibreELEC 11 and the Pi5 with LibreELEC 12-nightly side by side, while tehy use a shared MariaDB for the Audio and Video libraries?
Or will it cause issues and should I also upgrade the Pi4 to use 12?
If you have one on LE11 and one on LE12 it will "work" but they're accessing different versions of the DB so you loose watched/unwatched status and you'll need to scrape new content into both DB's. The LE12 nightlies are stable to use. There will be a kernel bump to Linux 6.6 at some point soon; that's one of our critera before moving to LE12 beta > release.
If you have one on LE11 and one on LE12 it will "work" but they're accessing different versions of the DB so you loose watched/unwatched status and you'll need to scrape new content into both DB's. The LE12 nightlies are stable to use. There will be a kernel bump to Linux 6.6 at some point soon; that's one of our critera before moving to LE12 beta > release.
One down, more to go. The main one is Kodi moving to RC releases. There are still some important changes pending upstream. In the past we'd be trying to release-match Kodi with beta's and such but these days (older, wiser, etc.) we're not in a rush.
Just got my Pi5 in today, and I'm chomping at the bit!
I've got the latest LE12 nightly downloaded, and I fired up the USB-SD creator. Which version to I select in Step 1? Will one of the Pi4 versions work or do I go with "Generic"?
Free Man You need to manually drag/drop the LE12 RPi5 nightly image onto the creator app and then write the image to the SD card. There are currently no LE11 "release" versions (only LE11/LE12 nightlies) so there is nothing to select from the drop lists. RPi4 images do not work with RPi5.
Ah, I see. It's step 1 OR step 2, I see.
I did download and select the latest LE12 release in step 2, so I presume it used that one, but maybe not, since it's not properly starting LE/Kodi. I'll do it again without selecting anything in step 1 and see if that helps. If not, I'll go find the LE12 thread and search for/report my issue there.