Upgrade question 9 to 11

  • I upgraded from LE9 to 11- all from within Kodi using the LE config add-on.

    After this I read that this should be done as a clean install, not from within kodi. However my system appears to be working ok.

    1. Should I redo my installation 'clean'?

    2. Can I clean install, then restore from backup to keep my skin settings, sources, library etc. without reverting to my old 'unclean' installation?


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  • However my system appears to be working ok.

    Hi, Upgrade from LE9 to LE10/11 is not recommended because too many things is changed and that often lead to different problems. But that not means always ends with problems. I suggest to you, test your system and if you don't found any issue, keep it as is now.

  • The "clean install" advice is all about mitigating add-on update problems that can occur with the Python2 > Python3 change from LE10 and later. If users have a simple setup there's generally no problem with the direct update. However if users have third-party, or not installed from a repo that contains the updated Python3 version of the add-on things can crash, and if that happens it can be challenging for less technical users to self-recover and we're not staffed for the effort. If your update went fine.. "if it works, don't fix it" applies :)