[8.0.2c] LibreELEC 8.0 builds for KI Plus / KII Pro / KI Pro

  • afl1 , about oscam > tvh configuration... pc-nodmx is old protocol . Better is use new like that:

    and Oscam.conf

    enabled                       = 1
    au                            = 1
    pmt_mode                      = 4
    listen_port                   = 9000
    user                          = dvbapi
    boxtype                       = pc

    Save changes, restart LE and everything should works perfect :)

    Edited once, last by zbigzbig20 (February 9, 2017 at 10:41 PM).

  • pvr.hts-4.0.6.zip is buggy. Use pvr.hts - from LibreELEC repository.

    Same issue in both pvr.hts. Sometimes kodi after buffering is unable starts playback. But pvr thinks it did. This status is permanent and switching channel doesn't help. Starting playback from other source (e.g. play movie from hd) fix this status. It must be bug in kodi or in pvr addon.

    After short investigation, I am sure, the issue is in amlogic hw decoding SD formats. I know about this issue since I was starting build Krypton versions. I fixed it allowing hw decoding only for HD formats. For SD mpeg2 there is enough CPU power for smooth playback, but for h264 SD sw decoding is on the edge cpu performance, and playback is stuttering and blocky.

    As a evidence I uploaded two short SD h264 recordings:

    The first one has playback issue but second is safe.
    Start playback and push left arrow, playback advance back to 0 sec and in 99% stops, while time counter is advancing forever. Look following pictures:

    Edited once, last by afl1 (February 10, 2017 at 11:43 AM).

  • Hotbird 13E TP 11508V and 11393 V
    K1Plus software version: breELEC-S905.arm-8.0-devel-7.95.beta5N-20170208144157.img.gz

    But the same scan issue is also with old driver. Driver has more parts: tuner, demodulator, demuxer and frontend. Tuner and demodulator parts are new and base on public software. Demuxer is old. S905 has hw demuxer and soft is written by amlogic. This part is buggy, PES filtering, causing scan issue. I am trying debug and fix this part. Now can anyone contribute to fix this as the complete driver sources are published.

  • I previously reported a stutter in sport I watch.

    afl1 suggested..
    In Player sttings -> Videos:
    - Adjust display refresh rate : On start/stop
    - Sync playback to display : off
    - Allow hardware acceleration - amcodec: On
    - Accelerate MPEG2: Always
    - Accelerate MPEG$: Always
    - Accelerate h264: Always

    In System settings -> Display:
    - Refresh rate: TV refresh rate in your country, in Europe 50 Hz

    I followed the advice, leaving the telly on its set 60 Hz rate.

    My problem has seeming gone

    Thank you again afl1

  • But the same scan issue is also with old driver. Driver has more parts: tuner, demodulator, demuxer and frontend. Tuner and demodulator parts are new and base on public software. Demuxer is old. S905 has hw demuxer and soft is written by amlogic. This part is buggy, PES filtering, causing scan issue. I am trying debug and fix this part. Now can anyone contribute to fix this as the complete driver sources are published.

    I would be interested in helping.
    I have written Linux drivers and also userspace software demultiplexers for many earth observation satellites.
    However I am not familiar with the Linux DVB drivers and I know nothing about the S905 hardware demultiplexer.

    Nevertheless I would be much more interested in doing this in the mainline Linux kernel rather than continuing to fiddle with an old 3.14.x kernel.
    AIUI mainline S905 SoC support has improved greatly recently and Mali support seems to be on its way :)
    Do you know what else is preventing migration to a mainline kernel?
    (AFAICS WiFi, if missing, is not essential to test the DVB drivers and the KI Plus could temporarily run headless without Mali and HDMI support.)

  • afl1 , about oscam > tvh configuration... pc-nodmx is old protocol . Better is use new like that:

    and Oscam.conf

    enabled                       = 1
    au                            = 1
    pmt_mode                      = 4
    listen_port                   = 9000
    user                          = dvbapi
    boxtype                       = pc

    Save changes, restart LE and everything should works perfect :)

    Nobody knows the llisten_port of DTV on android?

    Edited once, last by algdu83 (February 11, 2017 at 8:39 AM).

  • I would be interested in helping.
    I have written Linux drivers and also userspace software demultiplexers for many earth observation satellites.
    However I am not familiar with the Linux DVB drivers and I know nothing about the S905 hardware demultiplexer.

    Nevertheless I would be much more interested in doing this in the mainline Linux kernel rather than continuing to fiddle with an old 3.14.x kernel.
    AIUI mainline S905 SoC support has improved greatly recently and Mali support seems to be on its way :)
    Do you know what else is preventing migration to a mainline kernel?
    (AFAICS WiFi, if missing, is not essential to test the DVB drivers and the KI Plus could temporarily run headless without Mali and HDMI support.)

    I am only adopting internal dvb driver, for kernel you have to ask kszaq.

  • Scanned in Ku band satellite with no issues on latest configuration (post #1). No luck scanning C-band satellite for some reason (was working on the Jan 2017 firmware).

    Edited once, last by Bitman (February 11, 2017 at 10:13 AM).

  • I am only adopting internal dvb driver, for kernel you have to ask kszaq.

    I am not sure that I understand :(
    The internal DVB driver must be in a kernel (albeit your 3.14.x one, not the mainline one).
    (Or else in a loadable kernel module which is essentially the same thing.)

    Is your source code under the GPL (it should be) or only a proprietary licence?
    Is the relevant source code at GitHub - afl1/LibreELEC.tv at 7.95.beta5N ?
    If so I shall have a look.

    Edited once, last by shadowmask (February 11, 2017 at 10:27 AM).

  • I also have problem to scan DVB-C via internal tuner with latest drivers. TVh return scan no data failed message for all 34 transponders. If scan with external USB DVB-c tuner , then no problem to watch with internal dvb-c tuner and worked good with oscam.
    afl1 , regards for hard workwith internal driver, if need logs from dvb-c scan internal tuner, im ready to make it and post.