WARNING: please ignore this post.
Sorry, this must have been the solution I used under Ubuntu on my KI Plus clone.
It seems that it does not work on LE 
I swear I responded to this... the gremlins ate it?
ssh into your box and do this.
If you get something like: ERROR invalid mac addr:00:00:00:00:00:00, assign random MAC, you are probably just going to have to deal with the two problems mentioned above.
You would need to make a script that would run at boot that would change the MAC address to the same numbers every time.
You could try this... it may or may not work.
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To set the MAC address permanently, ssh into your box as root and, using a text editor, you need something like :-
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
hwaddress ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
This can either be added to your /etc/network/interfaces file or else in a file eth0 in the /etc/network/interfaces.d directory.
You should replace 00:11:22:33:44:55 with your MAC address.
Obviously the above assumes that eth0 is the interface you wish to change.
(It is generally correct for the first wired interface.)
However you can see the interfaces on your system by running :-
The new settings will take effect after a reboot but for them to come into effect immediately run :-
/etc/init.d/networking restart
N.B. you will probably lose your ssh connection, especially if this is the interface you are connected through.